Lowongan Kerja Hoka-hoka bento

Dec 27, 2012

Hoka Hoka Bento was first established under the auspices of PT. Eka Bogainti. With the first restaurant located in the Garden Bean, Jakarta. Hoka Hoka Bento serves Japanese food is healthy, varied, hygienic, fast food with affordable prices and good atmosphere. It makes Hoka Hoka Bento as a restaurant with the concept of “Japanese Fast Food” in Indonesia.

hoka hoka bento is the pioneer and one of the largest Japanese fast food restaurant in Indonesia with variety of products, and affordable price. established in 1985, we have more than 100 branches in JABODETABEK, Bandung, and surabaya,we offer challenging career for high achievers to be part of our team

Hoka Hoka Bento expanded the Japanese Fast Food concept to Bandung. Until now, Hoka Hoka Bento has 12 stores that spread in various locations in Bandung.

Hoka Hoka Bento opened its first store in Surabaya. As time goes, Hoka Hoka Bento now has 10 stores that spread in various locations in Surabaya. Starting July 18th 2008, Hoka Hoka Bento could also be found in Malang.

Lowongan Kerja Hoka Hoka Bento

  1. Financial Staff
  2. Local Marketing Officer
  3. Internal Audit Officer
  4. Quality Assurance Staff

Financial Staff


  • Male maximum 28 years old
  • Minimum Diploma or Bachelor Degree from Accounting or financial, with GPA 3.00
  • Fresh graduate are walcome to apply
  • Having good knowledge in treasury & basic financial
  • Having good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Having good attitude, initiative, and detail oriented
  • Independent and able to work in as a team

Local Marketing Officer

  • Age max; 32 years old
  • Female is preferred
  • Attractive appearance
  • Bachelor degree in any major
  • Have a strong ability to conceptual & analytical think (SWOT Analysis)
  • Have a good communication skill, persuasive & high achievement motivation
  • Ability to concept development & implementation of promotion/event for marketing program
  • Computer literate & proficient in english
  • Have experience 2 years in marketing communication, event & marketing development

Internal Audit Officer


  • Max. 30 years old
  • Min. Bachelor Degree in Management, Food Technology / Engineering (Industrial) with GPA min. 3.00
  • Experiences min. 2 years as Internal Audit in food & beverage/catering industrial company
  • Have good knowledge of food processing, GHP & HACCP
  • Have good knowledge of ISO (Quality Management System)
  • Have good knowledge to create standart operating procedure (SOP)
  • Have good communication & interpersonal skills
  • Good in english & Computer literate
  • Fresh Graduated welcome to apply

Quality Assurance Staff


  • Max. 28 years old
  • Graduated from Food Technology / Industrial Engineering
  • Have experience min. 2 years as R&D Analysis or Quality Assurance Staff
  • Have knowledge of Food Engineering, Food Safety Management, Statistic Analysis, Research Methodology and Quality Management System
  • Have Knowledge of food processing, GHP, GMP, HACCP & ISO 22000

How to apply

Please send your application to :

 PO.BOX 8352 JKT 12083
 Jl. Raya Poncol no. 2, Ciracas – Jakarta Timur 13740


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lowongan kerja BII

Our vision is to become the best local bank providing world class standard of customer service and product innovation.

One of Bii strategy to aim that vision is by aligning the organization, human resources and culture. This will include establish a high performance, merit based organization; develop best-in class HR to support people development and promote teamwork, align the organization to support the business priorities, and perform our work according to our Code of Ethic and Code of Conducts at all times.

To actualize that, Bii determine that hiring the best talent who have strong passionate to grow, high integrity, continuous learning attitude, think out of the box and eager to face new challenge to grow with us in a long mutual employment, will take an important part.

To our talent, Bii offer continuous and comprehensive learning program throughout your career. Aside from that, Bii also provide career development in line with your performance and contribution and to the company.

So, if you inspired to join our bank who believes in values for integrity, trust and professionalism, simply complete the following application form. We will review your application and if you meet our qualification, we will invite you to join our selection process. We look forward to receiving your application.

At BII, we offer equal job opportunities to all of our staff, no matter what their career ambitions might be. We take pleasure and pride in seeing our people achieve their personal targets through hard work.

With us, nobody can tell you how high you can leap, the only limit is the sky.


Dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja bisnis di seluruh cabang, khususnya bisnis SME, kami mencari putera puteri terbaik yang siap membangun karir, dengan mengikuti :

ODP – SME (Officer Development Program untuk Small Medium Enterprise)
 Surabaya (Jawa Timur), Jakarta Raya, Medan (Sumatera Utara), Palembang (Sumatera Selatan)

ODP merupakan program yang menawarkan percepatan karir bagi Anda, putera puteri yang memiliki potensi dan ambisi. Dengan mengikuti training dan program pengembangan intensif, Anda kemudian akan ditugaskan sebagai Assistant Manager di unit kerja SME, yang ada di jaringan cabang BII khususnya di wilayah Sumatera untuk kemudian dikembangkan menjadi calon pemimpin BII di masa depan.

Mengingat pentingnya hal ini bagi pertumbuhan bisnis BII, maka hanya kandidat terbaik yang diharapkan untuk mengisi posisi ini.


  • Min. lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
  • IPK Min. 2,75
  • Usia maksimum 26 tahun untuk lulusan S1 dan 29 tahun untuk lulusan S2
  • Berorientasi pada target kerja
  • Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi, dan negosiasi yang baik

Kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV, Transkrip, dan foto terakhir dengan mencantumkan
 kode ODP – Medan dan ODP- Palembang pada pojok kanan atas amplop
 atau subjek email paling lambat tanggal 31 Januari 2013, ke:

HC Resourcing Centre
 Bank Internasional Indonesia
 Sentral Senayan 3, lantai 24
 Jln. Asia Afrika No. 8
 Senayan Gelora Bung Karno
 Jakarta, 10270

Atau melalui email ke : recruitment@bankbii.com
 dan CC ke HMMahruzar@bankbii.com


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Lowongan anak Perusahaan Gas Negara

Dec 24, 2012

PGAS Solution is subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk. The Company has been operating in Indonesia since 6 August 2009 and operates in the services, maintenance, trading and construction sectors.

PT PGAS Solution invites the best candidates to join as position belows :

  1. Project Manager
  2. Lead Mechanical / Piping
  3. Lead Instrument / Electrical
  4. Lead Civil Engineer
  5. Senior Mechanical Engineer
  6. Senior Project Control
  7. Senior Contract Engineer
  8. Senior Cost Estimator and Controller Engineer
  9. Junior Project Controller
  10. Junior Pipeline Engineer

General Requirements

  • S1 in Mechanical (2&6), Electrical (3), Civil (4&5), Engineering (1, 7 – 11)
  • Know the PMBOK concepts and application (1)
  • Familiar with CAESAR software and other software (2)
  • Familiar with SCADA/Telecomunication (3)
  • Familiar with STA/AD PRO/SAP software (4) Has SKA Ahli Madya in project management (1)
  • Has particulary preferred PMP Certification (1)
  • Familiar with code and standard (1 – 11)
  • Min 10 years experience in project manager (1)
  • Min 3 years experience in pipeline construction (1)
  • Min 5 years experience in oil and gas company (2 – 4)
  • Min 6 years experience in oil and gas company (5 – 11)
  • Have the managerial skills (1-4)
  • Fluently in English both oral and written (1-11)

How to apply

to Apply for this position please send your application together with a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in email to :

hrd@pgas-solution.co.id latest on 29 December 2012.


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Lowongan BRI Syariah

Dec 23, 2012

Islamic banking (or participant banking) is banking or banking activity that is consistent with the principles of Islamic law (Sharia) and its practical application through the development of Islamic economics. Sharia prohibits the payment or acceptance of specific interest or fees (known as Riba or usury) for loans of money.
Investing in businesses that provide goods or services considered contrary to Islamic principles is also Haraam (forbidden). While these principles were used as the basis for a flourishing economy in earlier times, it is only in the late 20th century that a number of Islamic banks were formed to apply these principles to private or semi-private commercial institutions within the Muslim community

Beginning with the acquisition of Bank Jasa Arta by Bank Rakyat Indonesia, on 19 December 2007 and then followed with the acquisition of a license from Bank Indonesia to change the business of the Bank Jasa Arta from conventional commercial banks into commercial banks running the business based on sharia principles on 16 October 2008, it gives birth to general Islamic Bank, named PT. Bank Sharia BRI (later called by the name BRISharia) on 17 November 2008.

BRI Sharia name chosen to describe the Bank's direct relationship with PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, hereinafter called the Bank Rakyat Indonesia, which is one terbsesar banks in Indonesia. BRISharia is a subsidiary of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, which will serve the banking needs masyarakant Indonesia using principles of sharia.

On December 19, 2008, a signed deed of separation sharia business unit. Signing of deed of separation had been made by Bp. Sofyan Basir as President Director of Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bp. Rahardjo Ventje BRI Sharia as Managing Director, as the deed of separation No. 27 dated December 19, 2008 made before Fathiah Helmi, SH.

Dissolution of Islamic business units of Bank Rakyat Indonesia into the BRI Sharia was effective on January 1, 2009. As for which a shareholder is BRISharia
PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, for 99.99967%
Foundation BRI welfare workers at 0.00033%
BRI Sharia Vision Statement is to become the leading modern retail bank with a range of financial services according to customers' needs with a range of the easiest, for a more meaningful life.

PT Bank BRISyariah invites the best professionals to join as following positions below which will based in BRISyariah KC Purwakarta
Sales Officer Mikro
Relationship Officer Mikro
Account Officer
Operation Support

Genaral Requirements :
Max age 35 years old
Education min D3

How to apply

Please submit your complete application to:

PT Bank BRISyariah
 Jl. Taman Citarum no. 4 Bandung

or by email :


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Lowongan BUMN : Peruri

Dec 18, 2012

Money Printing Public Company of the Republic of Indonesia (PERUM PERURI) was established on September 15, 1971, is a combination of the two company officials.
Pertjetakan Kebajoran and PN. Arthur Yasa accordance with Government Regulation Number: 60 of 1971, subsequently amended by Government Regulation Number: 25 in 1982, later amended by Government Regulation No. 34 of 2000 and refined for the last time through Government Regulation No. 32 of 2006.

Main task is to organize a business PERUM PERURI print rupiah currency of the Republic of Indonesia (both paper money and coins) to Bank Indonesia and the printing of paper products to order valuable non-money orders from other companies.

As a State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs), the only one trusted by the State to print money rupiah (both paper money and coins) for the Republic of Indonesia, in accordance with Government Regulation No. 32 of 2006. Besides printing the Republic of Indonesia rupiah, also scored Other security products, including printing paper money and valuable non-metallic non-cash.

Presentation of information quickly, precisely and accurately is a necessity in this era of information disclosure. Realizing this, Money Printing Public Company of the Republic of Indonesia (PERUM PERURI) through communication media and internet-based information, attempt to present information that is not only fast, precise and accurate, but also up to date in accordance with company developments.

PT Panca Wira Business (PWU), local enterprises are owned by the East Java Provincial Government to work with Perum Peruri established PT Wira Peruri East engaged in the business services sector printing important documents of non money to cover the share in Eastern Indonesia

Money Printing Company General of the Republic of Indonesia (PERUM PERURI) requires professionals.

Perusahaan Umum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (PERUM PERURI) need of professionals as follows;

 Jawa Timur

  • Male / Female
  • Age max. 28 yrs
  • Minimum Education High School
  • Mastering Min. Microsoft Office & English Passive
  • Able to communicate well
  • Experience preferred

How to apply

Please send your application and CV in the form of MS. Word, along with recent photograph to:



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Lowongan Bank Muamalat

Dec 8, 2012

PT Bank Muamalat, one of the country’s major sharia banks, plans to offer Islamic bonds worth between US$50 million and $100 million to global investors this year.

The bank’s president director, Arviyan Arifin, said in Jakarta on Monday that the sukuk bonds would be offered to investors in the Middle East. He said that the bank would open a branch in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to support the plan. “We will issue the sukuk this year as soon as we open a branch office in Jeddah,” he said.

Muamalat finance director Hendiarto said the bank was still preparing the opening of the new Jeddah branch. “We are still trying to meet the requirements,” he added.

Hendiarto said Muamalat also planned to issue subordinated sukuk worth about Rp 800 billion ($93.6 million) to Rp 1.5 trillion to strengthen the company’s financing capacity. — JP

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk booked IDR270 billion of gross profit throughout the year, rose 93.15% from the same period last year.

The growth of the earnings before tax was due to bigger margin income from its financing, said Director of Retail Banking Adrian A. Gunadi. Up to September, financing rose 45.24% to IDR20 trillion from IDR13.77 trillion.

Most of its financing was channeled to retailers by 65% or IDR13 trillion and the remaining was given to commercial and corporate clients. Consumer loan, particularly for property, dominated the portion followed by multifinance and cooperative.

"From the total IDR6.3 trillion consumer financing portfolio, IDR3 trillion was channeled to housing financing," Adrian said.

Bank Muamalat was established in 1991 by local and foreign investors. Islamic Development Bank owns 32.82% of the Islamic bank's share, Boubyan Bank Kuwait has 24.94%, Atwill Holdings Limited holds 17.95% and public trades the rest 5%.

Retail segment also motored the growing third party fund, which grew by IDR7.15 trillion to IDR21 trillion in total. The retail clients contributed IDR14 trillion of its third party fund.

"Saving and current account represented 50% of the total of retail’s third party fund. The rest 50% was in deposit,” Adrian detailed.

Nearly two decades after its birth, Bank Muamalat now provides services to over 2.5 million customers through a network of over 3000 outlets spread across all 33 provinces in Indonesia. The network is also supported by an alliance through more than 4000 online post office/SOPP, 32.000 ATM, as well as over 100.000 debit merchant across the country. Bank Muamalat is also the first and the only Indonesian bank running a full branch in Malaysia.

Mengundang putra-putri terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan Banking Staff yang akan ditempatkan di Wilayah III Cabang Cirebon sebagai:

Sub Branch Manager (Pincapem)
Relationship Manager (Account Officer) Funding
Account Manager Financing SME & Consumer

    Kualifikasi :
Wanita/Pria, Professional, memiliki integritas tinggi
Usia maksimal 35 thn
Berpengalaman min. 2 thn menjadi team leader/pincapem di perbankan untuk posisi Sub Branch manager (Pincapem
Berpengalaman min. 2 thn di marketing Perbankan untuk posisi Relationship Manager dan Account manager
Pendidikan min. S1 dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Mempunyai jaringan yang luas, komunikatif dan energik
Siap bekerja dalam tim dan bersedia ditempatkan wilayah Cirebon dan sekitarnya (Sumber, Jatibarang, Pabuaran, Arjawinangun, Kuningan, Majalengka & Indramayu)

Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki kualifikasi yang sesuai seperti kriteria diatas, kirimkan lamaran dan data diri Anda(CV, foto terbaru, serta fotokopi KTP) melalui email ke :


Dalam rangka perluasan jaringan kantor PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk Cabang Sukabumi memberikan kesempatan bagi siapa saja yang memiliki jiwa militansi yang kuat untuk mengembangkan perbankan syariah yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi :

 Persyaratan :

  • Pria/Wanita max. 25 tahun
  • Mampu membaca Al-Qur'an
  • Pendidikan min. DIII semua jurusan
  • Komunikatif dan berpenampilan menarik
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer MS.Office
  • Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris pasif dan aktif

 Persyaratan :

  • Pria/Wanita max. 27 tahun
  • Mampu membaca Al-Qur'an
  • Pendidikan S1 jurusan Hukum
  • Kemampuan bekerja sama
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer MS.Office
  • Memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris pasif

3. Marketing
Persyaratan :

  • Pria/Wanita max. 30 tahun
  • Mampu membaca Al-Qur'an
  • Pendidikan min D3 semua jurusan
  • Memiliki pengalaman dibidang marketing
  • Dapat bekerja sama secara team
  • Berorientasi target
  • Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan

Lamaran dapat dikirimkan paling lambat tanggal 31 Desember 2012 ke :

PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk
Jalan Jendral Sudirman No. 77 Sukabumi
Email: yani.maryani@muamalatbank.com


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Lowongan BUMN LKBN Antara

Dec 1, 2012

ANTARA has been officially serving as a National News Agency since 1962. It was declared as a public corporation in July, 2007. With 32 bureaus nationwide, a number of representative offices and correspondents abroad.

ANTARA news service on the web gives subscribers easy and comfortable access to all latest news with different categories around the clock everyday.
ANTARA news portal (http://www.antaranews.com) has been running since January, 1996, with a view to meet the public need in obtaining fast, accurate, comprehensive and advantageous information. The portal uses two languages (Indonesia and English) in order to give international community comprehensive and credible information on Indonesia currently.
With ANTARA’s good reputation in Asia and its global networks, the portal offers different pieces of information which have been serving as reference which can attract Internet end-users worldwide. With pageviews reaching 7 million a month and one third of visitors access the portal from foreign countries (see the table), the portal’s rank continues to increase according to Alexa.com.
Advertisement in the ANTARA Portal
The ANTARA Portal offers different advantages to those who want to advertise their products in the portal.

  1. The good reputation of ANTARA as a credible
  2. news agency will uphold the image of the products and services offered by the advertisers.
  3. Different characteristics of the visitors
  4. from various countries in the world reflect potential markets for products and services offered by the advertisers.
  5. Affordable fees for the advertisement help the advertisers spare their promotion costs.
  6. Advertisement can be put at strategic positions to make visitors easy to see it.
  7. Advertisers can change materials of their advertisement twice in a month with the same sizes.
  8. Advertisers can know statistic data on the frequency of their advertisements and the number of visitors who hit the advertisement

Perusahaan Umum Lembaga Kantor Berita ANTARA (Perum LKBN ANTARA) ooking for the best candidates to fill the following positions:

  1. Account Executive
  2. Translator
  3. Administration And Finance Officer
  4. Technical Support Staff
  5. Staf Dokumentasi
  6. Business Development Staff

Account Executive

  • Minimum Education Diploma-3 (D-3) all majors, preferably majoring in IT
  • Maximum age 25 years
  • Mastering the basics of product sales
  • Have the ability to communicate and negotiate
  • Understand the concept of IT (HS, SW & Networking)
  • Mastering English well
  • Can work with sales targets
  • Can work with a team


  • Male / Female age max 26 years
  • Minimum Education Degree, preferably majoring in English / Literature, Communication, Journalism
  • Preferably have knowledge and skills in the field of journalism
  • TOEFL score of at least 450
  • Can operate the computer well
  • Willing to work shift
  • Physical and spiritual health, as evidenced by Certificate of Healthy and Drug-Free Certificate

Administration And Finance Officer

  • Male / Female age max 26 years
  • Minimum Education Diploma 3, preferably majoring in Economics, Accounting or Taxation
  • Understanding financial statements, balance sheet, taxation, cost accounting, and budgeting
  • Computer literate with good
  • Physical and spiritual health, as evidenced by Certificate of Healthy and Drug-Free Certificate

Technical Support Staff

  • Male / Female, age maximum 26 years
  • Minimum Education Diploma 3 majoring in Computer Science, Information Systems, or Computer Engineering
  • Understand the concept of networks, LAN, routers, etc.
  • Able to perform troubleshooting
  • Able to work under pressure

Staf Dokumentasi

  • Male
  • Minimum Education Diploma 3 (D-3)
  • Maximum age 23 years
  • Mastering Adobe Photoshop, Ms. Office
  • Willing to work shift

Business Development Staff

  • Minimum Education Diploma-3 (D-3) all majors, preferably majoring in IT
  • Maximum age 25 years
  • Mastering the basics of product sales
  • Have the ability to communicate and negotiate
  • Understand the concept of IT (HS, SW & Networking)
  • Mastering English well
  • Able to work with sales targets
  • Able to work with a team

How to apply
Please Send application letter, CV and photograph to the address:

 Wisma Antara Lt. 19
 Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan 17
 Jakarta 10110


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