Lowongan GMF AeroAsia (Garuda Indonesia)

Sep 29, 2012

With over 60 years of experience, Indonesia-based GMF AeroAsia has emerged today as the largest aircraft maintenance in Indonesia as well as the MRO provider of choice.

GMF AeroAsia started out in 1949 as the technical division of Garuda Indonesia Airlines, acting as Garuda’s sole aircraft maintenance provider. As we grew and evolved, Garuda Indonesia transformed our division into the Garuda Maintenance Facility Support Center in 1984 to maximize our role and contribution.

Subsequently, the support center developed into a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) called SBU-GMF. It was still under Garuda but had autonomy to manage its financial and human resources.

Its spin-off from Garuda Indonesia in April 2002 honed GMF AeroAsia’s competitive edge. Today, with a new identity and our passion as fuel for expansion, GMF AeroAsia is better able to service its clients and is recognized as operating one of the best and biggest aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities in Southeast Asia.

Due to our Global Challenge Plan and Quantum Leap Business Growth, we are looking to offer opportunities to conquer challenge, as well as putting achievement, teamwork, integrity and initiative as the front end characters. We offer opportunities to highly talented people to build their professional career in MRO industry as:

PT GMF AeroAsia is a subsidiaries of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk with 99.99% shares in this company. The Company’s headquarter located in the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport complex near Jakarta with main business is engaged in Aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) including aircraft engines and components. GMF AeroAsia obtained several prestigious award. In 2010 GMF obtained The Indonesia Aerospace Awards Safety Leadership of the Year. In 2012, the Company awarded with Certification ISO 9001:2008 and OHSAS.

PT GMF AeroAsia offer opportunities to highly talented people to build their professional career in MRO industry as:


  • The candidate must hold bachelor degree in Finance / Accounting
  • Master Degree in Business Administration / Accounting / Finance
  • 5 years experience in managerial level
  • Experience in public accounting firm will be an advantage


  • Directly report to EVP Finance (member of BOD)
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of the management of funds and investment companies, business risk, insurance and taxation in accordance with existing regulations.
  • Monitor & Control the Financialperformance of GMF AeroAsia against established targets set by GMF AeroAsia and Indonesian Accounting Standards.

If you are interested in joining PT GMF AeroAsia, please send your Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae up until Saturday, October 06 th, 2012, to:

 Only selected and qualified candidates will be contacted for selection process.


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Lowongan BUMN : Waskita Karya

During economic crisis which violenty swept several regions of the world in 1997,  innumerable  companies particularly within the construction industry suffered huge losses and driven into bankruptcy. Waskita, amongst those, was the only one having the endurance and strength to survive through  torrents of the severe crisis.
Proper implementation of strategy, management system, and organization structure has become the cornerstones sustaining Waskita to withstand the ordeal in the times of hardship.

The company's motto “Onward through high quality performance” has become  the hearts and minds of everybody in the company. It generates a strong motivation in the working life of the people who are always willing to deliver their best performances for the advancement of the company.

By any means, the convidence to grow in becoming a great and strong company thriving  in globalisation era and regional autonomy, Waskita recognizes the necessity for  consolidation  and introspection through real actions.

Enable to give a clear orientation in determining the company's objective in entering the third millenium, Waskita has reformulated its vision, mission, work philosophy, and corporate culture which have been belonged to the company for more than fifteen years.

Sebuah Perusahaan Jasa Konstruksi Nasional terkemuka, membutuhkan tenaga berpengalaman untuk mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri :

Lead Engineer (LE)

  • Pria usia maksimum 40 th.
  • S1 Teknik (Sipil, Elektro, Kimia, Fisika) dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2.75
  • Pengalaman 5 tahun di Engineering, menangani proyek building dan Power Plant
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan komputer (MS. Office).

Kirimkan surat lamaran & CV lengkap Anda dengan mencantumkan kode posisi / jabatan di sudut kiri atas amplop, paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini diterbitkan ke :

Gedung Waskita
 Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang – Jakarta 13340
 E-mail: hrd@waskita.co.id

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview


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Lowongan Pupuk Kaltim

Sep 27, 2012

Pupuk Kaltim’s history began as an offshore project on board two Pertamina ships, then, according to Presidential Decree No. 43/1975, the project was moved to land. Later, referring to Presidential Decree No. 39/1976, Pertamina handed operational authority to the Department of Industry.

On 7 December 1977, Pupuk Kaltim was officially established. The construction process was executed in 1979. To support operational activities, the plants were substituted by a number of facilities. The main material used at this Bontang-based factory is natural gas, transferred through 60 kilometres of pipeline between Bontang and Muara Badak.

Besides producing 2.98 million tons of Urea and 1.85 million tons of Ammonia annually, Pupuk Kaltim also produces other products such as NPK Pelangi, NPK Fuse Blending and Zeorganik fertilizers. Pupuk Kaltim strives to develop its existing market segments which include industrial and agricultural sectors, and also export and domestic fertilizer supply for the crop sector.

As a strategic industrial company that supports National Food Support Program, Pupuk Kaltim makes the best use of every opportunity to maintain company sustainability. Supported by four Ammonia plants and five Urea plants that occupy a total of 493 hectares Pupuk Kaltim plans to generate a successful and environmentally friendly industrial city.

Being the largest Urea and Ammonia manufacturer company in Indonesia with 2.98 million tons of Urea, 1.85 million tons of Ammonia, and 500 thousands tons of compound fertilizers (NPK) annual production capacity, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) is able to fulfil both national and international demands for fertilizer. The company�s integrated marketing is orientated to excellence in customer service and focuses on six key areas: On Time, Exact Quantity, Exact Type, Exact Place, Exact Quality and Exact Price.

Dynamic and competitive industrial development has motivated Pupuk Kaltim to develop its Good Corporate Governance (GCG) system in an effort to improve success in business and company accountability. The GCG Program also aims to achieve long term value for shareholders while maintaining other stakeholder interests.

Pupuk Kaltim puts great emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and this has been proven through company achievements in GCG and CSR. Encouraged by competent human resources and more than 30 years of experience, Pupuk Kaltim aims to increase productivity and induce sustainable progress, in line with business growth.

Sebagai perusahaan produsen pupuk Urea dan Amoniak terbesar di Indonesia dengan kapasitas produksi 2,98 juta ton urea per tahun dan 1,85 juta ton amoniak per tahun, serta produksi pupuk NPK 500 ribu ton per tahun, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim) mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk nasional maupun internasional. Program pemasaran terpadu (integrated marketing) yang berorientasi pada pelayanan unggul ditujukan untuk mencapai sasaran enam tepat, yaitu tepat waktu, tepat jumlah, tepat jenis, tepat tempat, tepat mutu dan tepat harga.

Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga kerja dan untuk menyiapkan kader,PT. Pupuk Kaltim memberi kesempatan kepada warga negara lndonesia untuk mengikuti seleksi sebagai calon karyawan PT. PUPUK KALTIM dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut:

 1. Warga Negara Indonesia yang memiliki KTP Bontang yang masih berlaku.
 2. Untuk SLTA kelahiran 24 September 1991 dan seterusnya, D3 Kelahiran 24 September 1988 dan seterusnya, 51 Kelahiran 24 September 1986 dan seterusnya.
 3. Tingkat Pendidikan :

A. STRATA 1 (S1)
 Laki-Laki / Perempuan – Jurusan/Konsentrasi : Pertanian, Pertanian jurusan Agronomi/Fisiologi Tanaman/llmu Tanah, Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat (Power), Teknik Fisika/Elektronika-lnstrument/Control, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Akuntansi, Hukum, Manajemen bidang Kajian SDM/Pemasaran/Keuangan, Psikologi, Teknik Industri, llmu Komunikasi Jurnalistik, Sosial Politik, Sosial Politik jurusan llmu Pemerintahan.

 1. Laki-Laki/Perempuan-Jurusan/Konsentrasi : Akuntansi, Manajemen Industri/Perusahaan, Administrasi Bisnis/Niaga/Perusahaan, Perpustakaan, Kesejahteraan Sosial, Komunikasi bid. Kehumasan, Kearsipan, Statistik, Manajemen Informatika, Pertanian.
 2. Laki-Laki — Jurusan/Konsentrasi : Safety, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat (Power), Teknik Fisika/Elektronika- Instrument/Control, Pelayaran Jurusan Nautika. Catatan : Khusus untuk Pelayaran Jurusan Nautika diutamakan berpengalaman berlayar 2 tahun dengan usia maksimal 28 tahun.
 c. SMA / sMK / MA, Laki- Laki – Jurusan : IPA/ Kimia Industri/ Pelayaran Jurusan Nautika
 4. Khusus 51 dan D3 memiliki Indeks Prestasi (lP) Komulatif minimal 2,80 (Skala O s/d l.
 5. TOEFL 51minimal450 dan D3 minimal400
 6. Bagi lulusan SLTA/SMK/MA belum pernah menikah.
 7. Tidak terikat dinas pada instansi lain.

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria seperti tersebut diatas dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan :
 a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
 b. Copy ljazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir.
 c. Copy transkrip akademik yang telah dilegalisir.
 d. Copy sertifikat TOEFL (khusus untuk 51 dan D3, dapat menyusul)
 e. Copy KTP wilayah Bontang yang masih berlaku.
 f. Copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih berlaku.
 g. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja AK/l (kartu kuning)yang masih berlaku.
 h. Pas foto berwarna ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar.
 i. Form aplikasi yang telah diisi (form aplikasi dapat di download di http://www.pupukkoltim.com)
 - Pada sudut kiri atas amplop/map lamaran, cantumkan Tingkat Pendidikan dan Jurusan.
 - Alamat tempat tinggal harus jelas dan disertai nomor telephon / HP yang dapat dihubungi.

 1. Surat Lamaran ditujukan kepada :
 Manager Kesejahteraan & Hubind.
 PT. Pupuk Kalimantan Timur
 Jl. James Simandjuntak No. 1
 Bontang 75313

2. Surat Lamaran disampaikan secara langsung dan diterima paling lambat tanggal 5 Oktober 2012 pada jam kerja melalui :
 Gedung Sarana Pertemuan Karyawan (Gedung Olah Raga – GOR)
 Jalan Alamanda No. 1 PC. Vl, Komplek Perumahan Dinas pC. Vl
 PT. Pupuk Kaltim, Bontang.


Hasil seleksi Administratif akan diumumkan pada tanggal 15 oktober 2012 di :
Kantor Disosnaker Kota Bontang, Jl. Awanglong No.01 Bontang
Website PT. Pupuk Kaltim dengan alamat : http://www.pupukkaltim.com

Dalam proses seleksi ini pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
Surat lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik PT. Pupuk Kaltim dan tidak bisa diminta kembali.
Pelamar dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.

Demikian kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan minat Saudara untuk bergabung dengan PT. PUPUK KALTIM kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Download pengumuman lowongan Pupuk Kaltim, silakan diunduh pada link :
Klik Disini


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Lowongan BUMN : Rekayasa Industri

Sep 26, 2012

PT Rekayasa Industri (familiarly called as REKIND) was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 12, 1981 to develop national capabilities in Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for large industrial plant. In the first 5 years of its operation, its main core business was chemical and petrochemical industries. Furthermore, taking into consideration of the current market segment and demand, REKIND evolves and develops its competency and expertise toward a world class company in its field.

To meet market requirement and improve better ways to serve the wider market, in 2005 REKIND took a bold step by changing its management structure and established Strategic Business Units focusing in industry and energy segments, which are:
Gas (Offshore and Onshore)
Geothermal & Energy
Refinery and Petrochemical
Mineral, Environment and Infrastructure
Each Strategic Business Unit works as a partner of the client, giving one stop solution ranging from project conception up to the operation and maintenance services. All works undertaken is completed in the highest international standard, supported by a strong operational team and modern technology. To present the finest result, REKIND utilize advance and modern information technology, such as PDS (Plant Design System), E - Procurement and ERP AXAPTA. In 2007, REKIND re emphasized its commitment to become a company with a global and customer centric vision through the implementation of cluster systems during the project execution. Through the cluster systems, comprising of civil, mechanical, instrument, electrical, process and piping, each technical discipline is responsible for the project execution from the initial stage of engineering up to the commissioning. Through our 27 years of experience, REKIND today is one of the leading national Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) companies in Indonesia and abroad.

To support the development of the human resources, REKIND has improved its facilities such as sport facility by the construction of a tennis/basket ball court. The court is also used as the place for common/group sport activity (gymnastics/ physical exercise) every Tuesday afternoon at 16.30 WIST and Friday morning at 06.30 WIST, conducted by an experienced instructor. At other days basket, tennis and futsal are held in turn, joined by the employees of REKIND and its subsidiaries.

REKIND also improved the facility of the clinic by adding emergency equipment to anticipate emergency situation during working hours.

To carry out their respective business operation, REKIND and its subsidiaries currently owned two office buildings REKIND Office Building-1 (ROB-1) and REKIND Office Building-2 (ROB-2). Each building is of 5-storey high, situated at Jalan Kalibata Timur I No. 36, Jakarta Selatan 12740, with a total area of 16,000 square meters and an ample parking space. ROB-1 and ROB-2 have respectively a multi purpose hall (meeting, presentation and exhibition rooms), ready for use, fully equip with the latest communication system such as PABX digital, facsimile machine, internet with e-Mail facility. The buildings and its facilities were designed and built by the employees of REKIND.

To improve the expertise and knowledge of the employees, the building is also equipped with a library, named “Chandra Widodo” in commemoration of the late Director for Operation (EVP Industrial Plant) who passed away on 8th September 2005 and his contribution in the development of the company and generous book donation to the library. The Library has a vast collection of reference book on technic and management, documents on project data, technical bulletins and magazines.

To meet the spiritual needs of the employees and the surrounding community, REKIND built the ULUL ALBAB Mosque which started to be built in mid 2005 on a 660 square meters land, and consist of two storeys. The mosque can accommodate about 600 people.

To support the development of the human resources, REKIND has improved its facilities such as sport facility by the construction of a Fitness Room and a tennis/basket ball court. The court is also used as the place for common/group sport activity (gymnastics/ physical exercise) every Tuesday afternoon at 16.30 WIST and Friday morning at 06.30 WIST, conducted by an experienced instructor. At other days basket, tennis and futsal are held in turn, joined by the employees of REKIND and its subsidiaries.

PT Rekayasa Industri currently seeking experienced and competent professional to joint our company, as below :

  1. Contractor Site Representative (CSR)
  2. Construction Manager (CCM)
  3. HSE Manager (CHM)
  4. Project Support Service – Coordinator (PSSC)
  5. Project External Relation & Human Resources – Coordinator (PER)
  6. QC/QA Coordinator (QQC)

General Requirements

  • Male, maximum age 45 – 50 years old
  • S1 graduate from reputable Engineering University
  • At least 15 years experience in EPCC projects
  • At least 10 years experience at the same position in EPCC Projects
  • Excellent communication, energetic, dynamic and highly motivated
  • Must have good ability to work in a team
  • Good communication in English both oral and written, flair for detail and result oriented
  • Able to work in a team and having high motivation
  • Having strong leadership and management skills
  • Discipline, dynamic, proactive and cooperative with good personality

How to apply ?

Please submit your application, CV and recent photograph to :

 or registration your CV via website e-recruitment PT Rekayasa Industri at :


Please write position code applied on the top right side of your CV.

Lowongan Kerja Rekind closing date October 01 2012.
Only short candidate to be proceed.

Download advertisement :
Click Here


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Lowongan Bank Muamalat

PT Bank Muamalat, one of the country’s major sharia banks, plans to offer Islamic bonds worth between US$50 million and $100 million to global investors this year.

The bank’s president director, Arviyan Arifin, said in Jakarta on Monday that the sukuk bonds would be offered to investors in the Middle East. He said that the bank would open a branch in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to support the plan. “We will issue the sukuk this year as soon as we open a branch office in Jeddah,” he said.

Muamalat finance director Hendiarto said the bank was still preparing the opening of the new Jeddah branch. “We are still trying to meet the requirements,” he added.

Hendiarto said Muamalat also planned to issue subordinated sukuk worth about Rp 800 billion ($93.6 million) to Rp 1.5 trillion to strengthen the company’s financing capacity. — JP

PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk booked IDR270 billion of gross profit throughout the year, rose 93.15% from the same period last year.

The growth of the earnings before tax was due to bigger margin income from its financing, said Director of Retail Banking Adrian A. Gunadi. Up to September, financing rose 45.24% to IDR20 trillion from IDR13.77 trillion.

Most of its financing was channeled to retailers by 65% or IDR13 trillion and the remaining was given to commercial and corporate clients. Consumer loan, particularly for property, dominated the portion followed by multifinance and cooperative.

"From the total IDR6.3 trillion consumer financing portfolio, IDR3 trillion was channeled to housing financing," Adrian said.

Bank Muamalat was established in 1991 by local and foreign investors. Islamic Development Bank owns 32.82% of the Islamic bank's share, Boubyan Bank Kuwait has 24.94%, Atwill Holdings Limited holds 17.95% and public trades the rest 5%.

Retail segment also motored the growing third party fund, which grew by IDR7.15 trillion to IDR21 trillion in total. The retail clients contributed IDR14 trillion of its third party fund.

"Saving and current account represented 50% of the total of retail’s third party fund. The rest 50% was in deposit,” Adrian detailed.

Nearly two decades after its birth, Bank Muamalat now provides services to over 2.5 million customers through a network of over 3000 outlets spread across all 33 provinces in Indonesia. The network is also supported by an alliance through more than 4000 online post office/SOPP, 32.000 ATM, as well as over 100.000 debit merchant across the country. Bank Muamalat is also the first and the only Indonesian bank running a full branch in Malaysia.

Muamalat Officer Development Program ( MODP )
 Area Kalimantan
Kualifikasi :

  • Minimum Sarjana (S1) berbagai jurusan dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif 2.75 pada skala 4
  • Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan secara aktif
  • Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer minimal MS Office
  • Usia maksimal pada saat seleksi 27 tahun
  • Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan karyawan dan Direksi Bank Muamalat Indonesia
  • Belum menikah, dan bersedia tidak menikah selama masa pendidikan
  • Bersedia menjalani masa ikatan dinas wajib
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia

Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki klasifikasi yang sesuai seperti diatas, masukkan data diri anda ke Bank Muamalat Recruitment Portal

atau email ke

 dengan menuliskan nama kode posisi MODP 27-30 (lokasi seleksi) pada subjek email Anda
 contoh: MODP 27-30 (Balikpapan)

(Batas akhir lamaran sampai dengan 06 Oktober 2012)

Catatan Tambahan :
Hanya pelamar yang lulus dari seleksi administrasi yang akan diikutsertakan pada tahap seleksi
Setiap tahap seleksi berlaku sistem GUGUR
Pelaksanaan seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun
Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di Balikpapan jika jumlah pelamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi mencapai quota tertentu. Apabila jumlah aplikasi yang lulus seleksi administrasi tersebut kurang dari quota yang ditentukan maka mohon maaf proses seleksi tidak akan dilaksanakan di kota Balikpapan


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Lowongan Pramugara Garuda Indonesia

Sep 24, 2012

Garuda Indonesia is named after the mythical bird that bore the gods on their legendary journeys.

More recently, Garuda Indonesia, along with the country as a whole, has undergone a period of dynamic change. Garuda Indonesia has continued its efforts to improve its services and to provide safe comfortable and reliable air transportation services. Through those efforts, Garuda Indonesia has now succeeded in improving its performance in the areas of on-time departures, load factors and yield, and the company recently returned to a position of positive cash flow and operating profit.

Garuda Indonesia also realizes that the business challenges of the future will be increasingly complex and difficult. Consequently, Garuda Indonesia is determined to improve its quality in all aspects of the company’s activities, and to prepare for privatization which will be realized in the near future. Through these efforts it is our sincere hope that Garuda Indonesia will remain a source of great national pride for Indonesia, and that we will continue to be one of Asia’s most respected airlines.

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

PT Garuda Indonesia invites the best candidates to join as following positions :

Dianugerahi sebagai “The World’s Most Improved Airline” dan maskapai penerbangan bintang 4, PT. Garuda Indonesia telah berhasil menempatkan diri sebagai maskapai penerbangan terbaik Indonesia dan terus memperluas bentangan sayapnya ke seluruh dunia. Untuk mendukung ekspansi perusahaan, kami mengundang individu muda, dinamis dan profesional untuk bergabung dengan tim kami sebagai :


Requirement :

  • Pria, Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
  • Berpenampilan dan kepribadian menarik
  • Belum pernah menikah
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani
  • Usia minimum 18 tahun dan maksimum 27 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimum SMA/SMK/Sederajat, diutamakan lulusan D3 ke atas
  • Tinggi badan minimum 165 cm dan maksimum 18 cm, dengan berat badan ideal dan postur tubuh proporsional
  • Tidak berkacamata
  • Mampu berbahas inggris dengan baik (lisan dan tulisan)

Seleksi tahap awal, harap disiapkan:

  1. Surat Lamaran
  2. Curiculum Vitae
  3. Fotokopi Ijazah terakhir
  4. Foto berwarna seluruh badan ukuran postcard (1 lembar)
  5. Foto berwarna close up ukuran 4X6 (2 lembar)

Seleksi tahap awal:

  • Hari/tanggal : Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012
  • Waktu : 08.00 s/d 14.00 WIB
  • Tempat : Auditorium Garuda Indonesia Training Center (GITC), PT GAruda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
  • Alamat : Jl, Duri KosambiNo.125, Cengkareng – Jakarta Barat

Peserta Seleksi diharapkan

  • Berpakain rapi : Kemeja lengan panjang warna terang, berdasi dan Celana panjang (bukan bahan Jeans) warna gelap
  • Memakai sepatu pantofel

Segera daftarkan diri Anda ke :

Pendaftaran online : Klik Disini

Note: infokarirbumn.blogspot.com


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Lowongan Indosat

Sep 22, 2012

Indosat is known for its innovative and pioneering approach. Drawing on our comprehensive range of capabilities, we are able to create exciting new packages and services for our customers. Our products have a high degree of brand recognition, providing us with an advantage when attemping to attract and retain subscribers in a competitive market.

Cellular Services We provide GSM 900, and DCS 1800 and 3.5G cellular services to subscribers.

  • IM3, affordable mobile prepaid communication services targeted at the youth segment
  • Mentari, mobile prepaid communication services for general users
  • Matrix, premium GSM mobile postpaid communication services
  • StarOne, fixed wireless Access (FWA) with limited mobility within area code
  • BlackBerry, Global push email service and postpaid/prepaid cellular service
  • Indosat 3.5G, mobile wireless internet/data service on a 3.5G Broadband technology
  • Various value added services (VAS) for cellular user offering various application such as song, commerce, news, sport, games and entertainment.
  • MIDI Services (Multimedia Data and Internet)

We provide broadband and narrowband data communication services, including VSAT services, leased circuits, frame relay services and Internet services directly and through our subsidiaries, Lintasarta and IM2. We provide this suite of products and services primarily to offer solutions to our valued corporate and retail customers, as well as wholesalers in an attempt to be their comprehensive telecommunications service provider.

Our Palapa C2 and Palapa D satellite communication systems link to major commercial centres as well as remote areas of Indonesia to give solutions for national and international broadcast services.

Fixed Telecommunications (Voice) Services

We are one of the leading providers of international long distance services in Indonesia. To complement our cellular services and to enhance our access to domestic and international long distance customers, we also provide fixed wireless access services using CDMA 2000 1x technology and fixed line services :

Indosat FlatCall 01016 and Global Save, as domestic and international Voice Over Internet Protocl (VOIP) service
Indosat IDD 001 and IDD 008, as international direct dialing codes
Indosat Phone, fixed line service in several business areas

More than 40 years ago, Indosat was established as an integrated Indonesian telecommunications network and service provider. Along with our subsidiaries, Lintasarta and IM2, we currently offer cellular, fixed wireless, fixed line, IDD, data communication and internet across Indonesia. As of end 2010, Indosat is the second largest cellular operator in the country with more than 40 million subscribers.

Indonesia's large population, around 230 million inhabitants, is the fourth most populous country in the world and continuous economic growth has led to increasing demand of telecommunications services. Since our establishment in November 20, 1967, Indosat has developed its people to reflect excellence in the industry and as a company that is a place to develop your professional career.

Indosat has won hundreds of prestigious awards for excellence in various categories, such as the Most Admired Company in Indonesia, Quality of Corporate Governance, Product Innovation, Customer Service, Human Resources Development, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility.

PT. Indosat Tbk is in immediate need for highly motivated and qualified professional staff to be positioned in :

PT Indosat Tbk are invites the best candidates to join as positions below:

  1. Cooker
  2. Technical Support – IT Support (ts)
  3. Sekretaris (SEC)
  4. Drafter (DFT)
  5. Account Executive (AE) / Marketing
  6. Staf Keuangan (acc)
  7. Customer Service (CSR)
  8. Admin Staf (adm)
  9. Receptionist (rcp)

 Jakarta Raya

  • Education minimum D3 all majors
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75
  • Gender male / female
  • Able to work under pressure, deft, thorough, communicative
  • Dressed / clean / tidy
  • Able to operate computer (MS Office, Internet)
  • Can work with team / work units

Technical Support – IT Support (ts)
 Jakarta Raya

  • SMK education (T. Computer & networking, software engineering, Information T., T. Access Radio, Electrical) / average 7
  • D3 / S1 (T. Electrical – telecom, T. Informatics) / GPA min 2:55
  • Maximum age 27 years
  • Mastering MySQL, PHP, LAN / WAN, Oracle, JAVA, UNIX
  • Understanding BSS, BSC, MSC, BTS, telekomunilasi system mobile (GSM) / CDMA / 3G / SS7 signaling type
  • Willing to work outside the office / city & overtime
  • Can speak English oral and writing
  • Can work with the team and related units

Sekretaris (SEC)
 Jakarta Raya

  • D3 Secretary
  • Minimum GPA of 2.75
  • Maximum age 35 years
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point and Visio) and internet
  • Can type with 10 fingers in quick time
  • Proficient in English verbal & writing
  • Interesting look
  • Able to cooperate and coordinate in the environment and related units
  • Understand secretarial duties
  • Willing to work beyond office hours

Drafter (DFT)
 Jakarta Raya

  • S1 Education Law with a minimum GPA of 2.75
  • Maximum age 35 years
  • Gender male / female
  • Look interesting / neat / clean
  • Understanding and Mastering labor laws, employment contracts / licensing
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point and Visio), internet
  • Mastering English oral and writing
  • Have experience / expertise in contract manufacturing
  • Understand the terms of agreement of cooperation
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point and Visio), internet

Account Executive (AE) / Marketing
 Jakarta Raya

  • Qualification D3 / S1 with minimum GPA 2.75
  • Maximum age 35 years
  • Appearance attractive / clean / tidy
  • major commitment to the work
  • Endeared to master spoken English & writing
  • Liked sales or marketing activities
  • Having a good relationship and communication
  • Accustomed to the target
  • Able to work under pressure

How to apply ?

Please register at :
Click Here

Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview.
Info Lowongan Kerja Indosat persembahan inforkaribumn.blogspot.com ini semoga bermanfaat


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Lowongan Garuda Indonesia

Sep 21, 2012

Garuda Indonesia is named after the mythical bird that bore the gods on their legendary journeys.

More recently, Garuda Indonesia, along with the country as a whole, has undergone a period of dynamic change. Garuda Indonesia has continued its efforts to improve its services and to provide safe comfortable and reliable air transportation services. Through those efforts, Garuda Indonesia has now succeeded in improving its performance in the areas of on-time departures, load factors and yield, and the company recently returned to a position of positive cash flow and operating profit.

Garuda Indonesia also realizes that the business challenges of the future will be increasingly complex and difficult. Consequently, Garuda Indonesia is determined to improve its quality in all aspects of the company’s activities, and to prepare for privatization which will be realized in the near future. Through these efforts it is our sincere hope that Garuda Indonesia will remain a source of great national pride for Indonesia, and that we will continue to be one of Asia’s most respected airlines.

PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

PT Garuda Indonesia invites the best candidates to join as following positions :

  1. Event Organizer
  2. Risk Management Analyst

Event Organizer

  • Male / Female, Good Looking
  • WNI (Indonesian Citizens) with maximum age 27 years old
  • Minimal S1 majoring in Communications, Management, Economics, Public Relations, MICE, and International Relations with GPA min 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Min 2 years of experience in the field of Event Organizer
  • Have a good communication and public relations skills
  • Fluent in English both spoken and written
  • Able to work in a teams or individually

Risk Management Analyst

  • Male, with max. age 27 years old
  • Min. S1 from reputable university majoring in Industrial Engineering and Business Management with GPA min. 3.00 (4.00 scale)
  • Preferably have at least 1 year of experience in the same field
  • Good looking and good personality, friendly, adaptable, disciplined, and have integrity
  • Fluent in English (oral and written), mastering in spreadsheet
  • Computer literate, min. Ms Office and internet
  • Abie to work in a team or individual
  • Communicative, disciplined, hardworking, creative, innovative, dynamic, and able to work under pressure


How to apply ?

Please follow the link below for apply :

Click Here

All selection process will held at Jakarta.
Closing date 7 October 2012.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


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Lowongan Pertamina Persero

Sep 20, 2012

PERTAMINA is a State Owned oil & gas company (National Oil Company), established on December 10, 1957 under the name PT PERMINA. In 1961 the company changed its name to PN PERMINA and after the merger with PN PERTAMIN in 1968 it became PN PERTAMINA. With the enactment of Law 8 of 1971 the company became PERTAMINA. This name persisted until after PERTAMINA changed its legal status to PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) on October 9, 2003.

PERTAMINA’s scope of business incorporates the upstream and downstream sectors. The upstream sector covers oil, gas and geothermal energy exploration and production both domestically and overseas. The foregoing is pursued through own operations and through partnerships in the form of joint operations with JOBs (Joint Operating Bodies), TACs (Technical Assistance Contracts) and JOCs (Joint Operating Contracts), whereas the downstream sector includes processing, marketing, trading and shipping. Commodities produced range from Fuel (BBM) and Non Fuel (Non BBM), LPG, LNG, petrochemicals to Lube Base oil.

With the enactment of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 of 2001 on November 23, 2001 relating to Oil and Gas, Law No. 8 of 1971 relating to the State Oil and Gas Mining Company was declared void. In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 22 of 2001, PERTAMINA was transformed into a Public Liability Company (Persero) designated PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO) under Government Regulation No. 31 of 2003. All existing PERTAMINA provisions including its structural organization, employment guidelines and procedures as well as other matters associated with its duties and responsibilities, unless such matters are in contravention of the said Government Regulation, are declared to continue in force until the Company provides otherwise.

PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) was established under Notarial Deed of Lanny Janis Ishak, SH No. 20 of September 17, 2003, and ratified by the Minister for Law & Human Rights under Decision No. C-24026 HT.01.01 on October 9, 2003. The above proceeded in accordance with the provisions set forth in Law No. 1 of 1995 relating to Limited Liability Companies, Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998 relating to Public Companies (Persero), and Government Regulation No. 45 of 2001 relating to Amendment to Government Regulation No. 12 of 1998.

Consistent with its deed of establishment, the objective of the PERSERO is to engage in oil and gas exploitation, domestically and overseas, as well as in other exploitation associated with or supporting oil and gas operations.

The objective of the Public Company is to:

1. Exploit profits based on the principle of effective and efficient PERSERO management.
2. Contribute toward improvement of economic conditions for the welfare and prosperity of the people.

In order to achieve the above aims and purposes, the Public Company engages in the following:
Oil and gas exploitation and the processed products and derivatives thereof.
Geothermal energy exploitation existing at the time the PERSERO was established, including Geothermal Power Plants (PLTP) in the final stages of negotiations and which the Perseroan has managed to gain possession of.
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) exploitation and and other products generated by LNG refineries.
Other exploitation associated with or in support of the undertakings referred to in points above.

Lowongan Kerja Pertamina September 2012
Program Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) S1 Fresh Graduated

Program Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS) S1 Fresh Graduated

  • BPS (S1) HUKUM
  • BPA (D3) HUKUM


  • Following a comprehensive education program in the Guidance Profession Degree (BPS) where there will be a combination of education in the classroom and OJT (On the Job Training Program)
  • Learn which activities of the company’s overall business processes, make observations and analysis of field conditions


  • GPA min 3.0
  • Certified S1 from accredited college (min B)
  • Seniors Max. 27 years in 2012
  • Healthy Physical & Spiritual
  • English TOEFL score of Trusted Institution: PBT (450) / IBT (45) / IELTS 5.5 / TOEIC 500
  • Copy of free drugs (narcotics, psychotropic and addictive substances)
  • Copies SKCK (Certificate of Competent Behavior)
  • Active organize and Willing to be placed throughout the area of operations PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO)

Test Location :

  1. Medan
  2. Palembang
  3. Jakarta
  4. Bandung
  5. Yogyakarta
  6. Surabaya
  7. Balikpapan
  8. Makassar
  9. Jayapura


  • Analyst DSAV Technical Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst MEAV Technical Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst ERAV Commercial Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst Operational Risk – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Portofolio Risk – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Legal Risk & Insurance – Upstream
  • Analyst Investation Planning – Upstream
  • Analyst Project Control & Validating – Upstream
  • Analyst Project Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst Project Performance & Optimization – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Geothermal Commercial Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst Geothermal Technical Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst New Energy – Upstream
  • Analyst DSA Ventures Commercial Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst MEA Ventures Commercial Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst Resources Management – Upstream
  • Analyst Business Information & Environment – Upstream
  • Analyst Upstream Evaluation Growth – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Planning – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Upstream Performance Management System – Upstream
  • Analyst Business Optimization Evaluation – Upstream
  • Assistant Operational Subsidiary – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Public Relation – Upstream
  • Assistant External Business Relation – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager General Support – Upstream
  • Assistant Business Information – Upstream
  • Secretary to Vice President (VP)
  • Assistant Manager Data Support – Upstream
  • Analyst Data Operational – Upstream
  • Assistant Manager Strategic Planning & Evaluation – Upstream
  • Analyst Strategic Planning – Upstream
  • Analyst Business Advancements – Upstream
  • Analyst Business Data Management – Upstream
Latihan soal BUMN:

How to apply ?

For interested, please apply by online at :
Click Here

More info :
Click Here



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Lowongan BNI Syariah

Forging the 1997 financial crisis proved the toughness of Islamic banking system. Shariah principles with 3 (three) pillars are fair, transparent and beneficiaries are able to answer the needs of people in the banking system more equitable. With based on Law No.10 of 1998, on the date 29 April 2000 established Sharia (UUS) BNI with 5 branches in Yogyakarta, Malang, Pekalongan, Jepara and Banjarmasin. Next UUS BNI continues to expand to 28 branch offices and 31 branch offices.

PT Bank BNI Syariah is a fast growing sharia banking company in Indonesia. BNI Syariah incorporated since 2010 and as a part of PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BNI). Before operating as an independent sharia bank, BNI Syariah has operated as a business unit of BNI for over 10 years offering a full range of Islamic-friendly banking products to customers.

Penerimaan Pegawai Bank BNI Syariah Kantor Cabang  Kudus Jawa Tengah


  • Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 26 tahun pada tanggal 31 Agustus 2012
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 atau S1
  • Tinggi minimal Pria 165 cm dan tinggi minimal wanita 160 cm
  • Berpenampilan rapi dan menarik
  • Menguasai daerah Kudus dan sekitarnya
  • Siap bekerja keras dan memasarkan Bank BNI Syariah
  • Lulus seluruh tahap seleksi dan masa training

Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran dan melampirkan dokumen berupa :

  • Surat Lamaran dilengkapi dengan nomor telepon rumah / HP yang dapat dihubungi
  • Riwayat Hidup / Curriculum Vitae
  • Fotocopy KTP/SIM/Keterangan domisili yang berlaku
  • Fotocopy Ijazah atau Surat Keterangan Lulus atau Transkrip Akademik
  • Pas Foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4X6 sebanyak 2 lembar

Surat Lamaran ditujukan kepada :


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Lowongan Patra Niaga

Sep 18, 2012

PT Patra Niaga was established in February 27, 1997. As part of Pertamina’s Subsidiary Business Realignment Initiative, PT Patra Niaga is placed to actively develop and establish presence in the Downstream side of the oil and gas sector. As a direct result of this unique positioning, all of the opportunities in the Downstream Oil and Gas sector are open to the company to pursue and capitalize, are inviting high caliber professionals with integrity, high motivated achievement, talented, strong personality, and leadership to join their team for senior positions as

Patra Niaga is continuing on to a new chapter in its quest to become the leading player in Indonesia’s downstream oil & gas industry. Following a period of continuing internal improvement, we have established our competitive position through strategic realignment and corpotate-restructuring measures. From year to year, we have consistently increased our earnings.

During the past several years, Patra Niaga had implemented key actions for strengthening the future growth of the Company Merging overlapping subsidiaries, refocusing business direction, are some of the tough decisions we are implementing.
As a direct result of this unique positioning, all of the opportunities in the Downstream Oil and Gas sector are open to the company to pursue and capitalize, are inviting high caliber professionals with integrity, high motivated achievement, talented, strong personality, and leadership to join their team as:

Lowongan Kerja PT Patra Niaga – PT Patra Niaga is logistics and Trading company in energy sector Acknowledged as Trading and logistics in international markets.

Patra Niaga Conducts bussiness activities in trading , marketing , distribution , storage, transportation and other servieces related. To maximixe the bussiness value chain through an global Energy markets.

PT Patra Niaga is being Growth rapidly through 4th Corporate Values below :

  • Opportunity seeking
  • Risk awarness
  • Service axcellence
  • Integrity

  1. Administrasi
  2. Health Security Safety Environment
  3. Staff GA
  4. Staff Purchasing
  5. Manager Purchasing & GA

 Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

  • Min D3 /S1 , Fresh graduate
  • Menguasai Office
  • Data entry
  • Membuat laporan surat keluar dan surat masuk.
  • Suka tantangan
  • Filling dokumen

Health Security Safety Environment
 Jakarta Raya

  • Memonitor implementasi dari kebijakan dan prosedur Health Security Safety Environment di Perusahaan untuk memastikan kesesuaiannya dengan kebijakan dan prosedur yang berlaku agar terjadinya kecelakaan kerja dapat diminimalkan


  • Pendidikan Formal : S1 Jurusan Teknik
  • Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang sama atau Fresh Graduated Teknik Lingkungan
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di luar Pulau Jawa, rencana : Balikpapan, Batam dan Makasar

Staff GA
 Jakarta Raya

  • Mengelola pelayanan jasa – jasa dan kebersihan kantor untuk memastikan tersedianya fasilitas perkantoran dan tingkat kebersihan kantor sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan


  • Pendidikan Formal : S1 semua Jurusan
  • Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang sama
  • Dapat bekerja secara team maupun individu

Staff Purchasing
 Jakarta Raya

  • Mengelola kegiatan pengadaan barang perusahaan, mencari informasi (sourcing) vendor dan kegiatan administrasi pengadaan barang lainnya


  • Pendidikan Formal : S1 Jurusan Teknik
  • Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang sama
  • Dapat bekerja secara team maupun individu

Manager Purchasing & GA
 Jakarta Raya

  • Mengkoordinasikan dan mengelola kegiatan pengadaan barang perusahaan untuk memastikan tersedianya barang baik pihak user sesuai waktu dan spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan.
  • Mengkoordinasikan dan mengelola pelayanan jasa – jasa dan kebersihan kantor untuk memastikan tersedianya fasilitas perkantoran dan tingkat kebersihan kantor sesuai dengan target yang telah ditetapkan


  • Pendidikan Formal : S1 Jurusan Teknik
  • Mempunyai sertifikasi Prosedur Pengadaan Barangaan yang berlaku secara umum
  • Pengalaman Kerja : minimal 5 (lima) tahun dibidang yang sama
  • Mempunyai Vendor List

How to apply ?

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silakan melamar secara online melalui laman :
Klik Disini

Reference: inforkarirbumn.blogspot.com


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Lowongan BUMN : Dahana

Besides having three line of business; Explosives manufacturing, Drilling & Blasting and Related Services, Dahana serves three segmentation of business: the first, General Mining Division giving the services for General Mining sector such as coal, gold and nickel; the second, Quarry & Construction Division serving the quarry mining segment for instance the Andesite, cement, Granite quarry, and also construction purposes for example the development of tunnel, highway, port, and electricity installation; the third, Oil & Gas Division for servicing the sector of Oil & Gas by offering perforation and seismic explosives services including other related services e.g. the explosives mobilization and licensing.

To hold up the whole services, Dahana is supported with the production facilities which are located in Tasikmalaya, Subang, Karimun, and also the production facilities which are placed at Dahana’s sites for example On Site Plant (OSP), ANFO Truck, MMU, Drilling Tools and Light Vihicle. Dahana also affords the magazine facilities which are adequate to keep the explosives functions.

The performance of Dahana in the operational sector is proven through ISO and OHSAS certification besides well integrated of quality, safety and environmental programs.

Dahana is an Indonesian State-Owned company in the field of strategic industry offering integrated explosives services for Oil & Gas, General Mining and Quarry & Construction sectors. Having experienced more than 40 years and supported by complete facilities, the latest technology and the best human resources.
Dahana is your choice for partnership which may add the value of your operating company in Indonesia. Dahana provides the services for customers need especially for the purpose such as boreholes drilling according to the pattern and the necessity of efficient and effective blasting.

PT DAHANA (Persero) stated the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Policy (QHSE Policy) as its commitment in establishing, implementing and maintaining QHSE management system which is based on OHSAS 18001:2007 for Heath and Safety System, ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental System and ISO 9001:2008 for Quality System.

DAHANA’s commitment to fulfill the requirement of QHSE regulations as stated in its QHES Policy is achieved by consistent and continual stages.

PT Dahana (Persero) is a state-owned company focusing on explosives manufacturing, drilling & blasting, and related services. Having Head Office & Factory in Tasikmalaya & Subang, Operational Office in Jakarta, and several remote projects in Kalimantan, SUmatera, and Riau Islands, we provide goods and services for quarry & construction, general mining, oil & gas companies in Indonesia.

PT Dahana (Persero) is a state-owned company focusing on explosives manufacturing, drilling & blasting, and related services. Having Head Office & Factory in Tasikmalaya & Subang, Operational Office in Jakarta, and several remote projects in Kalimantan, Sumatera, and Riau Islands, we provide goods and services for quarry & construction, general mining, oil & gas companies in Indonesia.

PT Dahana (Persero) invites yout to join us through The Management Trainee (MT) program from the major as follows :

  1. S1 Chemical Engineering (Code : CHE)
  2. S1 Mining Engineering (Code : MIN)
  3. S1/S2 Industrial Engineering (Code : IND)
  4. S1 Petroleum Engineering (Code : PET)
  5. S1/S2 Management (Code : MAN)
  6. S1 Accounting (Code : ACC)
  7. S1 Psycology (Code : PSY)

General Requirements

  • Max age 35 years old
  • Min GPA 2.75 (Scale 0-4)
  • Good command of speaking and writing English
  • Independent, creative, open minded, enjoy challenge
  • Willing to be located to all of PT Dahana (Persero) working area

Please submit your application by email to :


Or submit by post services and addressed to :

HR & Organization Development
 PT Dahana (Persero)
 Jl Raya Subang – Cikamurang KM 12 PO BOX 17 Subang

with formatted subject : [Name_code_2012] ex : [Teno_IND_2012]
 Please download application form from www.dahana.com and send to the address above no later than 27 September 2012 (postmark).

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Download Application Form :
Click Here


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Lowongan PDAM

Sep 17, 2012

Lowongan PDAM Surabaya – PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya yang akan menjalankan visi menjadi Perusahaan Air Minum yang mandiri, berwawasan global dan terbaik di Indonesia.

Dewan Pengawas PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya mengundang para professional yang memiliki talenta, kompetensi, integritas tinggi, dan berjiwa entrepreneur untuk

mengisi jabatan sebagai :


Adapun persyaratannya sebagai berikut:

  • Warga negara Indonesia;
  • Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
  • Tidak pernah menjalani hukuman pidana karena kejahatan;
  • Mempunyai pendidikan sekurang-kurangnya sarjana strata 1 (S1), atau yang setara;
  • Batas usia direksi yang berasal dari luar PDAM pada saat diangkat pertama kali berumur paling tinggi 50 (lima puluh) tahun;
  • Batas usia direksi yang berasal dari PDAM pada saat diangkat pertama kali berumur paling tinggi 55 (lima puluh lima) tahun;
  • Mempunyai pengalaman kerja 10 (sepuluh) tahun dalam jajaran manajemen bagi yang berasaldari PDAM atau mempunyai pengalaman kerja minimal 15 (lima belas) tahun dalam jajaran manajemen suatu perusahaan bagi yang bukan berasal dari PDAM yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan (referensi) dari perusahaan sebelumnya dengan penilaian baik;
  • Lulus pelatihan manajemen air minum di dalam atau di luar negeri yang telah terakreditasi dibuktikan dengan sertifikat atau ijazah;
  • Membuat dan menyajikan proposal mengenai visi dan misi PDAM;
  • Bersedia bekerja penuh waktu dan tidak bekerja di perusahaan diluar PDAM;
  • Tidak terikat hubungan keluarga dengan kepala daerah atau wakil kepala daerah atau dewan pengawas atau direksi lainnya sampai derajat ketiga menurut garis lurus atau kesamping termasuk menantu dan ipar; dan
  • Lulus uji kelayakan dan kepatutan yang dilaksanakan oleh tim ahli yang ditunjuk oleh kepala daerah.

Berkas lamaran dikirim ke :

Kantor DewanPengawas PDAM Surya Sembada Surabaya
 Jl. Prof.Dr. Moestopo No. 2 Surabaya
 Telp 031-5039373(Psw.1418).
 Lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya tanggal 15 – 30 September 2012.

download klik data klik disini


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Lowongan BUMN : Rekayasa Industri

Sep 15, 2012

PT Rekayasa Industri (familiarly called as REKIND) was established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 12, 1981 to develop national capabilities in Engineering, Procurement and Construction services for large industrial plant. In the first 5 years of its operation, its main core business was chemical and petrochemical industries. Furthermore, taking into consideration of the current market segment and demand, REKIND evolves and develops its competency and expertise toward a world class company in its field.

To meet market requirement and improve better ways to serve the wider market, in 2005 REKIND took a bold step by changing its management structure and established Strategic Business Units focusing in industry and energy segments, which are:
Gas (Offshore and Onshore)
Geothermal & Energy
Refinery and Petrochemical
Mineral, Environment and Infrastructure
Each Strategic Business Unit works as a partner of the client, giving one stop solution ranging from project conception up to the operation and maintenance services. All works undertaken is completed in the highest international standard, supported by a strong operational team and modern technology. To present the finest result, REKIND utilize advance and modern information technology, such as PDS (Plant Design System), E - Procurement and ERP AXAPTA. In 2007, REKIND re emphasized its commitment to become a company with a global and customer centric vision through the implementation of cluster systems during the project execution. Through the cluster systems, comprising of civil, mechanical, instrument, electrical, process and piping, each technical discipline is responsible for the project execution from the initial stage of engineering up to the commissioning. Through our 27 years of experience, REKIND today is one of the leading national Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Commissioning (EPCC) companies in Indonesia and abroad.

To support the development of the human resources, REKIND has improved its facilities such as sport facility by the construction of a tennis/basket ball court. The court is also used as the place for common/group sport activity (gymnastics/ physical exercise) every Tuesday afternoon at 16.30 WIST and Friday morning at 06.30 WIST, conducted by an experienced instructor. At other days basket, tennis and futsal are held in turn, joined by the employees of REKIND and its subsidiaries.

REKIND also improved the facility of the clinic by adding emergency equipment to anticipate emergency situation during working hours.

To carry out their respective business operation, REKIND and its subsidiaries currently owned two office buildings REKIND Office Building-1 (ROB-1) and REKIND Office Building-2 (ROB-2). Each building is of 5-storey high, situated at Jalan Kalibata Timur I No. 36, Jakarta Selatan 12740, with a total area of 16,000 square meters and an ample parking space. ROB-1 and ROB-2 have respectively a multi purpose hall (meeting, presentation and exhibition rooms), ready for use, fully equip with the latest communication system such as PABX digital, facsimile machine, internet with e-Mail facility. The buildings and its facilities were designed and built by the employees of REKIND.

To improve the expertise and knowledge of the employees, the building is also equipped with a library, named “Chandra Widodo” in commemoration of the late Director for Operation (EVP Industrial Plant) who passed away on 8th September 2005 and his contribution in the development of the company and generous book donation to the library. The Library has a vast collection of reference book on technic and management, documents on project data, technical bulletins and magazines.

To meet the spiritual needs of the employees and the surrounding community, REKIND built the ULUL ALBAB Mosque which started to be built in mid 2005 on a 660 square meters land, and consist of two storeys. The mosque can accommodate about 600 people.

To support the development of the human resources, REKIND has improved its facilities such as sport facility by the construction of a Fitness Room and a tennis/basket ball court. The court is also used as the place for common/group sport activity (gymnastics/ physical exercise) every Tuesday afternoon at 16.30 WIST and Friday morning at 06.30 WIST, conducted by an experienced instructor. At other days basket, tennis and futsal are held in turn, joined by the employees of REKIND and its subsidiaries.

Lead Civil Engineer
Qualification :

  • Must Possess bachelor degree in Civil Engineering
  • More than 5 years experience at the same position in EPCC Projects
  • Should possess strong technical / engineering skills in a multi-discipline arena 
  • Should possess hands on experience inproject Structural Design, analyse structural strength and stability
  • Should be familiar with international codes and standards applicable
  • Should have enough supervisory skill to manage a team in design, Cost Estimator, Computer modeling, compose, edit and managing report and presentation.
  • Should be able to co-ordinate within the discipline and other disciplines 
  • Should be a fast learner and a team worker 
  • Good verbal and written communication skills in the English language. 
  • Good in computer skill (AutoCAD, Power Point, SAP,Plaxis)
  • Excellent communication, energetic, dynamic and highly motivated
  • Supervise Subcontractor work, coordination site work internal or client  and Reporting construction progress

Mechanical Engineer
Mechanical Engineer 1
Mechanical Engineer 2

Qualification :

  • Minimum S1 in Mechanical Engineer 1 with minimum 5 years experience and   Mechanical Engineer 2 with minimum 8 years experience as Mechanical Engineer of Maintenance or Construction in power plant, petrochemical, mining or oil and gas Applied process piping design
  • Understand PFD & P&ID
  • Advance knowledge in pump and pumping
  • Applied knowledge of mechanic of material and machine elements
  • Advance knowledge and skill in Hydraulic calculation & thermodynamic
  • Applied knowledge of Project Management
  • Piping design & construction as Project Engineer (2 years)
  • Piping design & construction as Discipline/Design Engineer (3 years)
  • Have good computer skill in MS Office, MS Project, Auto Cad
  • Fluent in English, speaking & writing
  • Basic knowledge of safety environment (LOTO, permit system, lifting, rigging, scaffolding, fire protection, hydrocarbon management, etc)\
  • Basic knowledge of material & welding inspection
  • Understand well with API, ANSI, ASTM, ASME
  • Building design & construction as Project Engineer (1 years)
  • Understand well with other design and construction of process facilities modification, upgrade, or new design
  • Understand well with pipe stress analysis, Caesar & Fluid flow and modeling software
  • Have ability to do work planning
  • Understand with safety potential hazard on working location
  • Skillful, competent and high motivated

General Requirement :

  • Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable university, majoring in Electrical Engineer
  • Proficiency in English both oral and written
  • Good in computer skill
  • Able to work independently in a fast-paced changing environment
  • Posses a strong organizing, planning, communication, and analytical thinking
  • Hard worker and able to work under pressure

Special Requirement :

  • Hands on experience for 5-10 years in engineering and or construction Company
  • Having project experience in :
  • Refinery, Chemical plant
  • Power plant
  • Cement, pulp & paper
  • Other industrial project
  • Excellent knowledge of :
  • Power system & protection
  • Electrical equipment : Travo, MCC, SWGR, UPS, etc
  • Installation design, lighting, grounding, communication, etc

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Lowongan BUMN : PT Dirgantara Indonesia

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) adalah Perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak di bidang industri pesawat terbang, seperti NC212, CN235, dan Jenis Helikopter namun tidak hanya memproduksi berbagai pesawat tetapi jugabergerak dalam bidang Maintenance, pembuatan senjata, roket,torpedo serta pembuatan part & komponenuntuk mesin-mesin pesawat. PT Dirgantara Indonesia(Persero)juga menjadi sub-kontraktor untuk industri-industri pesawat terbang besar di dunia sepertiBoeing, Airbus, General Dynamic, Fokker dll. Saat ini PT. Dirgantara Indonesia akan mengembangkan produk pesawat baru N219 dan bekerjasama dengan Negara lain untuk membangunpesawat C295 (CN235 versi jumbo)dengan Airbus Military - Spanyol, serta membangun pesawat tempur siluman KFXdengan Korea Selatan.

Quality Product Engineering
Jawa Barat

  • Mempelajari dan menganalisa engineering data, production process planning, persyaratan kualitas dalam rangka merancang metoda inspeksi dan test (test sheet, wiring insp instr, maint insp, special insp, double insp,) dan data hasil inspeksi /test untuk proses sub assembly/ Assembly.
  • Memadukan (synthesizing) hasil analisa inspection record dan mengidentifikasi potensi karakteristik kunci produk, dan memilih teknik statistik yang diperlukan untuk menetapkan, mengontrol dan memverifikasi kapabilitas proses dan karakteristik produk phase Sub Assembly/ Assembly.
  • Berhubungan dengan lembaga-lembaga nasional untuk memperoleh informasi standard-standard dan aturan-aturan nasional yang berhubungan dengan persyaratan produk.


  • Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, IPK > 2,75, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • S1 Jurusan teknik (Mesin/ Fisika/Penerbangan/Kimia/Industri/Aeronautika)
  • Mampu menggunakan alat ukur yang umum dipakai di assembly.
  • Mampu mengkalibrasi alat ukur standard ( tidak khusus ).
  • Mampu menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi data teknis.
  • Mampu memproses data hasil inspeksi/test dan menganalisa trend kualitas.

Quality Systems Engineering
Jawa Barat

  • Mengidentifikasi dokumen instruksi yang berlaku,Standard International dan Regulasi ke dalam suatu checklist.
  • Membuat matriks pemenuhan antara dokumen instruksi terhadap Standard International (persyaratan pelanggan) dan regulasi termasuk keterangan kualitas pemenuhannya.
  • Menjamin implementasi revisi sistem kualitas dan menuangkannnya kedalam laporan performance sistem kualitas.
  • Inspector untuk mendiskusikan penerapan sistem kualitas yang berhubungan dengan teknik/metoda/prosedur & pelaksanaan inspeksi/pengujian dan hasilnya.
  • Operator/Mekanik untuk penerapan sistem yang berhubungan dengan metoda/proses kerja produksi yang dilakukan dan hasilnya


  • Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, IPK > 2,75, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • S1 Teknik (Mesin, Penerbangan,Aeronautika,Kimia, Industri, Fisika)
  • Mampu mengukur komponen sederhana yang tidak memerlukan alat ukur khusus, alat ukur khusus misal. Coordinate Measuring Machine.
  • Mampu mengkalibrasi alat ukur standard sederhana (tidak khusus)
  • Mampu menggunakan software PC untuk penulisan laporan, presentasi, kalkulasi sederhana dan pemetaan proses bisnis
  • Mampu menulis laporan dan menulis bahan presentasi
  • Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Indonesia aktif dan bahasa Inggris aktif.

Production Assembly & Integration
Jawa Barat

  • Menginventarisir, memvalidasi dan mengevaluasi kelengkapan Engineering Documents yang akan diperlukan dalam perancangan konsep perakitan
  • Mengevaluasi dan mengidentifikasi parameter yang diperlukan dalam merancang konsep dan persyaratan fasilitas perakitan (Tools, Jigs, GSE, Machinery, dll.).
  • Mengikuti pelaksanaan proses perakitan.
  • Mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang timbul selama pelaksanaan perakitan dan melaporkan kepada Engineer jenjang diatasnya
  • Mengetahui konsep dasar Computer Aided Design (CAD), Computer Aided Planning (CAP), Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP), Integrated Resources Planning (IRP)


  • Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, IPK > 2,75, Usia maksimal 27 tahun
  • S1 Teknik (Mesin, Elektro, Industri, Penerbangan)
  • Mampu membaca dan menginterpretasikan Engineering Documents
  • Mengetahui konsep dasar pengendalian kualitas (quality control system)
  • Mampu menyusun dokumen, manual sesuai prosedur standard
  • Mampu mendeskripsikan permasalahan dan menyusun dalam bentuk laporan teknik

silahkan kirim lamaran anda  ke :
dengan dilampiri foto copy : Ijazah, transkrip nilai, pasphoto, ktp, dll.


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Lowongan BUMN :PTPN IV

Sep 11, 2012

Being a center of excellence management of oil palm agro-industry company with good corporate governance and environmental

Ensure the sustainability of a competitive business.
Enhance the competitiveness of products on an ongoing basis with a system, method and work environment that encourages creativity and innovation to improve productivity and efficiency.
Increase profits on an ongoing basis.
Managing business in a professional manner to enhance the value of a company guided by business ethics and good corporate governance (GCG).
Improving social and environmental responsibility.
Implement and support the central government policies and programs / regions.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI (Persero), disingkat PTPN VI, adalah Badan Usaha Milik Negara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit, karet, dan teh. PTPN VI berdiri sejak 1996 dari penggabungan beberapa perusahaan perkebunan yang berada di provinsi Sumatera Barat dan Jambi. Kantor pusatnya berada di Jambi. Perusahaan ini mengelola lahan perkebunan seluas 90.122,14 hektar dengan komposisi 65,76% kebun plasma dan 34,24% kebun Inti.

PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI (Persero) yang memiliki wilayah kerja di Jambi dan Sumatera Barat, mengundang tenaga-tenaga potensial untuk berkarier sebagai :

  1. Staf Bidang Tanaman (TAN)
  2. Staf Bidang Teknik (TEK)
  3. Staf Bidang Keuangan (KEU)
  4. Staf Bidang Umum (UMM)
  5. Staf Bidang Teknik Informatika (TIK)

1. Staf Bidang Tanaman (TAN) : S1 atau S2- Pertanian, dari Program Studi :
Agronomi, Ilmu Tanah, Manajemen Sumberdaya Lahan, Proteksi/Perlindungan Tanaman, dan Agroekoteknologi.

2. Staf Bidang Teknik (TEK) : S1 atau S2- Teknik, dari Program Studi :
Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Industri, Teknik Elektro, dan Teknik Kimia

3. Staf Bidang Keuangan (KEU) : S1 atau S2- Ekonomi, dari Program Studi :
Akuntansi, dan Manajemen Keuangan

4. Staf Bidang Umum (UMM) : S1 atau S2- Hukum, dari Program Studi : Ilmu Hukum
S1 atau S2- Ekonomi, dari Program Studi : Manajemen dan Manajemen Pemasaran

5. Staf Bidang Teknik Informatika (TIK) : S1 atau S2- Teknik, dari Program Studi :
Teknik Komputer dan Teknik Informatika

Persyaratan Umum

  • Pendidikan Strata-1 (S1) dengan IP minimal 2,75 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan 3,00 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi BAN
  • Pendidikan Strata-2 (S2) dengan IP minimal 3,20 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan 3,50 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi BAN
  • Lahir setelah tanggal 1 Januari 1984 untuk S1
  • Lahir setelah tanggal 1 Januari 1982 untuk S2
  • Belum menikah, dengan melampirkan Surat Pernyataan diatas kertas bermaterai.

Persyaratan Khusus
Jenis kelamin pria dan tidak buta warna untuk Staf Bidang Tanaman (TAN) dan Staf Bidang Teknik (TEK)
Jenis kelamin pria dan wanita untuk Staf Bidang Keuangan (KEU), Umum (UMM), dan Bidang Teknik Informatika (TIK)

Lamaran disertai foto copy Transkrip Nilai dilegalisir, foto copy Ijazah S-1 dilegalisir, Pas Foto 4×6 (2 lembar), Curiculum Vitae, Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK), dan foto copy KTP, dikirim kepada :

Lembaga Pendidikan Perkebunan (LPP) Kampus Jambi,
Assessment Center
 Jl. Willem Iskandar (Jl. Pancing),
 Kotak Pos 1329 Jambi 20222


  • Pelaksanaan seleksi akan diselenggarakan di Kota Jambi (JMB), cantumkan kode posisi formasi yang diinginkan pada amplop disebelah kiri atas.
  • Lamaran dapat diantar atau dikirim, dan diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 22 September 2012.
  • Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi.
  • Lamaran menjadi milik Panitia.


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