Adaro Job Vacancy

Oct 31, 2011

Adaro Energy was established under the name PT Padang Karunia, a limited liability company established in Indonesia in 2004. On April 18, 2008 Padang Karunia changed its name to PT Adaro Energy Tbk in preparation for becoming a public company. Adaro Energy's vision is to be the largest and most efficient integrated coal mining and energy company in South East Asia.

Adaro Energy and its subsidiaries currently deal in coal mining and trade, coal infrastructure and logistics, and mining contractor service. Each operating subsidiary is positioned as an independent and integrated profit centre so that Adaro Energy has competitive and reliable coal production and a coal supply chain that produces optimum shareholder value. In the future, Adaro Energy may publicly list the strong performing subsidiaries to support further growth and development.

In addition to large coal reserves, Adaro Energy has high quality assets to support the operation such as the 75 kilometer haul road connecting the mine location to the Crushing Facility in Kelanis and Coal Terminal in Pulau Laut. As well, through its subsidiaries, Adaro Energy has a full mining fleet including Drilling Machines, Bulldozers, Wheel Dozers, Excavators, Graders, Articulated Trucks, Dump Trucks, Wheel Loaders, Head Trucks, Vessels, Dollys, Crushers, etc.

Adaro Group is one of the biggest coal producer, operates the largest single coal mine in Indonesia, and is significant supplier to the global seaborne thermal coal market.

Adaro believes it is important for our people to have good characters to support our operations. All of our employees are expected to have good attitudes, be determined in achieving their goals, be responsive, care for others, be creative, and be of good integrity.

To support our team, we are currently looking for :

Helpdesk Coordinator
Jakarta Raya

  • Handle daily troubleshooting
  • Maintain service level
  • Maintain customer relation and customer satisfaction


  • Min. Bachelor Degree from computer studies with minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
  • Experience handling user as IT Support at least 2 years
  • Troubleshooting skill (OS & Application)
  • Good command in English both oral and written
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill

Office Service Supervisor (OSS)
Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya)

  • Min. Bachelor Degree from any major
  • Maximum 35 years of age
  • Min. 3 years experience in the same position
  • Good command in English both written and oral.
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Good in computer skills
  • Experience in handling Office Boy, Driver, Receptions, Cleaning Service, Car, Car insurance, Office Space, Stationary, Building Maintenance and General Affair area
  • Good administration skills

Accounting Internship (ASI STAFF)
Jakarta Raya

  • University student in Accounting min. 7th semester
  • Minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
  • Passionate in Accounting & Finance
  • Good command in English both oral and written
  • Willing to be conctracted for 3 months

Supply Chain Engineer (SCE)
Jakarta Selatan (Jakarta Raya)

  • Analyze and develop a plan for barges / cargo and floating cranes allocation
  • Scheduling for barges loading and barges delivery
  • Develop 7 days forecast based on supply capability


  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering (preferably from Industrial Engineering)
  • Fresh graduates or having 1 - 2 years experience in transhipment or logistic would be advantage
  • Excellent command in English both written and oral
  • Computer’s skill, numerical skill, analytical skill, lateral thinking skill, communication skill
  • Willing to learn something new, carefully/accurately, hard worker

Fuel Logistic Supervisor
South Kalimantan

  • Supervise the activities of receiving fuel from ship to land and filling fuel tank from ground to truck fuel tanks to be sent to the contractor.
  • Supervise the daily operation and maintenance activities at fuel terminals.
  • Stock reconciliation and reporting


  • Minimum S1 from any discipline
  • Having experience min. 1 year in the same field (Operator / Supervisor Fuel Terminal)
  • Shipshore master operation, the method souding / dipping, and fuel sampling methods
  • mastering computer
  • Strong communication and good coordination
  • Willing to be placed on the Site Adaro (South Kalimantan)

Accounting Supervisor
Jakarta Raya

  • Male / Female with maximum age 30
  • Bachelor Degree majoring Accounting from reputable university
  • Having minimum 3 years experience in the same position (from Public Accounting Firm and property industry would be an advantage)
  • Computer literate (MS Office) and familiar with Accounting Software
  • Hardworker and able to work in team
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Good command in English both oral and written

Organization Development Officer
Jakarta Raya

  • Facilitating organization structure review
  • Facilitating draft and Job Description review
  • Facilitating draft and Job Competency review
  • Facilitating Organization Capability review (Talent Mapping, Succession Planning, Career Management System, Individual Development Plan)


  • Min. Bachelor Degree from Engineering/ Management/ Psychology/Computer
  • 2 years working experience in Organization Development area
  • Good analytical skill
  • Good interpersonal skill
  • Good knowledge in Human Resources
  • Good command in English both oral and written

Internal Audit Staff
Jakarta Raya

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting with minumum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
  • Having 1 - 2 years experiences in similar position
  • Smart worker, detail oriented, discipline, responsible, able to work individually or as part of team
  • Good command in English
  • Willing to travel to Adaro site (Kalimantan Selatan) periodically
  • Good interpersonal skills

Fixed Asset Staff
Jakarta Raya

  • Minimum Bachelor Degree in Accounting with minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
  • Experience in handling FIxed Asset at least 2 (two) years
  • Good command in English both oral and written
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Passionate in Fixed Asset
  • Willing to travel

Interested candidates are required to send Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Recent Photograph to email :
not later than 2 (two) weeks.

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Recruitmen BUMN: Angkasa Pura

PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) is a state owned entreprise (BUMN) specialized in airport bussiness & air traffic services. Founded on February 20, 1962 under Government Regulation No. 33 of 1962 with the name of the State Enterprise (PN) Angkasa Pura Kemayoran which has the main tasks as the manager and exploitation Kemayoran Jakarta International airport.

PT. Angkasa Pura (Sanskrit for Sky City) is a state enterprise of the Indonesian Department of Transport that is responsible for the management of airports and air traffic services in Indonesia. PT. Angkasa Pura is made up of two parts: PT Angkasa Pura I & PT Angkasa Pura II.
Angkasa Pura I has its head office in Jakarta. Angkasa Pura II has its head office at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang, Banten.[2]
In 2010, PT Angkasa Pura I has airport capacities of 30,700,440 people, but the movement was 49,237,437 passengers. Over capacities have also done in PT Angkasa Pura II with capacities of 30,815,000 people, but the movement was 62,215,834 passengers

PT. Angkasa Pura I operates airports in eastern Indonesia.
Ngurah Rai International Airport
Juanda International Airport
Sepinggan International Airport
Hasanuddin International Airport
Sam Ratulangi Airport
Adisumarmo International Airport
Frans Kaisiepo Airport
Lombok International Airport (Replaced Selaparang Airport on 1 October 2011)
Selaparang Airport (closed to ops on 30 September 2011)
Pattimura Airport
Achmad Yani Airport
Adisucipto International Airport
Syamsudin Noor Airport
El Tari Airport

PT Angkasa Pura II logo
PT. Angkasa Pura II operates airports in western Indonesia.
Soekarno–Hatta International Airport, Cengkareng, Banten
Halim Perdanakusuma Airport
Polonia International Airport, Medan, North Sumatra
Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport
Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport, Pekanbaru, Riau
Minangkabau Airport
Husein Sastranegara International Airport, Bandung, West Java
Supadio Airport, Pontianak, West Kalimantan/Borneo
Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport
Sultan Iskandarmuda Airport
Sultan Thaha Airport
Depati Amir Airport
In 2010, Angkasa Pura II made profit of Rp.1,264 trillion. 7 airports suffered losses, but 5 airport made profit. Soekarno Hatta International Airport got profit Rp.1,573 trillion (US$160 million). The other airports which got profit were Polonia Medan airport, Sultan Syarif Kasim Pekanbaru airport, Supadio Pontianak airport and Husein Sastra Negara Bandung airport.[4]
Heavily burden airports

In 2010, PT Angkasa Pura I combined capacity was only 30 million passengers, but should handled 49 million passengers, while PT Angkasa Pura II combined capacity was only 28 million passengers, but should handled 62 million passengers. The most heavily burden airports were Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Polonia International Airport, Ngurah Rai International Airport and Juanda International Airport.

PT Angkasa Pura I will build hotels at Juanda International Airport and Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport in 2011. The investment is Rp.50 billion ($5.8 million) and both hotels will be operated by Accor under the Formule 1 brand.

In order to meet the needs of HR Operations, PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) provides the opportunity for professionals with high integrity and dedicated to join PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) with the following criteria:

Aeronautika Information Services (PA/AIS)
Flight Service (FS/KOMPEN)
Air Traffic Controller (ATC)
Air Navigation Engineering (TNU)
General Engineering (TUM)
Equipment Engineering (TEKLAT)
Air Port Operation (OBU)
Air Transportation Management (MTU)

General Requirements:

  • Male / Female;
  • Maximum of 28 years old (before January 1, 2012);
  • Graduates of the D. II and D. III PA / AIS; D. II FS / KOMPEN; D. II and D. III ATC; D. III TNU; D. III TUM; D. III TEKLAT; D. III and D. Obu III MTU
  • Indonesian citizen;
  • Well-behaved;
  • Physically and mentally healthy;
  • No tattoos and no pierced (for men);
  • Willing to be placed throughout the airport is managed by PT. Angkasa Pura I (Limited).

should need you complete information please following below link:


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Bank Jatim Job Vacancy

Bank Jatim (formerly called the Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Timur) is a local enterprise in East Java Province. This bank was established on August 17, 1961 to form a limited liability company (PT), then in its development changed the status of a Regional-Owned Enterprises (enterprises). Bank jatim open career opportunities for Indonesia's best people who have a passion for achievement, able to work in a team, have a high commitment and integrity as well as

Bank of East Java Regional Development, known as JATIM Bank, established on August 17, 1961 in Surabaya. The legal basis is the establishment of notarial act Anwar Mahajudin Number 91 dated August 17, 1961 and equipped with operational basis of the Minister of Finance Decree No. BUM.9-4-5 dated August 15, 1961.

Furthermore, based on Law Number 13 Year 1962 concerning Principal Provisions of Regional Development Banks and the Act No. 14 of 1967 concerning the Principles of Banking, in 1967 improvements through local regulation of the Province of East Java No. 2 of 1976 concerning the Status Regional Development Bank of the form of Limited Liability Company (PT) into a regional government-owned (public enterprises).

Operationally and in line with its development, then in 1990 the Bank of East Java Regional Development improve its status from Commercial Banks to Commercial Bank Foreign Exchange, it is stipulated by Bank Indonesia Decree No. 23/28/KEP/DIR dated August 2, 1990.

To strengthen the capital, then in 1994 made changes to Regulation No. 9 of 1992 dated December 28, 1992 into Regulation of the Province of East Java No. 26 of 1994 dated December 29, 1994 is to change Capital Structure / Ownership by Share Capital of the Parties in allowing All three as one element of the composition of ownership with a maximum of 30%.

In order to maintain its existence and balance the demands of banking at the time, then in accordance with the General Meeting of Shareholders for the year 1997 has approved changes to the form of Agency for Regional Development Bank Law became a Limited Liability Company. Under Article 2 of Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 1 of 1998 on Legal Form of Regional Development Banks, then on March 20, 1999 House of Representatives (DPRD) of the Province of East Java has adopted Local Rule No. 1 of 1999 concerning Amendment to Legal Form Bank of East Java Regional Development of the Regional Companies (PD) became a Limited Liability Company (PT) Bank of East Java Regional Development.

Notary Act in accordance with R. Yulistyo Sonny Hidayat, SH No. 1 dated May 1, 1999 which has been established by the Decree of the Minister of Justice No. C2-8227.HT.01.01.Th dated May 5, 1999 and was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia dated May 25, 1999 No. 42 Supplement to Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3008, then officially became PT. East Java Regional Development Banks.

Pemimpin Sub Divisi Internal Auditor (IAC-44)

  • Bachelor degree (S1) in Accounting / Accountants, preferred Master degree (s2)
  • Preferred Male, max age 45 years old
  • physically and mentally healthy
  • Experienced min 10 years in auditing and banking
  • Preferred has experience in public accounting firm and has knowledge of capital markets
  • Have a minimum of banking risk management certificate level 4
  • Able build strategic relationships and communication between units of work in achieving organizational goals
  • Not being involved in litigation or involved criminal proceedings
  • Have high intergrity and good track record

Pengelola Group Investor Relation Unit (CIC-44)
Requirements :

  • Min bachelor degree (S1), preferred Master degree (S2)
  • Preferred Male, max age 35 years old
  • physically and mentally healthy
  • Have experienced in investor relation
  • Have a minimum of banking risk management certificate level 3
  • Fluent in English
  • Able build communication between units of work in achieving organizational goals
  • Not being involved in litigation or involved criminal proceedings
  • Have high intergrity and good track record

If you are interested in above job and has competence in accordance with job requirements above, please see the info, requirements, and apply through the official recruitment website below. Only selected candidates will be notified.


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Bank Mizuho Job Vacancy

Mizuho Bank was established on April 1, 2002 by the merger of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank with the retail operations of Fuji Bank and the Industrial Bank of Japan. All three predecessors were major financial institutions in their own right and had served as cornerstones of major zaibatsu (prewar era) and keiretsu (postwar era).
In the merger of the three banks, Dai-Ichi Kangyo was renamed Mizuho Bank and inherited the group's individual, small business and local/regional government services, while institutional banking services were consolidated into Fuji Bank, which was renamed Mizuho Corporate Bank.
The two banks were initially consolidated under a holding company, Mizuho Holdings. On October 1, 2005 they were transferred to a new holding vehicle, Mizuho Financial Group.

PT Bank Mizuho Indonesia, a subsidiary of Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. Japan, is now looking for qualified people to fill vacant positions in its office in Jakarta. If you enjoy challenge, creative, self-motivated, able to work autonomously, a team player and also have relevant experience, then we are the company for you.

As a Marketing Officer of Business Development Department, you will be responsible for the marketing of corporate banking product and service (approaching new customers, getting new deal and maintaining existing customers), preparing credit analysis (new and renewal), monitoring customers’ credit facilities and department’s profitability.


  • Experience as an Account Officer in corporate banking for minimum 2 years (Junior) and minimum 5 years (Senior)
  • Relevant bachelor degree from reputable university.
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written (min. TOEIC score equiv. 700 or TOEFL of min. 550).
  • Strong Service-Excellence mind-set and Communication skill.
  • Good Negotiation and Financial Analysis skill.
  • Strong team leadership.
  • High achievers (performance oriented).
  • Good at writing reports, internal policies and procedures.
  • Good in operating MS-Office (Word, Excel & Power Point).
  • Possess high sense of Risk Awareness, Compliance and Integrity.

As a member of Bills Department team, you will be responsible in trade finance area – handling import tax transactions such as, servicing customers over counter, confirming tax with tax office, preparing & registering advice for customers, verifying signatures in debit authority, inputting data entry as well as splitting and typing import documents.


  • Diploma or Bachelor degree in banking, accounting or other related discipline.
  • Experience in trade finance, teller or customer service in banking for 1-2 years.
  • Good in English, both spoken and written. (min. TOEIC score equiv. 600 or TOEFL of min. 500).
  • Good in administration and details.
  • Able to meet deadlines.
  • Strong team leadership.
  • High achievers (performance oriented).
  • Good in operating MS-Office (Word, Excel & Power Point).
  • Possess high sense of Risk Awareness, Compliance and Integrity.

As a member of Compliance Department, you will be responsible to support Compliance Department’s activities in administering information/publications of Laws and Regulations as well as or other inquiries information from Local Authorities. The job includes handle the administration of Compliance matters and reviewing regulations and the impact to Bank Mizuho Indonesia’s policies and procedures.


  • Experience in legal function for 1 year, preferably in banking industry.
  • Relevant bachelor degree, preferably in Legal.
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written (min. TOEIC score equiv. 700 or TOEFL of min. 550).
  • Strong team leadership.
  • High achievers (performance oriented).
  • Good at writing reports, internal policies and procedures.
  • Good in operating MS-Office (Word, Excel & Power Point).

Qualified incumbents, please send your application letter, CV and a recent photograph via e-mail by quoting the job code in the email subject to:

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Cordlife Job Vacancy

CordLife collects, processes and stores your baby's cord blood stem cells which may later become potential source material for lifesaving treatment. There is only one chance to collect, which is at birth of your baby. Cord blood has become a major source of stem cells for transplantation worldwide and is used to treat over 80 diseases, including certain cancers and bone marrow failure syndromes, inborn errors of metabolism, blood disorders and immunodeficiencies. Stem cells are also showing great promise in the treatment of neural injury, diabetes, heart conditions.

An Australian Securities Exchange listed company, CordLife is Australasia's largest and most established network of private cord blood banks with processing and storage facilities in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and India as well as marketing operations in Philippines, Thailand and Macau.

Cordlife Indonesia is the first and Only licensed private cord blood bank in Indonesia. The inspections done by the Indonesia Ministry of Health is proof that our facility meets their standards. By building Indonesia's First and Only licensed cord blood banking facility, Cordlife Indonesia displays long-term commitment to Indonesians.

Sales Executive (Location: Semarang)


  • Male / Female, Max 35 years
  • Min S1 / D3 with experience of 2 (two) years experience in Sales
  • Experience in Pharmaceutical or Medical Services or Insurance
  • Have the ability in the presentation and good communication
  • Ability to work with the target
  • Having your own vehicle

Qualified candidates are invited to forward your application with full resume, recent photograph to:

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Recruitmen BUMN: Wika Realty Job Vacancy

Established on March 11, 1960, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero), or commonly named WIKA, one of the state owned enterprises. The continuous growth, which PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) Indonesia has established for more than forty years, is a succsess story that reflects the towering commitment and hard work of its workforce.
Entering the 21st century, WIKA strives to advance its performance in every aspect, starting from the Management, Human Resources, to more highly structured innovation and technology.

PT WIKA REALTY is a subsidiary company PT Wijaya Karya, SOEs that have been going out for housing and settlements since 1982.

Thousands of homes have been built in various parts of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, Jakarta, Depok, Jakarta, Balikpapan and Samarinda.

Being a trusted and first choice for consumers in the target property and related fields, both within and outside the country.

• Creating innovative products with supreme quality and highly competitive.
• Being a market leader in each target market through the investment of high value products for consumers.
• Provide the highest return on investment for shareholders in their field.
• Achieve workplace interesting and challenging for employees.
• Creating mutually beneficial cooperation with partners.

PT WIKA REALTY is committed to produce and deliver products and services related to the realty, Property, and Construction according to existing regulations, security requirements and specifications as agreed upon. To realize this goal, the company has been formulating and establishing the Quality Policy which applies in all functions and business unit of PT WIKA REALTY is as follows:

Quality Policy of PT WIKA REALTY
PT Wika Realty is committed
1. Improve continuously the quality of the product in the field of realty, Property and Construction.
2. Produce competitive products.
3. Meet the requirements and customer satisfaction.

PT WIKA Realty, a subsidiary of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk. moving in the field of Real Estate, Property Management and Construction requires energy potential for the position


  • Male - Male / Female, age maximum 35 years
  • Education min. S1 Psychology with GPA Min. 2.75
  • Preferred experience in human resource development function.


  • Male - Male, age maximum 35 years
  • Education min. S1 Accounting / Management with GPA Min. 2.75
  • Willing to be placed throughout the company's operations


  • Male - Male, age maximum 35 years
  • Education min. S1 Civil Engineering / Architecture with GPA Min. 2.75
  • Fresh Graduate or experience in the marketing function / production in real estate / construction.

Send your application with attached CV, copy of ID card, copy of diploma & transcripts, photographs and other supporting documents to:

Menara Bidakara I Lantai 18
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 71-73
Jakarta Selatan 12870
Atau e-mail ke :

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Specs Job Vacancy

What is SCS (SPECS Corporate Service) ?

In order to improve our service to institutional market, in year 2004 SPECS launched new service called SCS (SPECS Corporate Service).

SCS is a special service from SPECS to help institutional customers in fulfiling their needs of sporting goods, from footwear: sport shoes to hardware & apparel: t-shirt, polo shirt, football jersey, cap, socks, team bag, backpack, etc.
Integrated services from SCS are developed to provide institutional customers with some benefits:

SPECS Professional Service (SPS) is a social service provided by SPECS in order to make contributions for sports development in Indonesia and in accordance with one of SPECS Core Values Social Responsibility.

SPS has been started since 1995 through some routine activities: Football / Futsal Coaching Clinics to Schools and Football Schools,Football & Futsal Tournaments, Trainings for Coach, etc.

All activities are provided by SPECS to public without any charges (free of charge). One of SPS activities called SPECS CUP – Football Tournament U-15 is becoming offical tournament of PSSI (Indonesian Football Organization).

In some activities SPS also involved third parties: mass medias, sport clubs, schools, universities & official sports organizations in Indonesia.

PT. Panatrade Caraka (SPECS) is a marketing company for sports brands in Indonesia and other SE Asian countries. We have expanded our business to SE Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. We have been managing our own-brand called SPECS since 1994 which is no.1 sports brand in Indonesia since 2007, especially for football & futsal. We are currently have the following vacant position:

Technician / QA Apparel (QA)

  • Male/Female, preferably having experience in sport apparel
  • Diligent, conscientious and willing to work hard
  • Understanding pattern, preferably able to make pattern
  • Understand basic quality checking
  • Understand production process
  • Willing to work at the factory, preferably have own vehicle

Visual Communication Designer

  • Bachelor Degree (S1), preferably from Visual Communication Design
  • Able to operate design software (Photoshop, CorelDraw, Free Hand)
  • Having high initiative and proactive
  • Having photographic skills
  • Able to coordinate and communicate within a team
  • Own Driving license SIM A & C
  • Have own vehicle

Send your complete resume, CV and recent photograph to:

HRD PT Panatrade Caraka (SPECS)
Jl Daan Mogot No 151 11510
or email to:
(put the job code as email subject or on top left of the envelope)

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Nissan Job Vacancy

The power comes from inside."
This simple phrase familiar to every Nissan employee conveys a powerful truth. Any company is only as strong as the people who bring it to life. Companies do not create products, deliver services or solve problems; people do.

And the people who work at Nissan are facing major evolutions that are changing the global automotive industry as we know it today.

One trend is the shift in demographics. The world's population is expanding at a rapid pace, from 6.7 billion today to more than 9 billion by 2050. More people will create the demand for more cars. Today, there are 600 million vehicles worldwide; by 2050, statistics show there may be up to 2.5 billion vehicles.

Where will the growth occur? Many vehicles will be sold to the rising middle classes all over the world, particularly in emerging markets. A car is an important symbol of freedom, status and personal achievement, and growing numbers of new drivers will seek affordable transportation and the benefits that car ownership provides.

Another important trend is the growing demand for a cleaner environment. Automakers are accelerating the development of products to offer greater fuel efficiency and fewer CO2 emissions, from more efficient gasoline-fueled engines to hybrids, clean diesel, electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles.

PT Nissan Motor Indonesia is a manufacture and distributor company of “Nissan” car. Nissan as a worldwide company with Japan investment, invite young, dynamic, and smart people to join our team, and grow with us.

Parts Complementation Staff (PCS)

  • To support KD and IPO operation (price input and resulting interface to MOVEX, payment to suppliers and from importers)
  • PCC report making and KPI
  • PCC data record for supporting PCC performance improvement


  • Bachelor degree from reputable university, major in Industrial Engineering, with GPA min 3
  • Female, preferably single, max 25 years old
  • Preferably has 1 year experience in same field (Fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
  • Fluent in English, both oral and written
  • Have high analysis skill, good negotiation & interpersonal skill, communicative, can work under pressure

HR Internship in Recruitment Area

  • Select potential candidate
  • Contact candidate
  • Doing administration in recruitment area


  • Students in Last Semester
  • Maximum age 23 years old
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and Power Point)
  • Having interest in recruitment area

Please submit your complete application letter
Before November 20th, 2011 to:

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Sigma (Telkom) Job Vacancy

PT Sigma Cipta Caraka, software developer and technology based banking solutions provider in Indonesia, announces its success in taking over control of the company which, for the past five years, was in the hands of Caatoosee AG, Germany, through the Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC).The Singapore International Arbitration Center has unanimously awarded the right to Sigma to take over control from Caatoosee AG.

The partnership with Caatoosee for the past five years (since 2001) was finally terminated by Sigma through SIAC after an amicable settlement could not be reached.“We have tried to offer win-win solutions for both parties, but this did not seem enough for the other party.We finally took the initiative to bring the case to arbitration in Singapore, which we consider neutral.After review and investigation, the arbitration court decided o­n our favor,” saidToto Sugiri, founder of PT Sigma Cipta Caraka.

With the end of the partnership, Sigma is ready to broaden its wings even more in the provision of IT solutions and embark o­n a business strategy at a faster pace.The plan to develop Sigma’s future business includes strengthening services, not o­nly in Indonesia, but also to the Southeast Asian region.

Sigma will also invest in the development of data center facilities in Surabaya by the end of the year to promote services for clients in East Indonesia and establish a second, back up site for clients in West Indonesia.

Sigma, member of Telkom Group, are a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more than 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical systems to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:

RPG Programmer Trainee
Banten - Bumi Serpong Damai

  • RPG is a popular programming language of the IBM Power i platform.
  • You will be trained in our training center and you will gain deep understanding and practical experience on developing applications using RPG.
  • After passing our training program, you will work in telkomsigma as a contract employee for at least 2 years.


  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • At least Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Having basic programming skill.
  • Good knowledge of SQL and Query.
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Self motivated, independent, team player and quick learner.
  • Good command in English.
  • Must be willing to be trained and work in Bumi Serpong Damai.
  • 10 Full-Time position available.


  • Assessment meeting & requirement gathering
  • Product Overview Presentation
  • Develop solution based on requirement        
  • Assist Sales/AM in solution clarification Meeting                                                
  • Review Cost & Pricing


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
  • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Sales - Engineering/Technical/IT or equivalent.
  • Have strong competency in various system, HW & Apps.
  • 3 Full-Time positions available.

If your qualifications meet our requirement please send your curriculum vitae to :

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Astra Honda Motor (AHM) Job Vacancy

Riding like the wind with good friends. Relying on a motorcycle for everyday living or as a trusted business partner. Creating a closer relationship between humans and motorcycles. Honda strives to bring the joy of motorcycles to as many people as possible while also becoming more environmentally responsible.
Complementing the lifestyles of customers in each region

Since the production and sales of its first mass-produced motorcycle, the Dream D, in 1949, Honda has offered products that enrich the lifestyles of customers around the world. Honda has now been producing motorcycles for more than 60 years, is the world’s leading motorcycle manufacturer in terms of number of units sold, and has manufactured a cumulative total of 200 million motorcycles as of 2008. Honda is also a leader in the localization of manufacturing, research and development. It currently manufactures products at 30 production bases in 21 countries worldwide and has established R&D centers in the U.S., Germany, Italy, Thailand, China and India. In each of these countries, motorcycle development is tailored to meet regional market characteristics and customer tastes.

PCX (Japanese specifications)
Enhancing convenience and environmental performance

Honda always strives to harmonize the joy of riding and environmental responsibility and is working on research and development efforts that improve the convenience and ecological performance of its products. In September 2009, Honda developed the world’s first fully automatic motorcycle Dual Clutch Transmission, which delivers sporty riding enjoyment as well as easy operation and fuel economy that rival or surpass that of conventional manual transmissions. Honda also developed a new CV-Matic transmission for use with Cub-type engines. This fully automatic transmission enhances the ease of use of Cub-type models, which have won millions of fans around the world. In addition to offering convenience, Honda will deliver products with ever-higher environmental performance to even more customers everywhere.
PT Astra Honda Motor was the manufacturing & distribution of the largest motorcycle in Indonesia, with the number of employees more than 10,000 people. In accordance with the vision of the company, PT. Astra Honda Motor is always working to provide the best mobility solution that could meet customer needs with world-class management system.

For that we need the best human resources in a creative, innovative, competitive and ready to join in achieving that goal. In HR management, PT. Astra Honda Motor has a system of management of human resources professionals with the principles of Fair Internally and externally Competitive accompanied by the development of human resources through training programs and other development and a clear career path in line with the development of the motorcycle business increased.

PDCA OFFICER - S1 MKT-DEV 31 Desember 2011
PURCHASER 1 - D3 PROC-PURC 30 November 2011
QT ENGINEER - S1 QT-ENG 30 November 2011

Should you interested please apply at following link


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Pendopo Energi Batubara Job Vacancy

Oct 30, 2011

PT Pendopo Energi Batubara (PEB) is a subsidiary of PT DH Energy. Established on the 8th of June 1995, PEB is a coal mining company that focuses its activities specifically for lignite coal deposits in Pendopo, Muara Enim, South Sumatera. PEB supplies lignite to mine mouth projects, domestic and export markets. PEB is the holder of 3rd Generation Coal Contract of Work from the Government of Indonesia.

Diversity of our people enriches the blend of skills, experience and personalities that makes us grow. We take prudent view in growing our business and continually engage with all stakeholders. We build relationships, solve business challenges and contribute to society to achieve economic and sustainable development.
Our Company was established in 2007 under Indonesian Law with specific focus to develop energy projects generally in Indonesia, and particularly in the South Sumatra. DH Energy and its affiliates own Pendopo Energi Batubara, a coal mine in Pendopo, South Sumatra which holds the 3rd Generation Coal Contract of Work from the Government of Indonesia. DH Energy will secure long term in-house coal supply for our projects through our coal mining concession, Pendopo Energi Batubara.

DH Energy develops coal-to-clean-energy projects onsite to utilize lignite resources in Pendopo, South Sumatra. The projects are developed on build, own and operate basis through project companies in collaboration with credible and reliable partners/ investors. DH Energy will also expand its business beyond South Sumatra and in other provinces of Indonesia.

To support our current and upcoming business development, PEB is inviting qualified and highly motivated professionals to fill the following position :

Location: Site based

  • Formal Education
  • Minimum S1 in Mining Engineer from reputable local or overseas university
  • Have a minimum of POU certificate

Working Experience:

  • Minimum 10 years hands-on experience in coal mining industry
  • Minimum 5 years experience in managerial level

Other Relevant Skills:

  • Have a good and broad understanding of mining process
  • Have a good knowledge in operation process
  • Project Management skills
  • Good understanding and awareness on Health Safety and Environment/ HSE
  • Strong communication skills
  • Good managerial skills
  • Computer skills, particularly related to mining applications
  • Fluent in written and spoken English

Location: Jakarta Head Office

  • Formal Education
  • Minimum S1 Mining or Geology from reputable local or overseas university
  • Have a minimum of POM (Pengawas Operasional Madya) certificate

Working Experience:

  • Minimum 7 years hands-on experience in coal mining industry
  • Minimum 3 years experience in managerial level

Other Relevant Skills:

  • Have a good and broad understanding of mining process and operation (design, production, facility, equipment and manpower)
  • Advance computer skills, particularly related to mining applications (Minescape, Autocad)
  • Project Management skills
  • Willing to travel to Site area
  • Good understanding and awareness on Health Safety and Environment
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Strong communication skills

Location: Jakarta Head Office

  • Formal Education
  • Minimum S1 in Engineering / Technical / Occupational Safety from reputable local or overseas university
  • Preferably also holding AMDAL A/B certification

Working Experience:

  • Minimum 5 years in similar industry within OHSE area
  • Minimum 2 years in supervisory / junior management position

Other Relevant Skills:

  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Articulate and persuasive in oral communication
  • Good knowledge of National and International Safety Regulations and Standards (i.e. ISO 14001)
  • Strong knowledge of AMDAL, Environment Management System, AFA, Hazop, Engineering Management Change
  • Project Management skills
  • Knowledge of planning and budgeting
  • Willing to travel to Site area
  • Good computer skills


  • Location: Site based


  • Formal Education
  • Minimum S1 in Geodetic or other Technical discipline from reputable local or overseas university
  • Holding Mining Surveyor certificate

Working Experience:

  • Minimum 5 years hands-on experience in coal mining industry

Other Relevant Skills:

  • Have a good and broad understanding coordinating survey activities
  • Capable in operating various survey equipments (i.e. Sokkia, Topcon, GPS, etc)
  • Good computer skills, particularly in operating mining software (i.e. Surpac, Minescape, etc)
  • Good understanding and awareness on Health Safety and Environment
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Strong communication skills

Location: Jakarta Head Office
Formal Education:

  • Minimum S1 Mining or Geology from reputable local or overseas university
  • GPA score minimum 3.00 (scale 4.00)
  • Have a minimum of POP certificate

Working Experience:

  • Minimum 5 years hands-on experience in coal mining industry

Other Relevant Skills:

  • Have a good and broad understanding of mining process
  • Advance computer skills, particularly related to mining applications (Minescape, Autocad)
  • Willing to travel to Site area
  • Good understanding and awareness on Health Safety and Environment
  • Fluent in written and spoken English
  • Strong communication skills

Interested candidates with relevant qualifications are invited to submit the resume to the following e-mail address by 7 November 2011 to :

PT Pendopo Energi Batubara (PEB)
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further selection process.


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April Job Vacancies (Paper One)

APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Holdings Limited) is one of the leading players in the global fiber, pulp and paper industry. Headquartered in Singapore, APRIL has principal fiber plantations and manufacturing operations in Indonesia.

APRIL develops over 50,000 ha of sustainable acacia fiber plantations each year integrating environmental conservation and social responsibility with economic objectives under a mosaic plantations landscape concept.  It owns and operates one of the world’s largest pulp and paper mill complexes. The industrial site in Pangkalan Kerinci in Riau, Sumatera includes modern pulp and paper mills, an integrated chemical plant, and a power plant that generates all the energy for the complex and nearby town.

The pulp mill, with one of the biggest single production lines in the world, has a design capacity of more than 2.3 million tonnes per year. The paper mill has one of the world’s fastest fine paper machines, running maximum speeds of over 1,500 meters per minute.

The capacity of paper mill is more than 750,000 tonnes per year. PaperOne™ is APRIL’s flagship brand and available in at least 56 countries worldwide. It is made of ECF pulp produced from 100% plantation fiber.

Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) is a leading developer of fiber plantations with one of the world's largest pulp and paper mills.

Our vision is to be one of the largest, best-managed, most profitable and sustainable pulp and paper companies in the world, and be a preferred supplier to our customers and the preferred company to our people.
As a major producer of fiber, pulp and paper, APRIL knows it has a fundamental role in developing ways to meet the world's growing demand for these products, while integrating sustainability in our operations.

"In the long term, a sustainable forest management strategy aimed at maintaining or increasing forest carbon stocks, while producing an annual sustained yield of timber, fiber or energy from the forest, will generate the largest sustained mitigation benefit."
Source: IPCC2007 Fourth Assessment Report

In other words, the better the forests are managed, the more carbon emissions can be fixed. Watch how APRIL's sustainable forest management practices reduce carbon emissions in Riau, Indonesia.

Assistant Trainee-riau


  • Bachelor Degree in Agriculture / Forestry / Biology / Statistics
  • Minimum GPA 2.75 (Scale 4.00)
  • Good command in English (passive)
  • Willing to undergo a training period of 9 months followed by 3 years bond period with the company
  • Willing to work in our sectors / estates

For anybody who is qualified and interested, please submit your complete resume to:

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Garuda Food Job Vacacny

GarudaFood is a food and beverage company subordinated to Tudung Group. In addition to GarudaFood, Tudung Group also subordinates SNS Group (PT Sukses Niaga Sejahtera, operating in distribution and logistic business) and Tudung International (international operation).

GarudaFood Group had originated from PT Tudung, it was established in Pati, Central Java. The company founder is the deceased Darmo Putro, ex-warrior who had chosen to engage in business sector after the independence of Indonesia.

When national economy suffered from economic crisis, on December 1997, PT GarudaFood Jaya (GFJ) was established, producing Gery-branded biscuit. Gery Saluut earned Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA) from MARS and SWA Magazine for a period of 2005-2010 under the category of wafer salut. In 2007-2010 Gery Chocolatos earned IBBA under the category of wafer stick.

In 1998 GarudaFood acquired PT Triteguh Manunggal Sejati (TRMS), producer of jelly and launched jelly product using brands of Okky and Keffy. Achievement of Okky jelly has been proven by its successfulness in earning Top Brand for Kids (TBK) Award 2004 under the category of jelly. In addition to TBK, OKKY Jelly also managed to earn IBBA (2005-2010). Okky jelly Drink also earned Top Brand Award 2007-2010 from Marketing Magazine in cooperation with Frontier.

In the end of 2002, TRMS launched jelly beverage products with a brand of Okky Jelly Drink and it also constituted a new phase for GarudaFood to deal with beverages business. Seriousness of GarudaFood in focusing on beverages business had also become apparent by the launching of Mountea, fruit-flavored tea beverage. Mountea had even been awarded by IBBA 2007-2010 under the category of tea beverage in cup packaging.

In the end of 2002, TRMS launched jelly beverage products with a brand of Okky Jelly Drink and it also constituted a new phase for GarudaFood to deal with beverages business. Seriousness of GarudaFood in focusing on beverages business had also become apparent by the launching of Mountea, fruit-flavored tea beverage. Mountea had even been awarded by IBBA 2007-2010 under the category of tea beverage in cup packaging.

GarudaFood also produces Snack with a brand of Leo, for category of Potato chips, banana chips, cassava chips products initiated from the end of 2005. In 2007-2010 Leo earned IBBA award for category of potato chips.

In national level, GarudaFood is also positively perceived as one of the admired food and beverage companies. Survey made by Frontier and BusinessWeek Indonesia Magazine in Jakarta and Surabaya in 2006-2010 indicated that GarudaFood was in the third position of Indonesian Most Admired Company (IMAC). GarudaFood also actively performs corporate social responsibility (CSR) under the flag of GarudaFood Sehati.

Now, all potencies supported by 20 thousands knowledge workers have become main asset to GarudaFood in the effort to go forward to meet a success as sustainable enterprise.

In early of 1987, TPJ started selling its peanut production products using a brand of Kacang Garing Garuda, which was recently known as: Kacang Garuda. Kacang Garuda earned the following awards: Indonesian Customer Satisfaction Award (ICSA) under the category of branded peanut for eight times consecutively (2000-2007); Superbrands (2003); Top Brand for Kids (2004); Indonesian Best Brand Award (IBBA, 2004-2007); Top Brand (2007).

GarudaFood is a food and beverage company subordinated to Tudung Group. We led ourselves in a leading market position in many categories such as: Garuda for peanut, Okky for jelly and beverages, Gery for biscuits, Leo for snacks, Mountea for tea-based drink, and also Chocolatos for premium wafer stick. With twenty years of operating experiences in food and beverage industry, we expand our business through overseas operation and worldwide distribution to more than 30 countries.

We are a fast growing consumer goods manufacturer located in Gresik - East Java, are looking for a young, dynamic and professional candidate to fill the following position :


  • Male, max. 32 years old.
  • Bachelor/Master Degree majoring in Law, from reputable university.
  • Minimum 3 year experiences as Legal Officer
  • Experienced in Litigation and non litigation matter
  • Having good Knowledge Corporate Law/ Agribusiness
  • Able to work independently in fast-paced changing environment
  • Have experience working with government institution
  • Willing to travel intensively.

1. Male/ Female, max. 35 years old
2. Bachelor or Master Degree in Accounting/Finance ( GPA 3.00 )
3. Min. 3 years experience as Tax Spv (background in FMCG is preferred)
4. Have knowledge on Finance daily operations, such as preparing projected cash flow
5. Have knowledge on Accounting procedure and activities, such as preparing journal, voucher, and financial statement
6. Have Skill and knowledge on Cost Accounting and Tax regulations (PPh 23, PPN,
PPN 4(2), PPh 29) and budgeting
7. Strong drive, excellent people management skill, able to deal with external parties
(such as vendors, Tax Office, External Auditors), high commitment and integrity
8. Familiar with ACCPAC application program.

* Male/Female, max. 32 years old.
* S1/S2 degree in Accounting from reputable university.
* Have an experience min. 2 years as Accounting in F & B Industry.
* Have a certification of Brevet A/B.
* Have knowledge and Skill in Cost Accounting, Finance, Tax Regulation, SOP.
* Familiar with ACCPAC application Program.

1. BOSNET implementing consolidation across the Point Depot and the SNS. 2. Implement applications in all PS PS SNS targeted. 3. MODIS implementation in all Depo SNS.
1. MALE, max. 28 years.
2. D3/S1 of Information Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Information Management.
3. 1 year experience as IT Staff.
4. Familiar with MS operating systems. MS Windows and applications. Excel.
5. Understand the concept of databases, preferably MS SQL master / Ms. Access
6. Willing to do the Office of Foreign Cities

WAREHOUSE COORDINATOR (Location: Gorontalo-Sulawesi) (KG)
1. Men, D3/S1, all majors
2. 1-2 years experience as a head of 3-4 years as a warehouse or logistics staff
3. Having the ability to lead a team
4. Able to operate computer (Ms. Minimum application. Office)
5. Able to work under pressure
6. Willing to placement in Gorontalo-Sulawesi

1. Budget planning and control department budget in order to ensure the existence of internal control. 2. Directing and overseeing the production of machine made ​​quality standards and production processes, monitoring implementation at the plant and help solve the quality problems that may arise in order to ensure the products that correspond to the desired. 3. Overseeing the process of quality assurance in the machine environment Garudafood Group in order to ensure the engine pr
1). MALE, max. 32 years old.
2). S1/S2 of Mechanical Engineering / Electrical / Mechanical.
3). Enginering 1-2 years as a Supervisor in the Food & Beverage Industry.
4). Have knowledge of Controlling Water Process.
5). Have knowledge of basic techniques of production,
Analytical methods of production machinery, engineering basics, Statistics.
6). Foreign Office was willing to do the City.

1. Compiling and Running the Risk Management. 2. Collects, and Managing Data Mneganalisa entire BU and Develop SHE SHE Report. 3. Develop guidance / SOP / WI / SHE standards to be applied throughout the BU. 4. Support the implementation of SMK3/OHSAS 18 001 and ISO 14001 in all BU. 5. Conduct inspections and audits throughout the BU SHE.
1. MALE, age max. 26 years.
3. 1-2 years experience as a SHE Staff / K3LH Staff / SAFETY OFFICER.
4. Mastering the regulations and standards in K3LH (Local and International).
5. Mastering SMK3, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001.
6. Understanding of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health.
7. Understand the management techniques, especially the Environmental Industry Industrial Waste, WWTP.

Leading the Department QA / QC
1. Male or female, max.38 years of age.
2. S1/S2 of Food Technology / Microbiology, GPA 2.75.
3. 3-4 years experience as a Senior Supervisor / Senior Manager
4. Having knowledge in the field: GMP, HACCP, ISO, 5S, Thermal Process, QA / QC.
5. Having leadership soul, Able to speak English, Able to use computer.
6. Willing to be placed in East Java and Kletek Rancaekek-Bandung.

Should you interested please apply at following link:


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Batavia Air Job Vacancy

Batavia Air has been operating its business in Indonesia for more than 20 years. Departing from a travel bureau, it increasingly improved its business to provide an air charter flight service.
Batavia Air founded in 2001. In 2002, Batavia Air earned an Air Operating Certificate (AOC) and officially deserved for operating its fleet in Indonesia.

With experiences in a travel bureau and airline industry, backed up by accommodated fleet and qualified human resources, they make us to be the first choice and trusted carrier to fly. After all we believe that we can survive and continuously grow to take part in the rapid airlines competition.

Trust Us To Fly
Our tag line Trust Us to Fly has inspired all of our staffs to devote their sincere efforts in giving their best performance for the long lasting of company operation in order to strive for excellence to our customers.
Having a high commitment and integrity, we are sure that they make us a trusted carrier and our customers will trust us to fly.

Vision & Mision
Becoming a national airline company striving for safety, economical and enjoyable flight as well as keeping commitment of customer satisfaction in order to be the first choice of air transportation user.

Batavia Air is one of the leading airline based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We operates domestic flights to around 42 destinations and international services to Singapore, China, Malaysia, Jeddah and Riyadh. Due to our fast growing business we invite high caliber candidates to apply for the positions of :

Qualifications :

  • Male/Female, Single with age 22 – 30 years old.
  • Bachelor degree from reputable university majoring in Accounting/Finance/Management/Tax.
  • Strong knowledge in accounting/finance concepts and standard.
  • Having experience min. 1 years as accounting/finance staff.
  • Having brevet A & B certificate is more advantageous.
  • Computer literate (Ms. Excell, Word, etc.)
  • Excellent logical, analytical and strategic thinking.
  • Persitent, punctual, tough and having good attitude is a must.
  • Detail oriented and able to perform well in under pressure.
  • Location : Head Office & All Branches

Requirements :

  • Male / Female, S1/S2 Degree in Psychology with age max. 27 years old.
  • Graduates from reputable university with major in PIO / Training and GPA min. 2,75 (on 4,00 scale).
  • Having valid license for psychologist is a must.
  • Having experience min. 2 years in consultant / assesment center.
  • Candidates must be self motivated, have willing to self learning, posses good interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Knowledge in psychotest tools, able to conduct psychotest, analyze and write report (psikogram).
  • Know and understand the method for employee counselling and assesment.
  • Average in English and excellent in Ms. Office applications.
  • Good analytical, detail oriented, punctual and discipline.
  • Good in administration and documents filling.
  • Willing to travel.
  • Located in Head Office - Jakarta Pusat.

Requierements :

  • Female with age max. 28 years old.
  • Degree from reputable university with major Industrial Engineering.
  • Minimum 1 year experince as purchasing / logistic staff.
  • Honest, responsible and have sense of urgency.
  • Detail oriented and able to perform under pressure.
  • Willing to be placed in Cengkareng - Airport.

Requirements :

  • Male with age max. 30 years old
  • Degree from reputable university with majoring in Law / Management / Human Resources
  • Having experince min. 1 year as Industrial Relationship
  • Having knowledge about Labor Regulation, expatriate documents such as Passport, KITAS, etc.
  • Having strong communication and leadership skill
  • Good in English skill ( both oral & written)
  • Willing to be placed in Balikpapan

Please click quick apply or send your application letter, CV and  transcript with the code position on email subject to following code position :

(only shortlisted candidates will be process )
We invite you to learn more about us and the available positions on our website :

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Air Liquide Job Vacancy

L'Air Liquide S.A., or Air Liquide is a major French company supplying industrial gases and services to various industries including medical, chemical and electronic manufacturers. Founded in 1902, it is first in the world market in its field, now operating in over 75 countries.It is headquartered in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, France.Air Liquide owned the patent for Aqua-Lung until it time-expired.
Although Air Liquide's headquarters are located in Paris, France, it also has a major site in Japan (ALL), as well as in Houston, TX, and Newark, DE, USA. There is an emphasis on Research and Development (R&D) throughout the entire Air Liquide company. R&D targets the creation of not only industrial gases, but also gases that are used in products such as healthcare items, electronic chips, foods and chemicals. The major R&D groups within Air Liquide focus on analysis, bioresources (foods and chemicals), combustion, membranes, modeling, and the production of Hydrogen (H2) gas.
As of 2009, the company is ranked 484 in the Fortune Global 500

In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now having immediate opportunities for the right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a career with Multi National Company as :


Responsible for all aspects of the project activities within PT. Air Liquide Indonesia.
To ensure the equipment to be installed able to supply gas continuously, safely, efficiently to fulfill the customer requirement as per contract.


  • Hold minimum Bachelor Degree (S-1) from reputable university majoring in Electrical or Mechanical engineering
  • Having minimum 3 years of experience as Project Engineer in manufacturing or similar industry.
  • Having professional apperance with good communication skill, high level of integrity, and hard working attitude.
  • Fluent in written and speaking English is a must.
  • Computer literate.

We provide shuttle cars for our employee in several meeting points such as; Bekasi, Cibubur and Jakarta (UKI - Slipi).

Or send your complete resume not later than 2 weeks after this advertisement to:

Our e-mail:
max size 200kb

Or our office address:
PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Jl. Sulawesi Blok i No. 1-2
Kawasan Industri MM 2100
Cibitung – Bekasi 17520

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L'Oreal Manufacturing Indonesia Job Vacancy

L'Oréal is world leader in cosmetics and beauty products and has presence in 130 countries. It produces over 4.5 billion products a year in 42 industrial plants around the world. L'Oréal product sell by the billion in every conceivable distribution channel - for example, Garnier and Maybelline in supermarkets. Kerastase in hair Salons and Lancome in department Store.

L'Oréal Indonesia has shown an exponential growth in 2009 & 2010. According to Nielsen survey, L'Oréal is the fastest growth fast moving consumer goods company for the last two years.

L'Oréal Indonesia has drastically accelerated its business by offering accessible innovations suited to local expectation. L'Oréal is also inte process of establishing a new factory in Indonesia which will be the biggest factory in terms of land size within L'Oréal group.
Come and develop L'Oreal's brands and business around the world.
Come and be part of our vibrant teams and a passionate environment.
Join a company which delivers great corporate citizenship.

Internal Control Leader

Jawa Barat - Cikarang

  • Test, measure, and improve implementation of internal control in the company.
  • Review and improve standard operating procedures and issue new standard if necessary.
  • Make sure reliability and consistency of information especially financial information.


  • Minimum Bachelor's Degree from Finance or Accountancy.
  • Having minimum 2 years working experience as Auditor, preferably from public accountant firm.
  • Having strong command in English, both written and spoken.
  • Willing to work in Cikarang.

Please send your updated resume to:
Only sortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview

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