BCA Job Vacancy

BCA was first founded on 21 February 1957 as Bank Central Asia NV. A lot of things have happened since then—the most significant of all being perhaps the Asian monetary crisis in 1997.

Although this crisis had a tremendous impact on Indonesia’s entire banking system, in particular it affected BCA’s cash flow and even threatened its survival. Panic rush forced the bank to seek assistance from the Indonesian government. The Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency (IBRA) took over BCA in 1998.

Thanks to its management’s business sagacity and shrewd decision making, full recovery was accomplished later in the same year. In December of 1998, third-party funds were back at the pre-crisis level. BCA’s assets stood at Rp 67.93 trillion, as opposed to Rp 53.36 trillion in December 1997. Public confidence in BCA was fully restored, and BCA was released by IBRA to BI in 2000.

Subsequently, BCA took a major step by going public. The IPO took place in 2000, selling 22.55% of BCA’s shares that were being divested by IBRA. After the IPO, the agency still controlled 70.30% of BCA’s total shares. The second Public Offering took place in June and July of 2001, with IBRA divesting an additional 10% of its interest in BCA.

In 2002, IBRA divested 51% of its BCA shares through a strategic private placement tender. The Mauritius-based Farindo Investment, Ltd won the tender. Today, BCA continues to strengthen its tradition of good corporate governance, full compliance with regulations, sound risk management and the commitment to its customers both as a transactional bank and an institution for financial intermediation.

PT. Bank Central Asia, Tbk as the largest private bank in Indonesia has more than 20 thousand employees and more than 800 branches spread all over Indonesia and 2 representative offices abroad, namely in Hong Kong and Singapore. We offer wide opportunity to grow with BCA. With the background skills, education and experience vary, we provide a variety of positions both at the Head Office or Branch Office.

Apprentice ACCOUNT OFFICER (Jakarta)

  • Degree * 1 with a performance index of at least 2.75 (scale 4:00)
  • Age max 25 years (at the time of training)
  • Have good communication skills
  • Ability to work in teams
  • Willing to be placed around the city area of selection (by appointment during recruitment)


  • Bachelor Strata Strata 1 or 2 of the leading universities.
  • GPA of at least 3.00 for Strata 1 and 3:25 for Strata 2 (on a scale of 4:00)
  • Maximum age 25 years for Strata 1 and 27 years for Strata 2
  • Systematic communication
  • high motivation
  • High-power analysis.
  • Ability to work in teams
  • DRUG-free.
  • Not married and willing to not get married during the education.
  • Willing to be assigned and placed in the branches throughout the territory of Indonesia BCA BCA as needed.
  • Willing to undergo education and the bond department after education.
  • Passed in the selection.

In a letter of application please attach:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • 4 X 6 latest photograph of colored
  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Photocopy of diploma / Certificate of Graduation
  • Copy of recent educational transcript

PROGRAM internships BAKTI BCA (Jakarta)

  • Citizen of Indonesia
  • Men / Women look attractive
  • Graduated from high school / vocational school (the average value of Ratings min. 6.50)
  • D1-D3 and S1 (GPA min. 2.50)
  • Age 18 s / d 25 years
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Friendly, able to communicate well
  • It was never involved drugs and other unlawful
  • Willing to be placed in all branches of BCA in the area of ​​the city selection
  • Passed selection
  • Not married and not willing to get married during the internship

In a letter of application please attach:

  • 4 X 6 latest photograph of colored
  • Photocopy of ID card
  • Curiculum vitae
  • Photocopy of diploma / Certificate of Graduation
  • Copy of recent educational transcript (D1 - D3 and S1)
  • Copy of report cards grade 3 (SMU / SMK)

Should you interested please apply at following code:



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