Lowongan Kerja PT. KRAKATAU STEEL (Persero)

The biggest steel company in Indonesia, located at Cilegon – Banten needs you. We are opening new enrollment for fresh graduates as:


  1. D-3: Mechanical Engineering, Electronics/Instrumentation Engineering and Informatics Engineering
  2. GPA:  minimum 2,75 (at scale: 4)
  3. Male & Single
  4. Willing not  to marry during the period as a management trainee
  5. Maximum age: 25 years for D3, at 28 February 20106.Active English with minimum TOEFL score: 450 (please attach the certificate)
  6. Not currently engaged in any contract with other companies

Jadwal tes :

    * TPA dan TOEFL : 11 Maret 2010
    * Psikotes : 12 Maret 2010
    * Job Test dan Wawancara : 15 Maret 2010

For those eligible with all the requirements, please apply at : SAC ITS  deadline is on Friday, March 5th 2010.di SAC ITS Lt. 2 Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya



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