Recruitment BUMN : Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) Job Vacancy

PT. Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) or formerly known as PT. Koneba (Persero) was established in 1987, is government institution which engaged in the field of conservation and energy management.

From year to year, we had help the government, other government institutions, and private company in risk management activities, energy audits, commissioning testing, energy inspection and labeling, technical consultancy, energy and environmental studies.

Implementation of our business activities were conducted by trained and professional staffs in their field and supported by adequate equipment as needed. Our accumulated experience in various sectors in society and many industries added value in the implementation of our business conducted the study tasks, conservation, management and energy diversification.

Tenaga Ahli Lingkungan
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Environmental Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years in the field of Environmental

Tenaga Ahli Sistem Informasi Pemograman Database
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Information Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years in the field of Information Systems Database Programming

Tenaga Ahli Sistem Informasi Analis Database
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Information Engineering
  • Minimum 10 years in the field of Information Systems Database Analyst

Tenaga Ahli Statistik
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Engineering Planning
  • Minimum 10 years in the field of statistics

Tenaga Ahli Konstruksi
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Engineering Planning
  • Minimum 10 years in Construction

Tenaga Ahli Planologi
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Engineering Planning
  • Minimum 10 years in the field of Built Environment

Tenaga Ahli Ekonomi Mikro
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Economy
  • Minimum 10 years in the field of Micro Economics

Tenaga Ahli Kebijakan Publik
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Economics / FISIP / Sport / Administration
  • Minimum 10 years in Public Service

Tenaga Ahli Pelayanan Publik
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Economics / FISIP / Sport / Administration
  • Minimum 10 years in Public Service

Tenaga Ahli Management (Logistik)
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male or Female
  • S2 Economy
  • Minimum 10 years in Management / Logistics

For Completeness Of The Administration, Please Complete The Following documents :

  1. CV
  2. Copy of id card
  3. Copy of Certificate of bachelor degree
  4. Copy of NPWP
  5. Please Provide copy of certificate / training

For further information please check our web:

if you interested please send you application to:



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