Lowongan Bank BTN

PT. Bank BTN is providing superior service in housing finance and related industries, consumer finance and small and medium businesses. Increasing competitive advantage through innovative product development, strategic network-based services and the latest technology.
Prepare and develop human capital quality, professional and high integrity. Bank BTN is Carry out banking management in accordance with the principles of prudence and good corporate governance to enhance Shareholder Value. Care for the interests of society and the environment.
PT Bank Tabungan Negara Tbk (BTN), well known for its focus in mortgage business, will expand and develop a comprehensive retail banking services, including in priority banking. In order to support our business, we are looking for qualified, dedicated individual and talented banking professionals to share its passion for excellence in its new business direction to fulfill the following positions:

BTN Vision

To become the foremost bank in the financing of housing.

BTN Mission

To render superior services in the financing of housing and related industries, consumption and small/medium undertakings.
To enhance competitive excellence through innovative development of strategic products, services and networks based on the latest technology.
To prepare and develop qualified, professional human capital possessing firm principles.
To accomplish banking management in line with the principles of prudence and good corporate governance aimed at promoting share holder value
To have at heart the interests of the general public and the environment (Source: BTN)

PT. BANK TABUNGAN NEGARA (Persero), Tbk membutuhkan tenaga sebagai : FUNDING OFFICER Bagi yang memiliki achievement kuat dibidang Selling PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk. Membuka kesempatan bagi anda yang memiliki semangat untuk berprestasi, ramah, ulet, berpenampilan menarik, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan memiliki achievement yang kuat dibidang selling untuk mengisi posisi Funding Officer.

Funding Officer
Batam (Kepulauan Riau)

  • Pria usia maksimun 30 tahun
  • memiliki sepeda motor dan SIM C serta penampilan menarik
  • Wanita usia maksimun 30 tahun dan penampilan menarik
  • Belum menikah atau sudah menikah
  • Fresh graduate berbagai disiplin ilmu Pendidikan D3 dengan IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4)
  • Tinggi badan minimal wanita 155 cm dan 165 cm untuk Pria, berat badan proposional
  • Berpengalaman dibidang penjualan/selling
  • Mampu berbahasa Inggris/Mandarin menjadi nilai tambah
  • Dokumen Lamaran Surat lamaran CV yang ditandatangani oleh pelamar Pas foto berwarna terbaru, ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar Foto seluruh badan berwarna terbaru ukuran postcard dengan pakaian sopan dan rapi sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar Foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku Foto copy Akte Kelahiran Foto copy ijazah pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh yang berwewenang

Dokumen lamaran dibawa langsung ke Consumer Funding & Services Unit
PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
Kantor Cabang Batam
Jln. Engku Puteri No. 1 Batam Centre - Batam
HP. 08121477853 (Helmi) / 085267888672 (Andri)



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