Lowongan Kerja Depsos

In order to realizing good governance as mandated in the Presidential Decree Number 81 in 2010 about Grand Design Bureaucracy Reform 2010-2025 and the State Minister and Bureaucracy Reform Decree Number 20 in 2010 about Bureaucracy Road Map 2010-2014 which one of the programs is the Management System of Apparatus Human Resource, therefore Organization and Human Resource Bureau implemented the activity of Development Human Resource Management to improve Human Resource apparatus professionalism which supported by apparatus recruitment and promotion system based on competence, transparency and gained adequate payment and welfare. This Development Human Resource Management activity with the theme of: Structuring Apparatus Human Resource Management System in order to Ministry of Social Affairs RI Bureaucracy Reform: Implementation of Structuring Function Analysis, Function Map and Function Description Document was held for 4 (four) days, from 14 until 17 March 2012, participated by officials/staffs of human resource officers from working unit echelon II and UPT echelon II and UPT echelon III within the Ministry of Social Affairs RI.

The activity which held in Hotel Pangrango, Bogor was presented speakers from the internal which is from Organization and Human Resource Bureau, and from the external speakers from State Civil Service Agency with the target t reach is the formulated of function analysis do*****ent within the Ministry of Social Affairs RI as the material plan human resource based on competence. With the formulated of function analysis documentation will be the basic in performing functional evaluation to determined the functional rank and functional price which eventually use as reference in providing the compensation (reward) in more fair and proportional.

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If you interested please apply at following link:


Available Position

Team Leader

  • Strata 2 for all educational disciplines, experience min. 6 years in the control, management, and development of poverty reduction programs is evidenced by the recommendation of the agency / agencies, which preferably has a degree strata 3.
  • Male / Female, age max. 55 years old
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Mastering the English language actively spoken and written
  • Computer literate, min. MS Office, MS Project, and Internet
  • Willing to work Full Time in accordance implementation period as stipulated in the contract of employment
  • Not being tied to contracts with the agency / other institutions of government and non-government proved by affidavit.

Tenaga Ahli Bidang Monitoring dan Evaluasi 

  • Strata 2 for all educational disciplines, experience min. 5 years in the monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction programs is evidenced by the recommendation of the agency / agencies, which preferably has a degree strata 3.
  • Male / Female, age max. 50 years old
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Mastering the English language actively spoken and written
  • Computer literate, min. MS Office, MS Project, and Internet
  • Willing to work Full Time in accordance implementation period as stipulated in the contract of employment
  • Not being tied to contracts with the agency / other institutions of government and non-government proved by affidavit.

Tenaga Ahli Bidang Sistem Pengaduan Masyarakat (SPM)

  • Strata 2 for all educational disciplines, experience min. 5 years in the management of public complaints of poverty reduction programs is evidenced by the recommendation of the agency / agencies, which preferably has a degree strata 3.
  • Male / Female, age max. 50 years old
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Mastering the English language actively spoken and written
  • Computer literate, min. MS Office, MS Project, and Internet
  • Willing to work Full Time in accordance implementation period as stipulated in the contract of employment
  • Not being tied to contracts with the agency / other institutions of government and non-government proved by affidavit.

Tenaga Ahli Bidang Analis Keuangan 

  • S1 Accounting, S2 preferably in Economics or other fields with the field of accounting experience at least 6 (six) years.
  • Male / Female, age max. 50 years old
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Mastering the English language actively spoken and written
  • Computer literate, min. MS Office, MS Project, and Internet
  • Willing to work Full Time in accordance implementation period as stipulated in the contract of employment
  • Not being tied to contracts with the agency / other institutions of government and non-government proved by affidavit.
  • Tenaga Ahli Bidang Analis Hukum dan Legal Drafting


  • S1 degree in Law, preferably with a diploma S2 Humanities Field
  • Experience of at least 5 (five) years in the field of legal drafting
  • Male / Female, age max. 50 years old
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Mastering the English language actively spoken and written
  • Computer literate, min. MS Office, MS Project, and Internet
  • Willing to work Full Time in accordance implementation period as stipulated in the contract of employment
  • Not being tied to contracts with the agency / other institutions of government and non-government proved by affidavit

Tenaga Ahli Sistem Analis (MIS)

  • Majoring in management education S1 in informatics / information systems with at least 10 years of experience in the field of the same work
  • Male / Female, age max. 45 years old
  • Able to work full time and working in team work
  • Mastering the English language both spoken and written
  • Not under contract with the agency / other institutions
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Mastering Sybase 15.x. Oracle 10g, MS SQL Server Database Administration
  • Mastering the backup method in a variety of media preferred to Tivoli
  • Mastering UNIX OS platforms (AIX, SOLARIS, LINUX), Windows Server OS
  • Mastered the concept of TCP-IP / Data Base Management / Project Management Tools (would be more value)
  • Control of the programming language / SQL Script Data Base
  • Understand about the RAC, Data Guard, Streams, Datawarehouse, Replication would be a plus
  • Once the training Oracle Performance Tuning, SQL Tuning, and Backup / Recovery will be a plus
  • Has certified ORACLE (OCA / OCP) will be a plus
  • Master a variety of hardware platforms and updates
  • Experienced in database processing, implementation of the OS and architecture design of DC / DRC

Administrator Database Sybase dan Oracle (MIS)

  • S1 education with a minimum of 3 years experience majoring in Management Information / System Information on the same line of work
  • Male / Female, age max. 35 years old
  • Mastering the English language
  • Mastering Sybase 15.x. and Oracle Database 10g Administration
  • Mastering the backup method in a variety of media preferred to Tivoli
  • Mastering UNIX OS platforms (AIX, SOLARIS, LINUX) / Windows Server OS / Database Oracle / SQL Server
  • Mastered the concept of TCP-IP / Data Base Management (will become more value)
  • Control of the programming language / SQL Script Data Base
  • Understand about the RAC, Data Guard, Streams, Datawarehouse, Replication would be a plus
  • Able to work full time and working in team work
  • Not under contract with the agency / other institutions
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties

Programmer / System Engineer (MIS)

  • S1 Computer Science, Information Systems or related
  • Experience min. 3 years as a Programmer
  • Mastering the minimum one for programming languages: Java, Microsoft.net, PHP, Web, Microsoft SQL Server, Platform UNIX (AIX, Solaris, Linux, TACL, SAS, Oracle PL SQL, Sybase
  • Mastered the concept of one PHP and Java Framework as a whole
  • Familiar with Architecture and UI Design Usability
  • Familiar with Object Oriented Concept and Object Oriented Programming (Class, Object, Method, Message Parsing, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction)
  • Understand the concept of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)
  • Understand the concept Versioning with tools such as Subversion, CVS, or Source Safe
  • Can express concepts and ideas both orally and in writing
  • Able to work full time as the employment contract
  • Mastering the English language
  • Not under contract with the agency / other institutions
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties

Administrator Jaringan (MIS)

  • Minimal S1 computer engineering / system information
  • Experience min. 3 years on the same line of work
  • Male / Female, age max. 35 years old
  • Mastering the English language
  • Mastered the concept of TCP / IP and network WAN / MPLS-VPN / OpenVPN
  • Master the concepts and be able to implement network security, firewall, and routering
  • Mastering Cisco network devices (Router, Firewall, Switch, Modem)
  • Administrative control of Glassfish Application Server and IAS / OAS
  • Mastering the Application Server Clustering (Glassfish / OAS)
  • Mastering System Mail Server (Lotus Notes / Zimbra)
  • Master a variety of operating systems (AIX / Linux / Windows)
  • Able to work full time as the employment contract
  • Not under contract with the agency / other institutions
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties
  • Koord. Wilayah PKH Prov. Kalimantan Tengah


  • S1 education across disciplines and preferred S2, experience min. 10 years in the field of Community and Social Assistance evidenced by the recommendation of the agency / agencies
  • Male / Female, age max. 45 years old
  • Domiciled in the province of Central Kalimantan, proven by identity cards (KTP)
  • Having the ability to communicate in English both oral and written
  • Mic minimal computer can operate. Office, Mic. Project, and the Internet
  • Can work in a Team
  • Willing to work Full Time in accordance implementation period as stipulated in the contract of employment and no employment contract with the agency / other institutions of government and non-governmental
  • Not a resident caretaker of Political Parties



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