Bank Mandiri Syariah Job Vacancy

Company values in utmost appreciation to humanity and integrity  have been deeply rooted  within everyone at Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) since its early establishment.
Established since 1999, BSM has in fact appeared as blessings and a morale learnt from the 1997-1998 economic and monetary crisis. As is known, the  economic and monetary crisis, followed by multi-dimension crisis including in the national politics, has massively affected all aspects of public life, not an exception to business matters. Under such a condition, the conventional banksdominated banking industry suffered from the worst crisis. The government finally took action by restructuring and recapitalizing the banks in Indonesia.

One of the conventional banks, PT Bank Susila Bakti (BSB) owned jointly by Employee Welfare Foundation (YKP) of PT Bank Dagang Negara and PT Mahkota Prestasi also suffered from the crisis. BSB sought to survive the crisis by merger with other banks and inviting foreign investors.
At the same time, the government merged four banks (Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Exim, and Bapindo) to become a new bank under the name PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) on July 31, 1999. The merger policy also positioned and declared PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) as the new majority owner of BSB.
Further to the merger, Bank Mandiri embarked on consolidation and commissioned Sharia Banking Development Team. The team aims to develop sharia banking business services within the Bank Mandiri business group as a response to the law enforcement of UU No. 10 Year of 1998 that allows commercial banks for running sharia transaction services (dual banking system).

The Sharia Banking Development Team concluded that the law enforcement serves the right time for converting PT Bank Susila Bakti from conventional to sharia banking. Accordingly, the Sharia Banking Development Team prepared the system and infrastructure to change conventional banking activities of BSB to a bank running on the basis of sharia principles under the name PT Bank Syariah Mandiri just as legalized with the Notarial Act of Sutjipto, SH, No. 23 dated September 8, 1999.
The change in BSB business type into sharia commercial bank has been approved by the Bank Indonesia Governor through Decree No. 1/24/ KEP.GBI/1999, October 25, 1999. Through the Decree of Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia No. 1/1/
KEP.DGS/ 1999, the central bank approved the bank renaming into PT Bank Syariah Mandiri. Following the approval and legal registration, PT Bank Syariah Mandiri has officially been in operation since 25 Rajab 1420 H or November 1, 1999.

The Bank is now coming, performing and growing as a bank that combines business ideals and spiritual values as the basis of its operation. The harmony of business ideals and spiritual values creates a comparative advantage for Bank Syariah Mandiri to perform in the banking industry in Indonesia. BSM was born to build Indonesia better.

Going through a concerted participatory process among all levels of employees since mid-2005, a set of  new corporate values has been declared to be shared by all employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri. They are declared as Shared Values Bank Syariah Mandiri. Shared Values Bank Syariah Mandiri  with the acronym “ETHIC”.

Striving for excellence through integrated and continuous improvements.
Developing a work environment with mutual synergy.
Upholding humanity and religious values.
Complying with professional ethics, thinking and behaving with high morale.
Customer Focus:
Understanding and serving the customer needs to make Bank Syariah Mandiri a reliable and profitable partner.

2. Assistance Account Officer(AAO)
3. Asisten Analis Mikro(AAM)
4. Pelaksana Marketing Mikro(PMM)


General Requirements:
1.Male / Female
2.Pendidikan minimum of S1 with GPA min. 3:00
A maximum of 40 years 3.Usia
4.Berpengalaman in the field of finance (as AO or Analysts min. 3 years)
5.Memiliki knowledge and skills regarding:
a. Banking regulations and economic
b. Financial statement analysis and cash flow
c. Analysis of financing
d. Communicate well, verbally and in writing, and presentation

Assistance Account Officer(AAO)
General Requirements:
1.Male / Female
2.Pendidikan minimum of S1 with GPA min. 3:00
3.Usia Maximum 30 years
4.Berpengalaman in the field of finance (as AAO or Analysts min. 1 year)
5.Memiliki knowledge and skills regarding:
a. Good banking regulation
b. Financial statement analysis and cash flow base level
c. Analysis of base-level funding
d. Communicate well, verbally and in writing, and presentation

Asisten Analis Mikro(AAM)
General Requirements:
1.Male / Female
2.Pendidikan minimum of S1 with GPA min. 3:00
3.Usia Maximum 30 years
4.Berpengalaman in the field of finance (as AAO or Analysts min. 1 year)
5.Memiliki knowledge and skills regarding:
a. Good banking regulation
b. Financial statement analysis and cash flow base level
c. Analysis of base-level funding
d. Communicate well, verbally and in writing, and presentation

Pelaksana Marketing Mikro(PMM)
General Requirements:
1.Male / Female
2.Pendidikan minimum of S1 with GPA min. 3:00
3.Usia Maximum 27 years
4.Memiliki knowledge and skills regarding:
a. Good banking regulation
b. Financial statement analysis and cash flow base level
c. Analysis of base-level funding
d. Communicate well, verbally and in writing, and presentation

Please send your application & CV not later than 5 December,2011 to:

Direktorat Pengembangan Karir & Hub. Alumni IPB
Gd.Andi Hakim Nasoetion Lt. 1, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680

source: karir ipb


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