Quality Assurance & Audit Staff Development (QA-AUD)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Ensure any audit findings have gotten rekomendari sanction of rate recovery and update the results of follow-up rekapan monthly rate recovery progress in implementation of sanctions.
- Checking CTF / WP team with regular audits and manual audit proposal
- Making the draft report the results of the CTF / WP team regular audits
- Summarizing and register the latest Internal Memo
- Recapitalize the findings of the audit team regular (Generic Issues), and its sanction recommendation from the rate recovery of these findings
- Making use of control registers and the problems faced teammate
- Assist supervisor duties if necessary
- Male or female, age max. 29 years, Education min. Economics & TI S1 from reputable university with GPA min. 3:00 preferably majoring in Accounting. Open opportunities for fresh graduates
- Have the analytical skills, logical thinking and good communication, can work under pressure, able to work together in teams, disciplined, rigorous, high integrity, able to operate the computer, and willing to travel out of town
Regular Staff Auditor (R-AUD)
(Jakarta Raya)
- Setting up the working paper and all the basic equipment required to field audit
- Conduct audit assignments in the field in accordance with predetermined programs
- Assist team leader in conducting field audits.
- Male or female, age max. 29 years, Education min. Economics & TI S1 from reputable university with GPA min. 3:00 preferably majoring in Accounting. Open opportunities for fresh graduates
- Have the analytical skills, logical thinking and good communication, can work under pressure, able to work together in teams, disciplined, rigorous, high integrity, able to operate the computer, and willing to travel out of town
For further information please check our web:
Applications sent to:
(email capacity of not more than 300kb)
Attachment is given in the form of zip files, do not accept files in the form. rar or pdf.