Recruitment BUMN : Pelindo II

PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) is one of the state owned enterprise which has been designated by the Government to manage public ports in the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, Riau, Riau Islands.

Currently, PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia II  manage 15 Branch Port, 11 Port Representative, 1 (one) Unit Container Terminal, 1 (one) Unit Shipyard, 1 (one) Unit Belawan Container Depot, 1 (one) unit Hospital and 1 (one) Unit Training and Education Center.

Geographically, most of the ports under the management of PT (Persero) Pelabuhan Indonesia I have a strategic role because it is located along the Strait of Malacca, which is an international trade route. Business opportunities that are still potential such as pilotage in the Strait of Malacca is continuously endeavored to design and deliver added value to the company and able to promote local economic development, especially in areas along the Straits of Malacca and eventually will encourage greater public welfare.

As one State-owned Enterprises, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II  (Persero) has a vision as a provider of port services and logistics leading regional level. While its mission is to provide harbor and logistics service quality that meets customer expectations and deliver added value to regional economic growth.

Sharing a vision and mission, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II  (Persero) is always trying to earnestly help the Government's program to build the business world and contributed to the Nation through a professional management company based mandate from shareholders.

Management commitment PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II  (Persero) to improve the quality of service has consistently run as the development of port business. To maintain security at ports, the implementation of International Ship & Port Security Code (ISPS Code) in the territories is quite critical ports continue to be evaluated and refined. Similarly to the application of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (SMK3). In addition, to support the activities of loading and unloading containers at Belawan Container Terminal has been the addition of 2 units of Container Gantry Crane, Gantry Rubber Tyred 4 units and 7 units Truck Head. Cooperation, also to encourage better cooperation with local government or by private parties.

In line with the development potential of hinterland, operational requirements, development of marine transport technology that propensity to trade the world by using the container as well as regulatory changes in the birth of the National Shipping Law. 17 year 2008 concerning the management of PT Pelabuhan Sailing Indonesi I (s) need to do in anticipation of the development of port business. Strategic studies course is required to be a cornerstone in making corporate policies and development plans forward.

Belawan Port as a major port in the working area of ​​PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) became one of the priorities to be developed. Belawan port development The key is to improve the navigation channel capacity in addition to service in Belawan Container Terminal, liquid bulk terminal and bulk dry. In the future, the Port of Belawan Port directed the President to handle liquid cargo (crude palm oil and its derivatives) and shipping containers. whereas Dumai port will be redirected to service bulk liquid, dry bulk and containerized cargo and other ports will be developed in accordance with business potential in the hinterland of each port.

Now PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I is opening position for:

Bachelor Degree (S1)/ Equivalent
Staf Hukum: S1 majoring in Law, fresh graduate
Staf Keuangan: S1 majoring in Accounting, fresh graduate
Staf Teknik Mesin dan Listrik: S1 majoring in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, fresh graduate
Staf Dukungan Sistem: S1 majoring in Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, fresh graduate
Staf Kesejahteraan SDM dan Hubungan Industrial: S1 majoring in Management, fresh graduate

Diploma 4/ Diploma 3 Degree/ Equivalent
Pelaksana Sistem Informasi: D3 majoring in Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering, fresh graduate
Pelaksana Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM: D3 majoring Economics, Management, fresh graduate
Pelakasana Mekanik Alat Bongkar Muat: D3 majoring in Mechanical Engineering, fresh graduate
Pelakasan Operasi Kapal dan Barang: D3/D4 majoring in Tatalaksana Pelayaran /Transportasi Laut & Kepelabuhanan, fresh graduate
Pelaksana Humas: D3 majoring in Communication, fresh graduate
Pelaksana Akuntansi: D3 majoring in Accounting, fresh graduate
Pelaksana Teknik Sipil: D3 majoring in Civil Engineering, fresh graduate

General Requirements
Minimum GPA 3.00 (of 4.00 scale for domestic graduate)
Maximum 31 years old for Bachelor (S1) and 28 years old for Diploma 3
Fluent in English both oral and written

Should you interested please Apply at link below. Application periode September 25, 2011 - October 8, 2011.



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