Nusa Halmahera Minerals Job Vacancy

Apr 30, 2012

Mining Operation
a. Gosowong Mine
The Gosowong Gold Mine was an open put mine situated beside the Tabobo River, Halmahera Utara, Maluku Utara Province, encompassing a construction area 1.608ha. During 1999-2002, Gosowong gold mine produced 770,000 ounces of gold but has now closed.

b. Toguraci Mine
Toguraci Mine is located 2 km southwest of Gosowong Mine and was also an open pit mine. With 2.168ha construction area, Toguraci has produced 492.000 ounces of gold during 2004-2008 but has now also closed.
c. Kencana Underground Mine
Kencana Underground Mine is situated 1 km south of Gosowong mine with a construction area of 28.252ha. All current mining activity at Gosowong takes place within the Kencana underground mine by an Alliance between PT. NHM and PT. Byrnecut Indonesia. Current reserves are 2.5 million ones grading 29g/t gold for 2.3 million gold oz. To date mining of the K1 ore body has produced 0.79 Million oz of gold. Underhand cut and fill has been chosen as the underground mining method appropriate with ground and fill has been chosen as the underground mining method appropriate with ground and deposit conditions. There are 4 jumbo drills, 4 loaders and 5 trucks in operation underground to carry out the work required. NHM is committed to ensured transfer of knowledge and technology to the national workforce. In 2008, the production target is 549.000 tones which is increased from the previous year.
d. Kencana Mine Extension
Two addition deposits at Kencana are currently undergoing from the existing K1 mine. Named K2 and K Link the deposits are located 100 – 300m below surface. Constructions of a 1500m-long access tunnel will allow access and ore transport has commenced from K1. Production will commence in 2009
Our exploration group has discovered an accumulated resource of 5.000.000 Oz Au (Gosowong, Toguraci, and Kencana 1). Total exploration expenditure is USD 44.000.000 and this figure might reach as much as USD 50.000.000 by the end of 2010. the Contract of Work area is divided into 9 (nine) prospective BLOCKS: Gosowong Extended, Gosowong North, Tobobo, Ngoali, Matat, Toliwang, Barnabas, Gosowong West, and Kobok.
ORE Processing
Similar characteristic of Gosowong, Toguraci and Kencana ores enable us to use existing Process Plant (ex-Gosowong) for Kencana Underground ore processing, with additional Gravity Concentration circuit to accommodate the Gravity Recoverable Gold (GRG). The process plant has been also applied for some modifications to increase its ore processing capacity up to 400.000 tones ore per annum with the high grade ore supplies from mining. The Gosowong Gold Processing Plant which also produce silver as by product systematically consist of (1) Crushing, (2) Grinding, (3) Gravity Concentration, (4) conventional Cyanide Leach, (5) Counter Current Decantation, (6) Clarification, (7) Zinc Precipitation, (8) Calcining & Retorting, (9) Smelting, and (10) Detoxification.
Annual gold and silver production will be varies depend on the ore specifications as well as the ore grade. However, the process plant will be designed to have 360.000 oz Au and 230.000 oz Ag of production per annum with average to produce 320.000 oz Au and 200.000 oz Ag per annum.

Fresh Graduate Program

PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals is a gold mining and exploration company, operating a COW (Contract of Work) on Halmahera Island, North Maluku.  The company is a joint

venture between Newcrest Mining Limited (82.5%) and PT Aneka Tambang (17.5%).

The Company is attending to seek 9 (nine) Fresh Graduates from all universities in Indonesia, focusing on:

1. Environmental Science (ES)
2. Geology (Geo)
3. Mining Engineer (ME)
4. Metallurgy (Met)
5. Finance & Accounting (FA)
6. Electrical (EL)
7. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

• SI graduated from related discipline
• GPA mm 3.00 in a scale of 4
• Mustbegraduatedin20ll or2012
• English comprehension both oral and written
• Good Computer skills especially Microsoft Office Successfully pass the series of test (including Psychological Assessment)
• Willing to be bonded with two years contract and located at remote site
• Committed to Implement the 5 (five) Principles of the Newcrest Values i.e. “Work Together, Care about People, Honesty and Integrity, Innovation & Problem Solving, High Performance”

If you believe you have the required and knowledge to undertake these roles, please send the application and resume with code reference to the following address before 28 May 2012:
PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals


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Bank DKI Job Vacancy

The Company was first established in Jakarta with the name "PT Djakarta Raya Regional Development Banks" as contained in Deed of Limited Liability Companies Regional Development Banks Djakarta Raya (PT Djakarta Raya Regional Development Banks) Regulation.

In order to conform with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 Year 1962 on Basic Provisions of the Regional Development Banks, the Company changed the legal position and was transferred from the Regional Development Bank Limited Company Jakarta Raya became the Regional Development Bank DKI Jakarta based on Regional Regulation, Jakarta - DKI No. 6 / 1978 dated 21 August 1978 on the Jakarta Regional Development Banks (BPD Jaya), which was approved by the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decree No. Pem.10/87/1-858-sk. December 5, 1978 and promulgated in the Gazette of DKI Jakarta No. 12 of 1979 Series D No. 11 dated May 2, 1979 as well as the Regional Regulation No. 1 of 1993 dated January 15, 1993 by changing the authorized capital of Rp 50,000,000,000 to 300,000,000,000 at the date of May 5, 1999 and from the date of May 6th, 1999 transformed into a Limited Company with authorized capital amounting Rp700.000.000.000 .

The amendment was approved by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta through the Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 1 / 1999 dated February 1, 1999 with the deed made by and before notary Harun Kamil, SH, No. 4 dated May 6, 1999 and was approved by the Minister of Justice by the Decree No. C-8270.HT.01.01.Th. 99 dated May 7, 1999. June 4, 1999, published in the State. 45, Supplement. 3283.

The scope of its activities is to conduct general banking activities. On November 30, 1992, the Bank obtained a license to conduct activities as a Foreign Exchange Bank by decree of the Board of Directors of Bank Indonesia. 25/67/KEP/DIR. In March 2004, the Bank commenced its operations based on sharia principles based on Bank Indonesia No.6/39/DpbS Letter, dated January 13, 2004 on the principles of sharia branch offices of Bank in its commercial activities.

Articles of Association have been amended several times, and most recently by Deed. 101 which is made by and before the Notary Ny Poerbaningsih Adi, SH, Notary in Jakarta on September 28, 2007 on Capital Increase Base became Rp1.500.000.000.000 and paid-in capital increase that was approved by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia under No. . C-04111.HT.01.04 of 2007 dated November 22, 2007.

Based on the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders April 26, 2010, Structure of the shareholders of Bank DKI today is 99.83% (Rp610.159.000.000) is owned by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, while 0.17% (Rp1.000.000.000) is owned by PD Pasar Jaya.

The consistency of growth performance to gain the trust of society through innovative banking products and services, improving service quality, implementation of corporate governance combined with improving the quality of human resources became the focus of Bank DKI who stood since 11 April 1961.

Vision to be the best and pride and mission as the bank's superior performance, strategic partner businesses, society and the mainstay of the city administration that adds value for stakeholders through an integrated and professional service begins with building a work culture that was unearthed from the values ​​of a positive internal in order to produce human resources that have a human capital based KTPPDKI behavior (commitment, teamwork, professional, service, discipline, hard work and integrity).

DKI Bank focuses its business on four main segments that provide opportunities for long-term sustainable growth, namely consumer banking, commercial banking and mortgage banking segment and SMEs, as well as Islamic banking.

Consumer banking segment provides Bank DKI niche market in the form of teachers more than 200,000 customers, the city administration officials who numbered more than 100,000 people in addition to continuous product development JakCard, among others as a means to pay Busway, pay cards on the network Indomaret, and later it can be used for payment of transport tickets in Electric Railway which connects Jakarta with its satellite cities. Looking ahead, JakCard will be used as a means of payment of all transportation modes as DKI-Jaya.

Bank DKI Jakarta is an Indonesian bank. The Bank was founded on April 30, 1961 and is headquartered in Central Jakarta. DKI Bank was founded with the intent and purpose to help and encourage economic growth and regional development in all fields as well as a source of local revenue in order to improve the standard of living. At the time of establishment, the shareholder is the local government of Jakarta as many as 200 shares and 50 shares owned by PT. Asuransi Jiwa Bumi Poetra 1912, with total paid up capital of Rp 2,500,000.00 (two million five hundred thousand rupiah).

On November 30, 1992, Bank DKI officially became Foreign Exchange Bank. In 1999, Bank DKI change of legal entity from the Regional Companies into Limited Liability Company.

In order to ensure sustained growth, Bank DKI continues to strengthen its corporate governance, including the internal control structure and risk management, and implementation of operating standards more uniform and transparent.

Download Complete Information 
If you interested please download document below link:

Reference Test Bank

Available Position

To cornerstone its massive advancement, PT Bank DKI are seeking for young professionals in the field of banking that has competence, passion, high integrity to join as:

TELLER (Code : TL)


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Loreal Job Vacancy

L'Oréal is world leader in cosmetics and beauty products and has presence in 130 countries. It produces over 4.5 billion products a year in 42 industrial plants around the world. L'Oréal product sell by the billion in every conceivable distribution channel - for example, Garnier and Maybelline in supermarkets. Kerastase in hair Salons and Lancome in department Store.

L'Oréal Indonesia has shown an exponential growth in 2009 & 2010. According to Nielsen survey, L'Oréal is the fastest growth fast moving consumer goods company for the last two years.

L'Oréal Indonesia has drastically accelerated its business by offering accessible innovations suited to local expectation. L'Oréal is also inte process of establishing a new factory in Indonesia which will be the biggest factory in terms of land size within L'Oréal group.

Come and develop L'Oreal's brands and business around the world.
Come and be part of our vibrant teams and a passionate environment.
Join a company which delivers great corporate citizenship.

Submit Application
If you interested please apply at following link:


Available Position

Demand Planning Project Manager
Key job accountability:

  • To ensure improvement and compliance of demand planning best practice
  • To implement demand forecasting software project


  • Do regular assessment and feedback to improve the process to ensure minimum 95% compliance
  • Standardize and reapply best practices from divisions and internal or external of L'Oreal
  • Lead the project team, including working with people from zone and consulting firm
  • Ensure that the project is running on time and at budgeted cost

Technical & Professional competencies required:

  • Supply chain management, with key focus on flows and stock management
  • Strong project management experience
  • Strong business acumen in FMCG industry
  • Result orientation with ability to manage multiple priorities

Indirect Sales Supervisor
Sumatera Barat - Indonesia

Key Job Accountabilities:

  • To manage and develop a group of indirect clients (retail store) in Sumatera Area for Matrix brand, from our Professional Product Division
  • Identify the business potential of existing clients and build loyalty
  • Achieve sales targets, qualitative and quantitative objectives given by Indirect Channel Manager
  • Coordinate with Sales Supervisor and Indirect Channel Team
  • Identify and convert future clients in the given area
  • Help clients to develop their own business (sell-through, technical help, merchandising...)
  • Organise route plan and manage data and administration

Technical & Professional competencies required:

  • S1 graduate with 3 years working experience
  • Familiar with several big cities in Sumatera
  • Good negotiation skills
  • Sales techniques
  • Excellent Interpersonal skills
  • Good knowledge of product, market and competition
  • Good computer knowledge

Retail Design Manager
Jakarta Raya - Jakarta
Key job accountabilities:
* To define and create the countries' retail design & merchandising strategy in order to implement the brand
image and identity in stores, to reinforce brand visibility, in line with international guidelines
* Adapt brand spatial concept to local distribution constraints. Implement the merchandising solutions for
make-up testers units, free access and POS materials, answering local marketing plan needs
* Co-undertake the conception, development and follow - up of flagship stores with international brands and zone
* Coordinate the conception, production, delivery and installation of any kind of local specific materials
* Ensure compliance with technical and legal aspects regarding production norms
* Recruit, develop and manage the team. Ensure development of expertise and know -how and support
organisation changes
* Ensure follow -up of the budget
* Check L'Oréal internal purchasing process is respected

Technical & Professional competencies required:
* Experience in Retail Design especially in Department Stores
* In-depth knowledge of products/category
* Business sense
* Computer skills: Autocad, 3D Max
* Architecture or interior design skills
* Organizational skills and problem solving ability
* Negotiation skills
* English communication skill

Head of Channel (Key Account Management)
Jakarta Raya - Jakarta

Job: Head of Channel
Professional Field: Sales & Retail
Specialization: Sales & Retail development

Key job accountabilities
To service, develop and manage all Hypermarket channels for L'Oreal Indonesia
* Build a strong partnership and close contact with the top management of national/international accounts
* Define joint strategy with account teams to align and sustainably grow the business
* Manage accounts' sales growth and profitability in coherence with Brand objectives
* Drive year-end negotiation for trading terms
* Create, implement and follow up an annual business plan taking into account all levers of growth: commercial
agreements, marketing actions, education, merchandising and retail opportunities, profitability,...
* Develop alternative strategies to secure sales where required
* Drive specific change projects in various areas such as supply chain, merchandising, data exchange
* Communicate critical business information and share best practices to the appropriate parties
* Recruit, develop and manage his/her teams. Ensure development of expertise and know-how and support
organisation changes

Technical & Professional competencies required
* Negotiation skills
* Strong interpersonal skills
* Results driven
* Ability to develop a vision
* Knowledge of market, customer expectations and brand(s)
* Knowledge of modern sales tools (ECR, catman, CRM, data systems)
* Organizational and analytical skills
* Mastering P&L account management
* Sales ethics and sensitivity to legal issues and competitive law

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Recruitment BUMN: Cogindo Marketing Staff (Indonesia Power)

PT. Cogindo DayaBersama (CDB) was officially established at 15 April 1998, headquartered in Jakarta, and started its operation in 1st July 1998. Since its establishment CDB has been growing to be a solid corporate and gaining high reputation and excellent track records in Indonesia electricity supply industry.

The sole share-holder of CDB is PT. Indonesia Power, a subsidiary of State Power Firm (PT. PLN), which is in charge in managing powers plants supplying Java and Bali Islands. This subsidiary is assigned to run the business of power plants and other interrelated. PT. Indonesia Power runs its operation through business units, namely Tanjung Priok, Suralaya, Saguling, Kamojang, Mrica, Semarang, Perak & Grati dan Bali. Through its 8 business unit, PT. Indonesia Power in total producing the supply of 8.327 Mega watts, becoming the first largest power supplier in Indonesia.

CDB has been significantly provided contribution in providing power to several areas and some companies who need a specific and stand-alone power supply. Amongst the companies and the areas are Bali Nirwana Resort, Pertamina Duri Unit, Riau Province, or a number of big cities such as Bandung and Jakarta.

Gaining lesson from its experience in providing support and maintenance, has in fact providing CDB with opportunity to stepping further in the power provider industry, to meet the power demand in Indonesia. In 2009, Cogindo started to build its own MFO fueled power plant, with the capacity of 44,6 Mega Watt di Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. The Power plant construction completed early this year and was officially inaugurated in February 2010.

In the recent years, capability of CDB has been increasingly recognized by its holding company PT. Indonesia Power as well as PT. PLN. CDB, for instance, has been trusted to participate in operate and manage PLTU Labuan, a steam-powered 2x300 mega watts power plant.

The demand on power has been significantly increased in the last decade, confirming the assumption that power demand increase twice as much as economic growth. Using conservative assumption that Indonesia’s annual economic growth will stay at 4,5% in the next five years, result an estimate of 10% annual demand increase, a promising number for the power industries.

The massive development of large-scale power plants in the recent years, in response to power shortage throughout the country, has turned the power provider business into a promising industry that will in turn earn make positive contribution to the Indonesian Company.

Cogindo DayaBersama (CDB), is currently becoming an important part of Indonesia power industry. This achievement is gained through tireless hard works, high commitment, and also support from various parties. We are very proud of taking part to serve the nation’s demand for electricity.

Experiences, highly skilled and professional human resources are the ultimate tools required to manage the recently fast-growing and more complex power industry. CDB, has been well in place in gaining all lesson learnt from its experience to improve its human resources skills and to enhance its professionalism, to answer the future challenges in this industry.

With its ownerships over a medium-scale power plant located in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, CDB is expected to continue maintaining and improving its existence in power provision industry. CDB has also gained the trust to manage the Operational and Maintenance (O&M) of several large-scale power plants such as PLTU Labuan and PLTU Suralaya.

CDB offers the following products and services :

Independent Power Provider (IPP)
To be reliabe power provider which service high quality power.

Maintenance and Operational Service
Supported by qualified and highly-skilled engineers in various fields including diesel, gas turbine, steam turbine, combined cycle, and hydro power plant, PT. Cogindo DayaBersama has been able to operate a power plant.

Power Plant Rental
CDB offer a fast and reliable solution to overcome energy supply shortage and midterm period, through renting mechanism of power generator machines. CDB has been very experienced in this regard, espectally in dealry with specifik immediate needs.

Engineering Services
CDB offers a comprehensive package of energy provision includes :
Power plant design in accordance with the customer’s need.
Power plant installation, to ensure the constructed power plant will meet the required conditions.

PT COGINDO DAYABERSAMA, subsidiary of PT. INDONESIA POWER specializing in energy cogeneration, operations and maintenance of Generators, is seeking for highly motivated candidates who are professional, have integrity, a team-player, customer-oriented for the following positions:

Now PT Cogindo is opening position for to join at our company


Main Responsibilities

  • Implement marketing plan and strategies include maintain customer relation and prospect new customer and conduct market surveys to increase revenue for the company.

Requirements :

  • Ages not more than 28 years old.
  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering / Electrical engineering / Chemical / Industry / Marketing with a minimum of 2 years at sales/marketing engineer.
  • Competency on marketing management, product knowledge, contract drafting, market research and competitor analysis.
  • Good communication skill, both written and verbal.
  • Good negotiating and interpersonal skill.
  • Commercial awareness for pricing and analyzing data.
  • Good Organizational skill.
  • Computer literate and proficient in Microsoft Windows and Office applications.
  • Ability to work independently or team.
  • Aggressive, Good personality, Self-Confidence & Positive thinking.
  • Able to travel extensively and at short notice.

If you are interested in a career with the company business challenge in the energy industries, please send your CV and photograph not more than two weeks to email : atau subject email :
“ [MS-WEB]-[Your Name] for Marketing Staff “
Bagikan Bagikan

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Johnson Controls Job Vacancy

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial leader serving customers in more than 150 countries. Our 142,000 employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid automotive batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles. Our commitment to sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategies and by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to shareholders and making our customers successful.

Johnson Controls is a global diversified technology and industrial leader serving customers in more than 150 countries.

Our 162,000 employees create quality products, services and solutions to optimize energy and operational efficiencies of buildings; lead-acid automotive batteries and advanced batteries for hybrid and electric vehicles; and interior systems for automobiles.

Our commitment to sustainability dates back to our roots in 1885, with the invention of the first electric room thermostat. Through our growth strategies and by increasing market share we are committed to delivering value to shareholders and making our customers successful.

In 2011, Corporate Responsibility Magazine recognized Johnson Controls as the #1 company in its annual “100 Best Corporate Citizens” list.

Johnson Controls values have strengthened our organization, shaped our culture and guided behavior on the job for more than 125 years. These values support our 10-Year Marker, a set of strategic guideposts for operating our businesses to achieve long-term success. We expect the company’s values to be followed at all times across Johnson Controls.

We act with honesty, fairness, respect and safety, furthering a culture of unquestioned integrity. This strengthens relationships across businesses and functions.

Customer Satisfaction
Our future depends on us serving as customer advocates and increasing our customers’ success. We are proactive, hard-driving and easy to work with. We offer expert knowledge and practical solutions. We deliver on our promises.

Employee Engagement
As we grow, so will our people. We foster a culture that promotes excellent performance, teamwork, inclusion, leadership and growth. Our employee and leader diversity will mirror our global markets and population.

We believe there is always a better way. We encourage change and seek the opportunities it brings. We will commercialize innovations globally at an accelerating pace.

Through our products, services, operations and community involvement, we promote the efficient use of resources to benefit all people and our planet. The environment and sustainability are key elements of our business proposition.

Senior Sales Service Engineer
Jakarta Raya

  • Promoting after sales product e.g. maintenance contract, spare parts, replacement/ retrofitting Achieving targeted sales order Meeting customer satisfaction


  • Male/ Female, with maximum age 35 years old
  • Graduate from Bachelor Degree (S1) major in Mechanical Engineering from reputable university with GPA min. 2.75
  • Having similar experience in selling after sales product, spare parts, and maintenance contract with minimum 2 years working experience from heavy equipment mechanical/ electrical company
  • Good communication, willing to learn, analytical, aggressive and strong willing to help behavior
  • Must be proactive team player and able to work with minimum supervision
  • Fluent in English & computer literate
  • Possess own vehicle

Johnson Controls is committed to equal employment opportunity, diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Send your CV & color photo (3x4):
Sales Engineer Fire, Security, and Building Automation
Jakarta Raya

  • Develop network with consultant, contractors, and distributors
  • Manage and build good relationship with customers or end users
  • Manage to meet targeted sales order
  • Ensure in meeting customer satisfaction


  • Male/ female, with maximum age of 35 years old
  • Graduate from electrical engineering with minimum 4 years similar experience.
  • Having good network/ channel for fire, security and building automation program would be an advantage
  • Strong negotiation and selling skills.
  • Must be proactive team player and able to work with minimum supervision
  • Fluent in English & computer literate
  • Possess own vehicle
  • Johnson Controls is committed to equal employment opportunity, diversity and

inclusion in the workplace. Send your CV & color photo (3x4):
Please put “Sales Engineer Fire, Security, and Building Automation System”
for the subject.


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Sony Job Vacancy

Established on 1 September 1995, PT Sony Indonesia, as a sales and marketing company, authorized by Sony Corporation, performs the best practice of marketing and sales activities for Sony products throughout Indonesia. It covers distribution of Sony products including the latest fruits of Sony's research and development.

Through 16 Sony Centers and over 600 Authorized Dealers nation-wide, PT Sony Indonesia provides the best products and solutions. Moreover, as part of its commitment, PT Sony Indonesia strives to provide reliable service for post-purchases through its 60 authorized service centers and 15 pick-up points nation-wide.
It is PT Sony Indonesia's aim to continuously serve customers better and improve people's lifestyle in Indonesia through its products and technology.

Submit Application

If you interested please apply at following link:


Available Position

IT Product Sales Executive
Jakarta Raya

  • In charge for Account Management of IT (PC) channel
  • Manage and coordinate daily sales activities of channel partners (check sell out and inventory, shop front display, A/R Collection)
  • Cultivate new channel partner by shop visit and research
  • In charge for sales event coordination


  • Experience in IT Sales / Marketing
  • Have good knowledge of IT products
  • Good communication skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken
  • Good computer literate (Ms Office)

Service Center Area Coordinator - Yogyakarta (SAC - YGY)
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

  • Manage and coordinate service stations in Yogyakarta area
  • Expand service networks in Yogyakarta area
  • Provide quality control of service stations in area to the Headquarter
  • Support Headquarter for Service Marketing Project to develop Service Loyalty of Customer


  • Experience in the same field of work
  • Have good knowledge of electronic and IT products
  • Good technical skills of electronic and IT products is preferable
  • Good communication skill and presentation skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken
  • Good computer literate (Ms Office)

Sony Center Sales Executive
Jakarta Raya

  • In charge for Account Management
  • Manage and coordinate daily sales activities of Sony Centers (check sell out and inventory, shop front display, A/R Collection)
  • Cultivate new channel partner by shop visit and research
  • In charge for sales event coordination


  • Experience in Sales / Marketing
  • Good communication skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken
  • Good computer literate (Ms Office)

Modern Outlet Sales Executive
Jakarta Raya

  • In charge for (Modern Outlet) Account Management
  • Manage and coordinate daily sales activities of channel partners (check sell out and inventory, shop front display, A/R Collection)
  • Cultivate new channel partner by shop visit and research
  • In charge for sales event coordination


  • Experience in Modern Outlet Sales / Marketing
  • Good communication skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken
  • Good computer literate (Ms Office)

Service Center Area Coordinator - Jakarta (SAC - JKT)
Jakarta Raya

  • Manage and coordinate service stations in Jakarta area
  • Manage and coordinate all service area coordinators in branches
  • Expand service networks in Jakarta area
  • Provide quality control of service stations in area to the Headquarter
  • Support Headquarter for Service Marketing Project to develop Service Loyalty of Customer


  • Experience in the same field of work
  • Have good knowledge of electronic and IT products
  • Good technical skills of electronic and IT products is preferable
  • Good communication skill and presentation skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken
  • Good computer literate (Ms Office)

Service Center Area Coordinator - Surabaya (SAC - SBY)
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

  • Manage and coordinate service stations in Surabaya area
  • Expand service networks in Surabaya area
  • Provide quality control of service stations in area to the Headquarter
  • Support Headquarter for Service Marketing Project to develop Service Loyalty of Customer


  • Experience in the same field of work
  • Have good knowledge of electronic and IT products
  • Good technical skills of electronic and IT products is preferable
  • Good communication skill and presentation skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken
  • Good computer literate (Ms Office)

Sales Support - Makassar
Makassar (Sulawesi Selatan)

  • Responsible for sales administrative documentation, process and coordination 
  • Generate regularly related sales reports 
  • Monitor on the stock list 
  • Liaise with sales executive on sales support related matters


  • Familiar using software application
  • Excellent computer literate (Ms Office)
  • Good communication skill and presentation skill
  • Good interpersonal skill, good attitude and good teamwork
  • Good English both written and spoken

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Kobexindo General Affair Officer Vacancy

Kobexindo Tractors (Kobexindo) was established in 1994, and rapidly grew into an aggressive and committed distributor of industrial, construction and mining equipment. Kobexindo has continued to be the top two market share leaders in Indonesia with Jungheinrich Lift Trucks. With ingenious designs and quality that's proven and tested, Kobexindo is the main supplier for electric lift trucks to many Foreign Based Companies (PMA) in the manufacturing, pharmaceutical, chemical and cigarette industries.

General Affair Officer
Samarinda (East Kalimantan)

  • Age max. 35 years
  • Domicile in Samarinda
  • Education min. D 3 All majors, Bachelor of Law are preferable
  • Having SIM A and SIM C
  • Able to operate Microsoft Office
  • Master of the Legal
  • Tenacious, energetic, hardworking and likes a challenge

Applications can be sent to the email address:


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Recruitment BUMN : Energy Management Indonesia (Persero)

PT. Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) or formerly known as PT. Koneba (Persero) was established in 1987, is government institution which engaged in the field of conservation and energy management.

From year to year, we had help the government, other government institutions, and private company in risk management activities, energy audits, commissioning testing, energy inspection and labeling, technical consultancy, energy and environmental studies.

Implementation of our business activities were conducted by trained and professional staffs in their field and supported by adequate equipment as needed. Our accumulated experience in various sectors in society and many industries added value in the implementation of our business conducted the study tasks, conservation, management and energy diversification.

Submit Application
If you interested please apply at following link:


Available Position

Economic power
Jakarta Raya

  • S1 education
  • Experience 7 years
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Have the ability of analysts, cooperation and good communication
  • master computer

Power Civil / Architect
Jakarta Raya

  • S1 education
  • Experience 7 years
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • Have the ability of analysts, cooperation and good communication
  • master computer

Mechanical energy
Jakarta Raya

  • S1 education
  • Experience 7 years
  • Can work in a team or individual
  • mastering Computers
  • Have the ability of analysts, cooperation and good communication

Electro power
Jakarta Raya

  • S1 education
  • Experience 7 years
  • mastering Computers
  • Have the ability of analysts, cooperation and good communication
  • Dapak work in a team or individual


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Bank ICBC Indonesia could open accounts for various corporations and provide demand and time deposits for rupiah and dollar. Any local companies or Chinese corporations could open exchange settlement accounts by related registration certificate.

Loans Business
Bank ICBC Indonesia could provide various financing services, including liquidity loans, project loans, real estate loans, syndicated loans, export credit, notes business, all types of trade financing, bond business.

Remittances Business
Outward Remittances: With the most advanced and reliable global settlement system, Bank ICBC Indonesia could transmit the remittance data automatically into local remittance banks or agent banks according to the orders, which makes your remittances fast and secure.

Inward Remittances: Through the agent banks network all over the word, Bank ICBC Indonesia could deposit the remittances by various channels from all over the world into your account at ICBC, or you can come to ICBC to receive the remittances in person, which makes your remittances fast and secure.

International Settlements and Financing Business
Import Settlements Business: mainly including opening letter of credit, under which the acceptance, payment, dishonor and delivery guarantee. Agent import collection means that informing the payer come to ICBC to transact payment or acceptance within one workday after the acceptance of the commission notes of foreign banks.

Export Settlements Business: mainly including LC notification, review under LC, recorded fund under LC, collection and enquires; Documentary Collection, Clean Collection and exchange acceptance.

International Trading and Financing Business: Bank ICBC Indonesia transacts financing business under the trade settlement such as imports trade, packing loans, export trade and discount.
Guarantee Business: Bank ICBC Indonesia could transact letter of guarantee notification business, opening, reissuing or confirming the letter of guarantee.

Submit Applications

Human Resources Department

ICBC Indonesia

Available Position

Risk Management (Branch Representative)
Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

  • Identification of credit exposure, liquidity, market and stipulated operational set by risk management committee.
  • Data collecting, validity data, analysis data from operational unit and audit intern operational unit as report making material.
  • Calculation on credit exposures, liquidity, market and operational set as report making material.
  • Making monthly and quarterly report of risks to be reported to head of risk management, which later to be reported to Bank Indonesia.
  • To do activity research and development on all risk management to face external development and to provide information to head unit of risk management.


  • Candidate must possess at least 2-3 years banking experience related to Risk Management Field
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Business Studies/Administration/Management, Finance/Accountancy/Banking, Commerce, Economics or equivalent.
  • Full-Time positions available.


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Indika Energy Job Vacancy

Apr 29, 2012

Incorporated in 2000, PT Indika Energy Tbk (''Indika Energy'') was previously known as PT Dipta Diwangkara/PT Indika Inti Energi. Indika Energy however has its roots in the energy sector as far back as 1973 with the establishment of Tripatra, a leader in providing integrated engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) services to the oil and gas industry in Indonesia.

Today, Indika Energy (''INDY'', hereafter also referred to as ''the Company'' or ''the Group'') is publicly listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) with a market capitalisation of Rp. 11.6 trillion (US$ 1.2 billion)1 with subsidiaries and associated companies concentrating in its three business pillars of energy resources, energy services, and energy infrastructure.

The core strategy for growth has been ''strengthening the foundation for greater value-chain integration''. In 2009, Indika Energy completed its acquisition of PT Petrosea Tbk, a multi-disciplinary engineering, construction and contract mining company with a track record of achievement in Indonesia since 1972.

This significant acquisition not only served to strengthen the Group's foothold and leadership in EPC services, but consolidated its capacity to deliver total energy services from acquiring mining rights and feasibility studies, to mining operations, processing, production and barging, to transshipment and offtake. In effect, the Company became a fully integrated energy company with strategic synergies in place to power its growth.

PT Indika Energy Tbk is an integrated Indonesian energy company, providing its customers with integrated energy solutions through its complementary investments in the areas of energy resources, energy services and energy infrastructure.In line with our rapid expansion, we are looking for self-motivated, hardworking and qualified people to join our winning team as :

PT Indika Energy Tbk is an integrated Indonesian energy company, providing its customers with integrated energy solutions through its complementary investments in the areas of energy resources, energy services and energy infrastructure.

Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur

  • Survey and Mapping detail promising area
  • Conduct to identify sampling methods, field operations, interpretation and correlation of seams, and reporting
  • Conduct to examines areal photographs and evaluates the results of geophysical prospecting
  • Prepare and identify surface and sub-surface maps, stratigraphic arrangement and composition of the potential of the coal


  • Bachelor degree Diploma/ Master degree in Geology
  • Male/ Female, max. 27 years old (fresh graduate welcome to apply)
  • Exposure to Map Info, Map Source, AutoCAD, GPS, and Mining software like Surpac and Minscape would be an added advantage
  • Good health and personality, smart, and hard worker
  • Ability to work indepedently or as part of team
  • Available be assigned in site;Kalimantan Area.

Procurement Manager
Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur

  • Develop contract, suplier or vendor new material procurement and ensure that user’s materials requirements
  • Prepare purchase orders, bid proposals, and ensure in time delivery of goods and services
  • Negotiate, renegotiate, and administer contracts with suppliers, vendors, and other representatives
  • Handle the sourcing, procurement, and purchasing activities
  • Responsible with the activities related to bid tender process to include bid evaluation, suppliers to ensure compliance with SOP, law and regulation
  • Conduct assessment on suppliers’ and contractors’ performance and recommend those that can be considered qualified contractors/suppliers


  • Male / Female 30 to 45 years old
  • Bachelor degree in any discipline from reputable university min GPA 3.00
  • At least 10 years of working experience preferably in Coal Mining
  • He / She must deep understanding in procurement and contracting Management
  • Preferably Supervisors specializing in Purchasing/Inventory/Material or equivalent
  • Having Good negotiation skill and knowledge in inventory control, supply chain and Asset management
  • Language : English (Active) and Indonesia
  • Willing to be placed in Site Kalimantan with rooster
Project Control Manager
Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur

  • Responsible for implementation and management of project controls functions
  • Accountable for reliability and suitability of project controls support to projects and operations
  • Responsible for ongoing review and improvement of project controls functions
  • Ensure compliance with the Company’s financial policies and procedures to include revenue recognition policies and project set up rules
  • Collaborate with the Financial Administrators on the monthly reconciliation of billed/unbilled vs. revenue activity to include researching unexplained reconciling items.
  • Coordinate with the Financial Administrators to ensure project invoices are accurately prepared and timely submitted, reviews project activities for compliance with procedures and standards.


  • Male/ Female, max. 40 years old
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate in any field from reputable university or overseas.
  • At least 10 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Manager / Assistant Managers specializing in Finance - Project Control or equivalent.
  • Knowledge and expertise in project management
  • He/she have good leaderships, mature, initiative and attitude, good analytical thinking, detail oriented, communication and interpersonal skill
  • Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
  • Wiling to be placed in Site Project (Kalimantan) with rooster

Recruitment Staff
Jakarta Raya

  • Handle recruitment  and selection process to support head office and site project,
  • Responsible to arrange interview, psikotest and medical test, review test result and interview result.
  • Having good knowledge with BEI (Break Event Interview)
  • Manage internal recruitment process 


  • Bachelor Degree Psychology from reputable university.
  • Comprehensive understanding of all Human Resources function.
  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in the related field
  • Good understanding on Indonesian Labour Law and current HR practice
  • Good command in English is a must, both oral and written
  • Analytical, Trustworthy, respect confidentiality, Mature, independent, proactive, results oriented and able to work in a team.
  • Fresh graduate welcome to Apply
If you meet the above-mentioned qualifications, please send your CV, a recent photograph, and supporting documents (please quote the position code on the subject) within two weeks from the date of advertisement to :

Human Capital Dept - PT. Indika Energy Tbk
Mitra Building, 4th Floor, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 21 Jakarta 129310
Or e-mail to :


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RPX Admin Officer Vacancy

The services that customers ask of a logistics company are becoming more and more varied and customized.  Whether you are sending goods or documents, you need the assurance that these will be sent quickly, safely and efficiently.  If your business involves  delivery of goods, you will need to contact various service providers for packaging, licensing, documentation services, and a courier or freight forwarder.  Each time you send a package, you will need to contact at least three different service providers. RPX is here to facilitate and shorten this process. Whatever type of goods or documents you need to send, wherever you wish to send them, whether by air, land or sea, we have the infrastructure and network at your disposal. Even customs clearance and storage while your goods are in transit can be managed by RPX. RPX is supported by the latest state-of-the-art technology to answer your every needs. The comprehensive services offered by RPX along with our local and international network throughout the major cities in Indonesia and the world, will make everything easy for you. Contact RPX for all your logistics needs.

RPX Holding delivers services of air transportation, customs clearance, freight forwarding, warehousing, domestic and international delivering goods. The company runs an extensive network coverage area in 126 cities/districts and employs more than 1600 dedicated, skilled and professional individuals. Supported by our fleets ranging from motorcycles, trucks, along with very own Boeing 737-200 aircrafts, we truly are total logistics solutions for our customers.

Admin Officer
Medan (Sumatera Utara) - Jl. Mongonsidi No. 19 Medan 20157

  • Assist on staff or external needs that support daily operational activities on collecting operational report, prepare summary of each report to be submitted to the manager in order to identify company’s progression


  • Min. Diploma degree in any major with at least 1 year experiences in administration
  • Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
  • Computer literacy
  • Good command in English
  • Good interpersonal skill\
  • Experience in related area would be advantage.

If you consider yourself as a strong and convincing personality with total dedication to quality and customer satisfaction, we encourage you to apply for the above position. Please put the positions' code in the subject of your email and kindly send your comprehensive application letter and/or resume to:


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Trakindo Job Vacancy


PT Trakindo Utama is the authorized dealer in Indonesia for Caterpillar products, the world's largest manufacturer of mining, forestry, agriculture and construction equipment, diesel and natural gas engines, industrial engines and generator sets.

The Caterpillar equipment product range includes articulated trucks, backhoe loaders, compactors, excavators, integrated toolcarriers, material handlers, motor graders, multi terrain loaders, off-highway trucks, off-highway tractors, pipelayers, scrapers, skid steer loaders, telehandlers, track-type tractors, track loaders, wheel dozers, underground mining equipment, paving equipment, forest machines, and industrial prime movers.

PT TRAKINDO UTAMA was established in 1970 by the owner, Mr. AHK Hamami. The company became the authorized dealer for Caterpillar in 1971 and now has more than 60 branches throughout the country from Sumatra to Papua. Backed by unbeatable support facilities and an extensive spare parts supply network, Trakindo provides world-class service to customers in the mining, construction, forestry, agricultural, energy and industrial sectors. The "Customer Services Company" is Trakindo motto.

PT Trakindo Utama is an expanding privately owned company dealing in heavy equipment business, with about 6.000 employees, operating in over 60 branches throughout Indonesia.

If You interested please apply at following link:

Available Position

Jakarta Raya

  • Be single point of contact (key relationship manager) between the business stakeholders and the IT organization
  • Ensure alignment of business and IT strategies
  • Leverage business-IT synergies by fulfilling division-specific demand using standardized business process, components, and services


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
  • Min 2 Years Experiences in Sales & Marketing
  • Ability to analyze & design business process
  • Excellent team work skills
  • Familiar with end to end Business Process
  • Strong communication and negotiation skill
  • Strong interpersonal & analytical thinking
  • 1 Full-Time position(s) available.

Jakarta Raya

  • Be single point of contact (key relationship manager) between the business stakeholders and the IT organization
  • Ensure alignment of business and IT strategies
  • Leverage business-IT synergies by fulfilling division-specific demand using standardized business process, components, and services


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Min 2 Years Experiences in Finance Business Process
  • Ability to analyze & design business process
  • Excellent team work skills
  • Familiar with end to end Business Process
  • Strong communication and negotiation skill
  • Strong interpersonal & analytical thinking
  • 1 Full-Time position(s) available.

Analyst Warranty
Jakarta Raya

  • Coordinate and monitor the system and process of product warranty claims.
  • Conduct direct checking on warranty claim validity according to SOP and current warranty guidelines.
  • Analyze warranty claim pending settlement, evaluate the reason and identify any mistakes occurred then coordinate with area warranty specialist to probe arguments/ requirements to resubmit/contest the claim.
  • Develop and update standard procedure (SOP) align with corporate business strategy and to improve process efficiency to achieve the department mission.
  • Support area management with analysis and recommendations for continuous improvement initiatives. Monitor the improvement plan consistently.
  • Coach and monitor performance of Area Warranty Specialist in line with human capital strategy to improve performance through development.


  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Mechanical) or equivalent.
  • Excellent working knowledge of Ms. Excel, Ms. Access and other Microsoft Office Application.
  • Good command in English both orally and writing
  • Accurate with a strong focus on attention to detail
  • Strong Analytical Thinking and communication skill
  • Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • 1 Full-Time positions available.

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Commonwealth Bank Branch Operation Support Vacancy

The Commonwealth Bank was founded under the Commonwealth Bank Act in 1911 and commenced operations in 1912, empowered to conduct both savings and general banking business. Today, we’ve grown to a business with more than 700,000 shareholders and over 38,000 employees. We offer a full range of financial services to help all Australians build and manage their finances.

PT Bank Commonwealth ("Commonwealth Bank") is a subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia ("CBA"). CBA initially made its presence in Indonesia by opening a representative office in 1990.

In 1997, a joint venture bank, namely PT BII Commonwealth, was established to provide corporate banking services to the Indonesian business entities and other businesses. In 2000, PT BII Commonwealth changed its name to PT Bank Commonwealth, where CBA Group becomes the majority shareholder.

At the end of 2007, PTBC acquired ownership of Bank ANK (83%), as part of a strategy to strengthen its market position in East Java.

PTBC now has 78 branches in 26 major cities in Indonesia, and will continue to grow in line with its business strategy and focus on developing a comprehensive retail banking services, including loan products, deposits, mutual funds insurance and investments. Specifically, PTBC aimed to serve three business groups, consisting of emerging affluent segment (middle), SME and High Net Worth individuals.

PTBC operates more than 100 ATMs and will continue to grow in the future. PTBC is also incorporated in the largest ATM network in Indonesia, namely ATM Bersama and BCA/PRIMA to provide easier access with more than 34 000 ATMs across Indonesia.

PTBC also offers the convenience of shopping through a network of cooperation with debit BCA / PRIMA, so that the Commonwealth Bank ATM card can be used as a debit card at more than 80,000 merchants in Indonesia.

In terms of customer services, PTBC is a bank with the Best Customer Service among all foreign banks in Indonesia for five consecutive years (based on independent research agency Synovate).

PTBC is rated AAA (National Long-term rating) with a stable outlook from Fitch Ratings, which is a form of recognition of PTBC’s achievement and reflects a very strong financial support from the parent company of PTBC, CBA Group, where Indonesia is one of the main focus of business outside of Australia CBA and New Zealand.

Branch Operation Support
Code : BOS
Palembang (Sumatera Selatan)

  • To consistently provide superior service quality to internal & external customers by ensuring smooth operations at the branch in an effective, innovative, and cost efficient manner with full adherence to all applicable policies and regulations related with operational risk in particular


  • Minimum D3 majoring in Banking, Economic or Finance from reputable university with GPA >3
  • Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
  • Proactive, full of initiative, highly integrity, risk focus and attention to details
  • Effective and good communication skills, self-starter and team spirited
  • Outstanding PC skills on Microsoft Office (especially Excel and Word)
  • Proficiency in written and spoken English

Please send the completed CV to:

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Astra Credit Fleet Credit Analyst Vacancy

ACC has always maintained its reputation as a leading finance company in Indonesia. Currently ACC has established cooperative relationships with more than 2,500 dealers, and trusted more than 670,000 subscribers.

To maintain market share that has been created and faces competition in the future, ACC took steps to remain focused on its core business activities of providing motor vehicle financing facility (sedans, minivans, jeeps, pick ups and trucks) and heavy equipment, both the scale of retail or corporate (fleet).

ACC applies the concept of operational excellence to provide the best service to its customers. ACC offers attractive financing packages and flexible to suit customer's needs and abilities. Customers do not need to doubt and anxiety, customer satisfaction is primary. Therefore, the current ACC supported by staff trained and skilled; both at headquarters and service offices.

Another plus is an added value, the ACC has always stepped up efforts services to customers and dealers through an integrated service system; fast and flexible. To its customers, ACC guarantees fast service to the application process either request financing of new vehicles and used vehicles; with the flexibility of a period of one to five years. For ease of installment payments, customers can pay installments through the various payment points such as ATM (together, the Independent, Jewel, BNI, Bank Danamon, BCA), SMS / mobile banking, Internet banking, Cheque / giro or cash.

And to the dealer, ACC provides prompt service to its customers credit application status information including the repayment process customer credit disbursement.

Fleet Credit Analyst ( FCA )
Jakarta Raya

  • Providing quality service trough undertaking risk assessment analysis of various types of lending proposals
  • Analyze customer financial statements to determine the degree of risk involved in extending credit or lending money


  • Bachelor degree from reputable university
  • GPA min. 2.75
  • Max. 27 years old
  • Fresh graduate or have experience as credit analyst is advantage
  • Strong analytical & logical thinking
  • Strong academic background from any disciplines
  • Energetic, having business sense & drive for result
  • Proficient in English

Please send your comprehensive resume in detail (including your organizational experience & achievement), copy of certificate & transcript to:
Please write the code position applied on your application.


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Torrecid Group Job Vacancy

Torrecid Group is a Multinational Business Group based on Providing Products and Services to Ceramic and Glass Company. Established Since 1963 In Alcora – Spain, Currently Present In 27 Companies in 18 Countries Around the World.

Torrecid Group Start Its Business in Indonesia since 1995 with Headquarter in Cibitung – Bekasi and Representative Office in Margomulyo – Surabaya.

Our Mission is:
To Achieve and Consolidate The Worldwide Leadership in Innovation of Products, Process and Services in Order to Provide Our Customers with The Best Competitive Advantage and The Highest Added Value.

Torrecid Group bases the accomplishment of its mission on three factors: Innovation, Quality and Service

Torrecid Group presence in various businesses and countries around the world allows us to offer new graduates, who are new to our Business Group, a large range of possibilities at the international level after a training period, directing and collaborating on projects, companies and advising our clients.

Torrecid Group opens the door for you to develop your career in all our businesses around the world. The various divisions will allow you to change line of business, country or professional orientation without changing employers.

In Torrecid Group we’re looking for the best leaders who want to learn and grow with us to develop and form our business project. All our international businesses are run by people who has started and developed in Torrecid

We are the Place for Innovative Young Leaders, who Enjoy Challenges, with High Initiative and Constant Willingness to Develop Their Skills and Talents

If you are Students on Your Last Semester,
Fresh Graduate Looking for Your First Job,
or New Experienced People,
Join Us

Opportunities We Have:

Customer Technical Service
Bekasi (Jawa Barat), Surabaya (Jawa Timur)

  • Minimum Diploma III (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1)Graduate from reputable University with background from Chemical Engineering or Chemistry
  • Fresh Graduate with GPA Min 3.00
  • Good Command in English
  • Highly Motivated & Eager to Learn
  • An Advantage if Able to Speak Chinese (Mandarin or other dialect)
  • Ad Advantage if Posses Driving License (SIM A)
  • Willing to be placed in our office in Cibitung-Bekasi or Tandes-Surabaya
Finance & Accounting Staff
Bekasi (Jawa Barat) - Cibitung

  • Minimum Diploma III (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1)Graduate from reputable University with background from Accounting or Taxation
  • Fresh Graduate with GPA Min 3.00
  • Good Command in English
  • An Advantage if has knowledge in Taxation
  • Willing to be placed in our office in Cibitung-Bekasi

Purchasing / Sales Administration
Bekasi (Jawa Barat) - Cibitung

  • Diploma III or Bachelor Degree from Reputable University Major in Industrial Engineering or Business Administration
  • Fresh Graduate with GPA min 3.00
  • Good Command in English
  • Has good negotiation skill
  • Willing to be placed in our office in Cibitung-Bekasi

If YOU are the people we are looking for,
Please Submit :
English Application Letter & Photographed CV,
Email to:

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Harley Davidson Job Vacancy

The company sells heavyweight (over 750 cc) motorcycles designed for cruising on the highway. Harley-Davidson motorcycles (popularly known as "Harleys") have a distinctive design and exhaust note. They are especially noted for the tradition of heavy customization that gave rise to the chopper style of motorcycle. Except for the modern VRSC model family, current Harley-Davidson motorcycles reflect the styles of classic Harley designs. Harley-Davidson's attempts to establish itself in the light motorcycle market have met with limited success and have largely been abandoned since the 1978 sale of its Italian Aermacchi subsidiary.
Harley-Davidson sustains a loyal brand community which keeps active through clubs, events, and a museum. Licensing of the Harley-Davidson logo accounts for almost 5% of the company's net revenue.
Mabua Harley-Davidson is seeking qualified candidates for the following position:

Requirements :

  • Male, max. 27 years old
  • Graduated from min. D3, preferable from Automotive Engineering/ manufacturing
  • Have passion in Harley-Davidson
  • Fluent in English is a must, both spoken & writing
  • Energetic, high motivated, result oriented & customer service oriented
  • Ready to work in flexible schedule

Service Writer
Requirements :

  • Male, maximum 30 years
  • Minimum education D3, preferably from automotive majors
  • Capable of good English is spoken or written
  • Results-oriented
  • Willing to work with flexible working hours
  • Able to operate Computer 
Warehouse Staff 
[Code: WH]
Requirements :

  • Male, 20-30 years old.
  • Educational background D3/ S1.
  • Have experience in warehousing automotive minimum 1 years.
  • Attention to details, discipline and responsible.
  • Strong customer orientation.
  • Communicative, initiative and able to work under pressure.
  • Proficiency in English (oral & written) with adequate computer knowledge & skill.

Requirements :

  • Female, max. 30 years old
  • Graduated from min. D3 akuntansi
  • Have passion in Harley-Davidson
  • Experience in similar position min. 1 year
  • Able to operate computer & software literate
  • Fluent in English
  • Good looking & customer service oriented
  • Trustworthy, discipline, hard worker, fast learner, able to work under pressure with tight deadline
  • Ready to work in flexible schedule

Staff Recruitment & Training
Requirements :

  • Female.
  • Graduated from min. S1 in Psychology/HR Management from reputable university
  • Proven track record on HR man power planning, selection & recruitment, as well as training & development.
  • Firm in implementing company regulation.
  • A team player who has strong conceptual/analytical ability and good communication skills.
  • Computer literate and proficient in English (oral & written) is essential.
  • Responsible, accurate, has integrity, self motivated, communicative, self initiative, able to work under-pressure, well organized.
  • Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
  • Know about psikotes
For further information please check our web:

If you meet the above requirements, please submit your application with detailed resume and your recent photograph to:


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